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  • RPG Biography
    Started paying Basic D&D in the early 80's, then AD&D etc up to Pathfinder. DM's RQ from the early 80's also with RQ2 & RQ3, but took a break from that many years ago and only now just getting prepped to run RQG
  • Current games
    Runequest Glorantha
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    Been paying RPGs since I was 11, now 55 and still going :)

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  1. Does anyone know where things are for Runequest VTT on Foundry or Fantasy Grounds? I had been following the guy doing the FG version, but he seems to have lost interest in completing this.
  2. Scotty's map is much clearer than the Atlas, when I zoom in the smaller names are too blurred to read - is there a way of getting these high res maps?
  3. I agree with Phil's understanding of this, the Battle skill description states 'The Battle Results table shows the results of the engagement for that adventurer. The Experience column lists all the skills that the adventurer may check for experience and possibly improve later (see the Between Adventures chapter).' and within the table results 'Best three weapons and POW experience check.' It seems to me that once you've got your experience checks the improvement roll happens between adventures as normal, I'm not seeing anything about additional improvement rolls
  4. I was prompted to this by a post in the Spells for Odayla thread, and although I've headlined BG the question is really about any of the cults with gender restrictions, including Ernalda and Maran Gor. RQ:G states for Orlanthi there are four sexes and six genders, but some cults still restrict by sex/gender. If a character were biologically male, and gender was a male in a female role (nandan?) Could they join BG, and ultimately make Rune Lady? As a follow up, could a biological female follow Waha - bit more tricky this one as it's not Orlanthi culture. PS - I can't help thinking of Loretta in Life of Brian...
  5. I'd go with a city gods influence/rune spells working to the city boundaries (so including surrounding farmland etc). This might give scope to Pavis worshipers trying to extend\recover some of the old territory the city ruled. Maybe Agrath would initially support this as King of Pavis, but later be against it once his nomad allies start complaining - could lead to some interesting politics..
  6. It's being developed for Fantasy Grounds Unity also
  7. Is it possible to get a pdf of The Coming Storm from anywhere? I have the hardcover but not the pdf 😞
  8. I've had a couple of goes at this also, but I only get the @ symbol - curiously, using David's Word document when I toggle bold off the @ symbol remains but the others vanish, which makes me wonder about the font file itself - I use a W11 PC rather than a mac, if that makes a difference..
  9. I'm not sure I understand this, I thought it required a success to stop bleeding "If the roll succeeds, all bleeding stops and the victim is prevented from dying. If unsuccessful, the user may try again to stop the bleeding in the next round."
  10. Glyph

    Dark Walk

    RBM states Dark Walk defeats Darskee, not Darksense, it's no help in sneaking up on Trolls (I'm sure I remember a quote somewhere along the lines you may cast the spell, but I am of the dark, born and bred to it..)
  11. It's clearer under the Berserker spell description in Red Book of Magic (P16/17) - it also change the relevant stat from POW to CHA
  12. It does only affects Storm Bull cultists, it's down to the associated cult ties between the two cults
  13. P10 - but the repair spell states (in both the core book and Red Book of Magic) P25 - there don't seem to be any metal working tools - not sure if these would these be broken down to general smithing, Tools, weaponsmith, and Tools, armoursmith tools or just Tools, Metalworking P35 - climbers pack & soldiers pack - it would be useful to have individual entries for the items somewhere in the book. For example, a character may want (or may want to exclude) just a grappling hook or an entrenching tool. Dagger-Axe - should this now be a polearm rather than 2H Axe?
  14. Pages 24 & 25 - a lot of the kit is in KG rather than Enc There are a couple of other places where Kg is mentioned, maybe do a search and review/replace?
  15. I think Traits may be the general term for both Passions and Runes - P202 of the core book says
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