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Thirteenth Age Glorantha Creatures

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This thread will hold various creatures as I create them.

Dara Happan Lunar Footman Officer
More experienced, he leads the unit and expects his orders to be obeyed.  He's better aware of the strengths of non-Dara Happans than the rest of his forces.  
Level 2 Leader  [human]

Heartland One-Handed Spear  +7 vs AC - 7 damage

R Brace of Javelins +8 vs AC - 5 damage and the next ally to attack the target gets +2 to hit.  

Command Trooper - He can give one of his actions to an ally within nearby; the ally adds +2 to any rolls he makes when obeying the order.  This uses up whatever kind of action he is giving.  

AC 18
PD 16         HP 36
MD 12

Dara Happan Lunar Footman Veteran
An experienced warrior who has learned more about spear fighting than most people ever will.  But not enough about leading to take charge.  
Level 3 Blocker  [human]

Spear +8 vs AC - 10 damage

  • Natural Even Hit:  He can either pop free from his foe (pushing the foe away) or inflict dazed (save ends).  
  • Miss:  An unengaged ally can move to join him in the engagement as a free action.  

Coordinated Assault - Three Veterans can attack the same target together, using their standard actions.  This is +12 to hit - 30 damage.  Clever players will find ways to break up the formation.  

R:  Hurled Javelin +6 vs AC - 8 damage

AC 20
PD 16         HP 45
MD 12


Dara Happan Lunar Champion
This warrior is strong in the power of one of the warrior gods of the Dara Happans, like Yelmalio.  He is confident of his own superiority to others.  
Level 4 Wrecker  [human]

Spear +9 vs AC - 14 damage

  • Natural Even Hit:  He inflicts 10 ongoing fire damage (save ends)
  • Miss:  4 fire damage  

R:  Arrows of Flame +7 vs AC - 10 fire damage

Resist Fire 12+

Nastier Specials:

  • Anti-Rebel Blessing:  He gains Resist Lighting 12+ if he's expecting to fight storm tribe folk.  
  • Starfall:  1/Battle:  R:  +7 vs PD (1d3 nearby targets):  +7 vs AC - 10 fire damage and 10 ongoing fire damage (save ends)

AC 20
PD 16         HP 54
MD 16



Edited by John Biles
I somehow missed the Dara Happans in the core, so I totally redid these guys!
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For me, this illustrates the weakness of the 13th age system in Glorantha. I want my NPCs to be the same as PCs but run by the GM, so they should have classes the same as PCs do.

Personally, I am not a fan of having NPC Humans, for example, as Monsters, with very reduced stats. I can see how this might have an appeal, especially as they are short statblocks, are easy to describe and are easy to use.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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15 hours ago, soltakss said:

For me, this illustrates the weakness of the 13th age system in Glorantha. I want my NPCs to be the same as PCs but run by the GM, so they should have classes the same as PCs do.

Personally, I am not a fan of having NPC Humans, for example, as Monsters, with very reduced stats. I can see how this might have an appeal, especially as they are short statblocks, are easy to describe and are easy to use.

My own experience is that it makes creating adventures and running them way easier, especially if I have to improvise and PCs being what they are, that's often.

I did full stat blocks in 3E and it basically slowed everything to a crawl on the DMing side of things


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Junior Ogre
Those who eat human flesh soon find themselves on the road of Cacodemon.  And so this man, once a bandit, now hungers for man-meat.  And Cacodemon rewards his hunger.  The most dangerous thing about him is that he still looks totally normal; the chaos is inside him.
3rd level wrecker  [humanoid]

Spear +7 vs. AC—10 damage

  • Miss: The next time the Ogre attacks this battle, it gains an attack bonus equal to the escalation die.

R: Thrown javelin +6 vs. AC—7 damage

Strength of the Foe:  If the Junior Ogre reduces a foe to 0 HP, he heals 12 HP and gains +2 to hit and adds +2d4 damage for the rest of the fight.  

AC 18
PD 16   HP 45
MD 12


Experienced Ogre
Whether he was raised by flesh-eaters or whether he has just survived a long time as an ogre, he now possesses serious power given him by Cacodemon.  And you're next on the menu.  He's smart enough to flee if you hurt him enough, though.  He no longer looks entirely human, though he can fake it for a time.  
6th level wrecker  [humanoid]

Blood-stained Cleaver where the stains form disturbing runes +11 vs. AC—21 damage

  • Even Hit:  10 ongoing damage (save ends) 
  • Miss: The next time the Ogre attacks this battle, it gains an attack bonus equal to the escalation die.

