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Squaredeal Sten

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Everything posted by Squaredeal Sten

  1. You mean like barrel cactus? But cacti grow slowly, so they are only an emergency water source. If a lot of people relied on them daily they would be extinct.
  2. Seems to me that no one can carry more than a few days' water. Praxians will always carry some water, they aren't suicidal. But survival in the desert in dry seasons depends on knowing where springs and wells are. (There might be no surface water, but aquifers will have water that fell during the wet seasons. On average Prax is not impossibly dry, it's just distributed unequally.) Praxian migrations will be from one to another of these, except for those strong clans who can visit the Zola Fel river.
  3. When I GM'd that I perceived it differently. It is definitely one of the clan children, just one of the named NPCs. And (spoiler) an NPC who has a key role in a later adventure. Not to deny that it may have morphed from its earlier first draft. But if so, ALM found it unsatisfactory in that draft.
  4. Been there myself (in the hobby, not that particular event). You now must be a professor of Hardee's Tactics.
  5. Starter Set already came out in print , Weapons & Equipment proof copy picture was posted a month or two ago. I am an anxious fan as much as you are, and NOT Chaosium staff. But- As far as I can tell the gods book set is being laid out for print and they have said they will not release a pdf earlier. That may not be a policy for perpetuity. I'll bet you a clack it's subject to experience. Looks like Rick Meints has answered you as I type, you lucky dog. My own estimate is that responding to "are we there yet, are we there yet" gets really old after a while and is frustrating in this year of "supply chain issues" & COVID19. Staff may also figure it uses time in which they could edit or otherwise process another release like the Sartar or Holy Country material.
  6. As the sorcerors are heavy on logic rather than ecstatic worship, I would expect a long and didactic sermon. Also, of course, much ceremonious ritual to boost % for sacrifice of MPs.
  7. That's the player agency you said you wanted.
  8. Yes. I can see that a congregation of Daga-ites would be self limiting in size.
  9. However we are role playing a society which does recognize - and in most cases does live - different male and female behavior stereotypes. Which is also human, just look at the RW and history.
  10. Does anyone worship Daga, circa 1625ST? If so what rune magic would Daga give?
  11. I have used (and allowed use of) the Battle skill as an 'evaluate the situation' skill: If we stay here are we going to get massacred? Where is a good place to set an ambush? Where are we likely to be ambushed? Also, of course, as an augment to the outcome when the adventurers are in a large battle.
  12. So then if you want to reach the underworld all you have to do is take a raft to the most chaos infested place in the footprint. Possibly by going up the Syphon River, assumng there are neither rapids nor waterfalls. Sounds like an adventure for a water cultist.
  13. I wonder how printing is going. Or whether that proof copy was acceptable.
  14. You were right, MOB. I had to mark it not-spam, and also had to tell my browser to display images before the confirmaton link worked.
  15. I tried the link twice, and twice was told a confirmation email was coming. No such email has come.
  16. Bill - No, but I'm able to deny that: "HP per round" was the words you emphasized as far as I can see. But what it says is that if you have Heal 2 you can heal 2 hit points per round, not 11. You must be running a fever. Sorry you're ill.
  17. I have never run a sorcerous character, and am not expert on that part of RQiG nor of RQ3. But it occurs to me that the desire for a familiar is a desire to match rune level characters who have an allied spirit. How about instead: When sorcery is written up completely, giving the advanced sorcerer a new and different capability to aspire to? Just as shamans have different capabilities from rune priests? It is a different magical track, after all.
  18. I would like to see a model for a non- youth initiation. Three of my six players in my Zoom game have chosen to be initiates of additional cults in the past year. One started Orlanthi and then joined Issaries after working a caravan in which the merchant wanted everyone to become lay members, so that was a fair natural progression. One started as Lhankor Mhy and then added Orlanth. The third started as Chalana Arroy, became Illuminated and hit the CHA barrier, and has lately added cults to get more rune spells. That's the one for whom I most wish I had a model for a dramatic initiation later in life.
