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Playtesters wanted -- The Wright Institute


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I'm looking for a few diehard souls to read through/comment on the setting material and BRP rules changes I have come up.

It will be published by Chaosium as a regular distribution book, not a monograph.

The introductory scenario is not done yet. It's written out longhand, but has not been typed in yet. When it's typed it, it'll be about 10k-15k words and need serious playtesting.

What's it about you ask? It's a modern day espionage setting. Think more Bourne and Burn Notice and less Bond...

Post here or PM if interested. I'll see if Triff wouldn't mind setting up a dedicated forum.

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Not equipped to playtest but more than happy to review, comment and kibitz at your leisure.

I wrote all this junk and accept full credit or blame:

Mortal Coils:


Out of the Vault: http://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=395

The Primal State:


Ashes, to Ashes (& soon, Dust to Dust):


Lost in the Lights (coming soon):


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Are you looking to run the game via a play-by-post site like Role Play Online dot net? If so, I'd love to be a player.

If you're looking for folks to run playtest games in their local area, then I can't. I've got a brand new son, so all of my playing is currently play-by-post.

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Are you looking to run the game via a play-by-post site like Role Play Online dot net? If so, I'd love to be a player.

If you're looking for folks to run playtest games in their local area, then I can't. I've got a brand new son, so all of my playing is currently play-by-post.

I'm looking for people who have a group they can either play a game with or at least peruse the rules and look for issues. If you don't have a group, but still want to contribute, you can read the material and offer feedback on rules implementation and such.


I'll get the playtest forum up and running by tomorrow.

Got a blurp for the frontpage now? ;)


I'll get you one shortly. Thanks!

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I'm looking for people who have a group they can either play a game with or at least peruse the rules and look for issues. If you don't have a group, but still want to contribute, you can read the material and offer feedback on rules implementation and such.

Yeah, I'd love to take a look. Thanks.

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Blurb is up:

Believing that the world is driven by the actions of politicians, a higher power, or even the immutable arrow of time is fine for some people. Believing that the news reported on the web, TV, the papers, and around the office water cooler is the whole story, even if that story is a product of spin, is fine for most people. However, most people aren’t aware of the Wright Institute for Global Resolutions, and even those who are don’t realize the role it plays in turning the world, shaping the news, and assuring that the average citizen sees everything in black and white.

The Wright Institute is a modern day espionage setting where the players take on the role of agents for the Wright Institute. It will be published by Chaosium as a regular distribution book. The author of this sourcebook is Chad J. Bowser, aka cjbowser from the forum.

Edited by Trifletraxor

Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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  • 2 months later...

We played a short campaign of Berlin '61 a while back when we first got it... I think the GM intended to work the Mythos into but somehow that never happened and it ended up being a pretty straight 'The Spy Who Came In From The Cold' type of Cold War spy vs. spy thing. Good fun...

So yeah, more BRP espionage please!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

We played a short campaign of Berlin '61 a while back when we first got it... I think the GM intended to work the Mythos into but somehow that never happened and it ended up being a pretty straight 'The Spy Who Came In From The Cold' type of Cold War spy vs. spy thing. Good fun...

So yeah, more BRP espionage please!

Glad to hear B'61 has been played LOL. Good news is that the second monograph has be submitted so hopefully more B'61 fun is on its way. This volume is full of encounters and locations that range from espionage, to sci-fi horror to supernatural terror complete with a introductory adventure.

Plus I plan to write B'61 adventure submissions for the new adventure contest, one as a sci-fi BRP and one for CoC.

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