R: Thrown javelin +9 vs. AC—18 damage and stuck (save ends).  He can use this as an opportunity attack if you disengage from him.  

Strength of the Foe:  If the Ogre reduces a foe to 0 HP, he heals 24 HP and gains +2 to hit and adds +2d8 damage for the rest of the fight.  

Minor Chaotic Feature:  Roll one Minor Chaotic Feature.  

Mask of Innocence:  DC 25 to tell he is chaos-tainted, until he attacks.  

AC 21
PD 19   HP 90
MD 15



Chaos Runelord Ogre
Thankfully, ogres of this power level are rare, but you're the sort of hero who encounters this kind of foe, or you need to fire your DM.  He can fake normality but rarely does so, in part because few can stop him.  
9th level Large wrecker  [humanoid]

Knife-like Claws and Teeth +14 vs. AC—100 damage

  • Even Hit:  15 ongoing damage (save ends) 
  • Miss: The next time the Ogre attacks this battle, it gains an attack bonus equal to the escalation die.

C  Spew Stomach Acid +13 vs. PD (against 1d3 nearby targets)—60 damage and 10 ongoing acid damage (save ends).   

Strength of the Foe:  If the Ogre reduces a foe to 0 HP, he heals 90 HP and gains +2 to hit and adds +4d8 damage for the rest of the fight.  

Blessing of Cacodemon:  He can gain other people's powers temporarily be eating them, so you should give him a special power depending on what he last ate or if he eats someone in-game.  You can roll on the table below if you don't have a good idea.

  1. He ate an Orlanthi Priest: C Lightning storm +13 vs. PD (1d3  close or nearby enemies)—50  lightning damage and 10 ongoing lightning damage (save ends).   
  2. He ate a Priestess of Kygor Litor:  R: Ancient spirit strike +13 vs. PD—50 cold damage.,  Natural 11+ against first target: The ogre  can target a different enemy with ancient spirit strike
  3. He ate an Elven Warrior:  R Thorn Shot +13 vs AC - 76 damage and hampered (save ends)
  4. He ate a Dwarf:  Pick a resistance, give it to him at 16+
  5. He ate a Yelmalio Warrior:   His stomach acid attack is now *on fire* and also does 10 ongoing fire damage (save ends)
  6. He ate a Duck:  Once per battle, if he misses a foe who has 50 or less HP, he can reroll the attack and take the second result

Chaos Tainted:  Roll one Minor and one Major Chaotic Feature.  

Mask of Innocence:  DC 30 to tell he is chaos-tainted, until he attacks.  

AC 24
PD 22  HP 360
MD 18

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On 5/16/2020 at 2:58 AM, soltakss said:

For me, this illustrates the weakness of the 13th age system in Glorantha. I want my NPCs to be the same as PCs but run by the GM, so they should have classes the same as PCs do.

Personally, I am not a fan of having NPC Humans, for example, as Monsters, with very reduced stats. I can see how this might have an appeal, especially as they are short statblocks, are easy to describe and are easy to use.

I have exactly the opposite opinion. The fact that Runequest NPCs and monsters have those massive stat blocks, most of which will never be used, is a big turnoff. I prefer systems where NPCs have only the numbers that are absolutely required for when they're interacting with players. Many systems that I enjoy don't use stats for NPCs at all.

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7 hours ago, Lysus said:

I have exactly the opposite opinion. The fact that Runequest NPCs and monsters have those massive stat blocks, most of which will never be used, is a big turnoff. I prefer systems where NPCs have only the numbers that are absolutely required for when they're interacting with players. Many systems that I enjoy don't use stats for NPCs at all.

Have to agree with you there. Saves lots of time and can still have a combat involving fun decisions and lots of flavor with those simpler 13A rules. There is an intricate beauty to RQ monster design - all the spells, allied spirits and tactics they involve - but I no longer have the time and free INT to play that way.

I also love the fact that PC feats are "PC only - no monsters allowed" because it makes the PCs that much more special and heroic.

But again, for those who do so much the better. Go to it!

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Babeester Gor Initiate
This angry woman directs her rage at the enemies of the Cult of Ernalda and at the men who did her wrong and probably a lot of other men as well.  Don't ask about what she's drinking, you don't want to know.  
3rd level double-strength wrecker  [humanoid]

Bloody Axe +10 vs. AC—21 damage

  • Any Hit while she is using the Escalation Die: She now inflicts 5 ongoing damage (save ends)  on the hit

R Stomp the Earth +6 vs PD (one nearby target) - 15 damage and stuck (save ends)

Avenger of Ernalda:  If one of her female allies is injured, she gets to use the Escalation die.  