  19. But the existing weapon tables do show different damage by size of weapon, before adding in the damage bonus. Small 1H ax, 1D6+1. Great Axe 2D6=2. Dagger 1D4=2. Greatsword 2D8. Light mace 1D6=2. Two handed mace 1D8+2. Javelin 1D6. spear, long 1D10+1.
  20. Visualize a giant spear: a shaft made out of a small redwood or a straight mature ash tree and a blade made of a ton of bronze. I wouldn't give that the damage of any human sized spear. RQ doesn't have rules for siege weapons but what kind of damage would you give to a battering ram? Then add the ability to impale.
  21. Great thought! Yes one would think that in a society where most of the men spend most of their time plowing and weeding and harvesting, a great proprtion would tend to want some of the ag magic. Rather than leave it to the women. Of course you can always attribute it to culture and sex roles. Or to who has the myths. So in the end YGMV. I await the Barntar entry in the forthcoming gods book. All RQiG gives him is Tame Bull, and he';s not in the (RQ2) cult compendium at all.
  22. Re. " more digestive" my experience differs. Flatbread seems to get stale and hard or brittle a little faster, but when fresh it is very "digestive". I think the difference between cuisines that use a lot of flatbread vs more risen and thicker loaves is both cultural and the availability of ovens. Flatbreads are quick and ovens are slow. It's a matter of which technique you learn from Mama as well as the time and capital invested in oven baking. A crossover is Naan, a Flatbread made in a tandoori. I do agree that oven baking is more suited to centralized large scale production.
  23. There are two alternatives to the oven: First, flatbreads. These just require a griddle of some sort, which may be a flat stone over the fire. Second, baking bread in a covered pot. I have read that the Egyptians baked this way, which accounts for their drawing bread as conical loaves. The pot was set in coals. In the archaeological report I first saw, was said that they made a low walled enclosure and set several pots in that fire. But i see no reason that someone couldn't bake in one or two pots, at a lower scale of production. Here are two references: https://www.sapiens.org/archaeology/ancient-egyptian-bread/ scroll down to the picture of the pot and conical loaf. https://www.persee.fr/doc/paleo_0153-9345_1990_num_16_2_4530 And, by the way, you don't need a baking house for your oven. I have seen outdoor ovens made of mortared stone, dating from the 1700s-1800s, at mission San Juan in San Antonio TX. About waist or chest high, depending on how tall you are, and open at one end. I would guess that they could be blocked up in use to get the most from your heat.
  24. The canon Sartarite norm for rural clans / villages appears to be a multi-nuclear-family longhouse. They are going to be relatives, essentially you live with your brothers, sisters, and cousins throughout your life. When the population of your stead grows enough you build a second longhouse. So I can see your division of labor happening there. The family will decide who cooks. Who weaves. Who watches the children. Etc. Also who is plowing, who herds the sheep, who does carpentry. Cities appear to me to be a different matter. With a shop on the ground floor of an urban dwelling, a crafter may indeed live with extended family if they work in the same or related trades. But unrelated or distantly related apprentices or employees may also live in that house. As for cooking, you might - but don't have to- follow the Roman pattern of an insula without family cooking and street shops where the cooking is done. That is in the Citizens of the Lunar Empire book for Glamour, not Canon but might as well be. I have no idea whether Babylon or Ur followed that pattern. I would like to hear from an archaologist. Another RW pattern that would put more people living in that 15x15m house is outbuildings fior cooking as well as privies. Even just an outside fire or fireplace. Because those buildings take space. In that case my estimate goes up from 5 to 8-10 in the house. Anyway in the 1800s outbuildings for cooking were common in Texas where I live because in summer you don't want to heat the house. I can imagine a similar pattern in Pavis or Sun County. But the Jonstown description referenced above indicates unrelated laborers living many to a room. A more mobile society where poorer laboring members are renters. I will believe a division of labor for cooking but is it the boarding house model?
  25. More food than that. I've read that they imported grain from thr Black Sea area. Yes, modern Ukraine.
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