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Maran Gor and Lodril


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Maran Gor is more or less the goddess of the violent powers of the earth, "Hard Earth", a subset of "Dark Earth (Gor)", etc. 

Lodril is the god of the fire within earth, or as the Pelandans put it in the Entekosiad, "Heat in Matter", as it were. 

Both have some overlapping things, most notably earthquakes, which they are both stated to cause (I forget the literary source on Lodril/Veskarthan on this one, but I'm pretty sure it's in the Sourcebook or Guide). 

Anyway, with such shared affinities, are there any stories of the two interacting in any way? 

(I was considering making them (or rather, cognates of them) a married couple for my North-Pentan Muskox people. Gods of the rumbling and heat from below the Earth, who provide secret insights through hot springs and geysers, but are also quick to anger and can kill with sinkholes and landscape frost heaving, and are the source of many ribald and funny stories concerning their passionate and sometimes violent relationship. This got me thinking about their wider relationship, if any.)

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12 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

Maran Gor is more or less the goddess of the violent powers of the earth, "Hard Earth", a subset of "Dark Earth (Gor)", etc. 

Lodril is the god of the fire within earth, or as the Pelandans put it in the Entekosiad, "Heat in Matter", as it were. 

Both have some overlapping things, most notably earthquakes, which they are both stated to cause (I forget the literary source on Lodril/Veskarthan on this one, but I'm pretty sure it's in the Sourcebook or Guide). 

Anyway, with such shared affinities, are there any stories of the two interacting in any way? 

(I was considering making them (or rather, cognates of them) a married couple for my North-Pentan Muskox people. Gods of the rumbling and heat from below the Earth, who provide secret insights through hot springs and geysers, but are also quick to anger and can kill with sinkholes and landscape frost heaving, and are the source of many ribald and funny stories concerning their passionate and sometimes violent relationship. This got me thinking about their wider relationship, if any.)


Do it!  Put it up on JC!  This looks fabulous!

C'es ne pas un .sig

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6 minutes ago, Ali the Helering said:

Heortling Mythology states "Maran took no permanent husband, just a lover when it amused her". (p20) 

The 'passionate and sometimes violent relationship' of the OP could be even more clearly seen when she throws him out when she is tired of him again!

Hence the secret Earth sub-cult of marriage councillors, Earth worshippers who accept the risk of visiting the god plane to try to sort out the marital disputes of their divinities. Absolute requirement to join is mastery of fast talk and dodge.

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7 hours ago, EricW said:

Hence the secret Earth sub-cult of marriage councillors, Earth worshippers who accept the risk of visiting the god plane to try to sort out the marital disputes of their divinities. Absolute requirement to join is mastery of fast talk and dodge.

"The Mending of The Violent Earth Marriage" sounds like a pretty funny Heroquest to me.

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3 hours ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

"The Mending of The Violent Earth Marriage" sounds like a pretty funny Heroquest to me.

Station names like “the dog house”, “dodging crockery”, “screaming”, “accepting blame”, “presenting flowers and chocolate”. 

But what would the reward be? Or (yikes) the penalty for failure?

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18 minutes ago, EricW said:

Station names like “the dog house”, “dodging crockery”, “screaming”, “accepting blame”, “presenting flowers and chocolate”. 

But what would the reward be? Or (yikes) the penalty for failure?

The reward is of course some amazing makeup earthquakes.

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