AC 17
PD 15   HP 90
MD 11



Babeester Gor Devotee
She's bigger and angrier now, but also picks her targets more wisely.  Then they get wrecked.  
6th level double-strength wrecker  [humanoid]

Bloody Axe +13 vs. AC—42 damage

  • Any Hit while she is using the Escalation Die: She now inflicts 10 ongoing damage (save ends) on the hit.

R Stomp the Earth +9 vs PD (one nearby target) - 30 damage and stuck (save ends)

Rejuvenating Rage:  Once per battle, when a female ally is reduced to 0, she immediately pops free and charges to attack whoever did it; if she hits, she does +4d8 damage and immediately heals 45 HP.   (Also, see Avenger of Ernalda below)

Avenger of Ernalda:  If one of her female allies is injured, she gets to use the Escalation die.  

AC 20
PD 18  HP 180
MD 14



Babeester Gor Runelady
She avenges the biggest, ugliest crimes, and is basically a human wrecking machine when she cuts loose.  Don't make her angry.  
9th level double-strength wrecker  [humanoid]

Bloody Axe +16 vs. AC—100 damage

  • Any Hit while she is using the Escalation Die: She now inflicts 20 ongoing damage (save ends) on the hit.

R Stomp the Earth +12 vs PD (1d3 nearby targets) - 60 damage and stuck (save ends)

Crush the Trapped:  Her critical range improves to 18-20 against anyone who is stuck or immobilized or unconscious.  

Rejuvenating Rage:  Once per battle, when a female ally is reduced to 0, she immediately pops free and charges to attack whoever did it; if she hits, she does +8d8 damage and immediately heals 90 HP.   (Also, see Avenger of Ernalda below)  If her blow reduces the target to 0 HP, this power refreshes.  

Avenger of Ernalda:  If one of her female allies is injured, she gets to use the Escalation die.  

Shield of Ernalda:  Pick one Resistance before the encounter at Level 16+

AC 23
PD 21  HP 360
MD 17

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  • 10 months later...
  • 9 months later...

I'm running my players through the Ernalda temple in Korolstead from the Jonstown Compendium, so I need a vough. Here's my go at it re-skinning a Hag. 



By nature, voughs are water-sprites or water-demons in the form of old, blue-, green-, or black-faced hags, with metal claws and heavy, dripping wet robes. They can fight with any weapons, but many prefer to use their claws in conjunction with long barbed whips, magically braided from the skins of their prey. They are obscenely fecund, and periodically give birth to their grisly young — the brollachans. 

RuneQuest: Glorantha Bestiary p. 172 

6th level Spoiler [Humanoid] 

Initiative: +10 

Red Lo-Metal Claws +11 vs AC (2 attacks) — 10 damage
Natural 14+: The vough triggers one hag ability as a free action
Natural 18+: The vough triggers two hag abilities as a free action
(can’t be the same ability twice) 

R: Barbed Rawhide Whip +11 (one nearby enemy) vs AC — 21 damage
Natural 16+: The target is dazed, easy save ends, and pulled to and engaged by the vough 

R: Evil Eye +10 vs MD — 12 ongoing damage, hard save ends
Natural 16+: Attack a second different enemy, vough’s choice, as a free action
Natural 18+: Attack a third different enemy, vough’s choice, as a free action 

Fear: While engaged with this creature, enemies with 30 HP or fewer are dazed and do not add the Escalation Die to their attacks 

AC 21 PD 19 MD 15
HP 108 

Hag Abilities

Choose Two 

Blood Pact: The hag is able to create mystical pacts between creatures, sanctifying alliances between monsters. The hag generally extracts a price from such monsters, such as periods of servitude/slavery that they owe her. Each creature allied to the hag through a pact gains a +2 bonus with their first attack each battle if the hag is present.
Hag Ability: The hag spits blood in the face of the target and makes a command. The target must roll an immediate save; on a failure, as a free action it makes basic attack against an ally or against itself (target’s choice). 

Breath Stealing: The hag enjoys killing sleeping victims by using stealth or subterfuge to get close to them and stealing their breath as they sleep.The hag starts combat with 10 temporary hit points.
Hag Ability: The hag steals a recovery from the target and heals 20 hit points. 

Foul-Touched: The hag is truly horrifying. Swamp-dwelling hags have fish gills and bug-like eyes (and can probably breathe underwater and swim like a frog). Mountain hags have skin studded with rocks. Desert hags look desiccated with sand-like flesh. Winter hags have icicles hanging from their fingers and empty eye sockets. Just looking at the hag’s true form causes mental anguish. When an enemy is battling the hag, at the start of each of its turns, it takes 2d6 psychic damage from the horror of the hag’s visage unless it takes precautions to avoid directly glancing at her terrible face (mirror, blindfold, etc., which might cause attack penalties).
Hag Ability: The hag chooses a nearby enemy and glares at it. That target must roll an immediate save; on a failure, the target is stricken blind by her ugliness. While blinded this way, the target is hampered, weakened, and can’t make ranged attacks. The target can end the effect by splashing liquid into its eyes or using a similar act to clear the ugly out as a standard action. 

Twist the Path: The hag has the ability to muddle the minds of others, causing travelers to wander into quicksand or get lost in dark forests.Once per day the hag can enspell an area to attract visitors, causing those traveling nearby to get lost and wander to that location. Alternately, the hag can cause the location to repel visitors. Finding the correct path to that location requires a DC 20 check if it is a familiar place, a DC 25 check if the travelers only have a map or guide, or a DC 30 check if the travelers are unfamiliar with the area.
Hag Ability: The target is also confused, easy save ends.

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Here's the vough's progeny, the brollachan, just a straightforward mook. Don't forget that the updated grab rules include automatic half damage now. 



These horrid formless beings are the semi-intelligent spawn of the voughs. Their name means “shapeless,” and is a descriptive term. A brollachan consists of merely a shapeless lump of tissue, lacking limbs, fins, or other appurtenances. Their only features are two eyes and a wide, grinning mouth. They can travel over land by oozing and flopping rapidly over the ground. 

RuneQuest: Glorantha Bestiary p. 108 

6th level Mook [Aberration] 

Initiative: +5 

Bite +11 vs AC — 12 damage
Natural 19+: The target is grabbed 

Engulf +11 vs PD — 12 damage, and the target is grabbed 

AC 22 PD 20 MD 16
HP 23 

Mook: Kill one brollachan mook for every 23 damage you deal to the mob.

Edited by AndrewTBP
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Interesting @AndrewTBP. I've used Brollachan in several scenes for games and used the Gateway Bestiary as the basis of the stats but incorporated characteristics from Alan Garner's The Moon of Gomrath where it is a shapeshifter and has powers of possession which makes it a truly terrifying creature. It had no real intelligence of it's own, just a hunger for life and darkness and is best used as a pawn for some other more 'evil' creature. 

I've used it three times with great success, in a Celtic campaign, in Cthulhu and in a Viking campaign in Britain. It was the same group of players and they remain terrified of it and would rather try to avoid it rather than face it. 

On your previous post about Voughs or Hags, it might be good to go back to the Celtic roots. They often appeared in a triple manifestation that were interconnected in some way, such as being sisters (the triple association is a recurring theme in Celtic, Scandinavian and Greek mythology). They would live in swamps, underwater, forests etc as already mentioned and control the environs of their habitation making it hostile to intruders. I seem to recall there was a AD&D (?) scenario in Imagine (?) magazine that described Hags well and had a scenario to show their power with a submersible island in a lake. It also might have been White Dwarf Magazine. Sadly I no longer have the copies of either but if you have access to the article it might help flesh out both creatures. 

It might also be good to look at Baltic mythology creatures such as Leshy, Rusalka and Vodyanoi in Mythic Russia for other ideas to incorporate (or discard)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Moving on to the Chaos gang’s lair, here’s my stab at a headhanger, a reskinning with bits from the werebear too. 



It currently has a respectable collection of broo and scorpion man heads sprouting from its pulpy body. During combat, its heads shriek, spit, and bite at enemies. 

Reskinned from The Spydra (Swords Against Owlbears p. 33) 

Large 7th level Wrecker [Aberration] 

Initiative: +10 

Claw +12 vs AC (2 attacks) — 28 damage.
Critical Hit: The target is grabbed and the headhanger can make a head chop attack as a standard action. 

[Special Trigger] Head Chop +16 (includes +4 grabbed bonus) vs AC (one grabbed enemy) — 56 damage as the headhanger tries to cut off the target’s head and swallow it. 

Shriek, Spit, and Bite +12 vs AC (6 attacks) — 9 damage.
Natural 16+: The headhanger can make another shriek, spit, and bite attack as a free action. 

Decapitate: If the headhanger suffers a critical hit, the attacker may choose — deal double damage as normal, or remove one of the headhanger's shriek, spit, and bite attacks. 

AC 23 PD 21 MD 17
HP 200

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