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What classic CoC supplements would you like to see brought back under CoC Classics?


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So Rick has done an interview with Enworld about the CoC classic Kickstarter and their plans to bring more classic CoC horror back from the grave. He also said they are looking for suggestions on what material to start with.

He has already that old editions of Masks of Nyarlathotep are low priority because of the recent update. Same for Gaslights and Dreamlands so please no asking for those. Obviously the products already in the Kickstarter have been done (for those who aren’t aware, the 2nd edition rules, Cthulhu Companion, Shadows of Yog-Sothoth, Fragments of Fear, Trail of Tsathoggua and The Asylum and Other Tales)

I’ve only been playing CoC since 2019 so I’m just going by what I’ve had recommended or I’ve seen reviews for but I’d like to see:

  • Blood Brothers 1 & 2
  • Spawn of Azathoth
  • No Man’s Land
  • Strange Aeons 1&2
  • Tatters of the King

I’d also like to see things like Tales of the Miskatonic Valley and Adventures in Arkham Country but I don’t know how that would interact with the Lovecraft Country updates Mike has been working on.

I also am aware quite a lot of those things are from the 90s or 00s unlike the Kickstarter stuff but that’s what is interesting to me based on what I’ve read. I also know these are available in PDF but I’m a big fan of dead tree versions and I know these are very likely to go straight to POD rather than regular print runs and Chaosium have said previously that it’s not possible to do a PDF coupon for these due to the increased costs of POD so I’d much rather wait until I could get both at the same time.

oh and finally I’ve heard mixed things about the Secrets of books but knowing my stupid completionist habit I’d probably buy them all anyways… Anyone got further good or bad info on these?


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No Man's Land is a pretty rare one, and WW1 setting has been virtually unexplored ever since, so that'll be a great addition. Tatters is currently on POD at DriveThruRPG so don't know how scarce it really is. Same goes for Spawn of Azathoth, which had a 2004 edition, I think. 

I would love to see Dark Designs and Sacraments of Evil, which are both Gaslight scenario collections. It would be a nice complement to the eventual release of 7E Gaslight. Same goes for The Dreaming Stone campaign for Dreamlands, which is also kind of hard to find nowadays. 

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13 hours ago, AlonsoAguilurk said:

No Man's Land is a pretty rare one, and WW1 setting has been virtually unexplored ever since, so that'll be a great addition. Tatters is currently on POD at DriveThruRPG so don't know how scarce it really is. Same goes for Spawn of Azathoth, which had a 2004 edition, I think. 

I would love to see Dark Designs and Sacraments of Evil, which are both Gaslight scenario collections. It would be a nice complement to the eventual release of 7E Gaslight. Same goes for The Dreaming Stone campaign for Dreamlands, which is also kind of hard to find nowadays. 

Huh I didn't know there were POD Chaosium products on DriveThruRPG. I can find Tatters no problem but not Spawn (I can find it PDF but not PDF) do you have a link? I've gone through all the products available on DriveThruRPG and they have a buncb I'm interested in including original Cthulhu Dark Ages, Miskatonic University, most if not all of the Secrets books and the original Mansions of Madness. Thanks for letting me know these were available!

Is one of those Gaslight books the one with the weird shark like thing on the cover? I wouldn't say no to more of Gaslights or Dreamlands to support those eventual lines but are there only 2 Gaslights and 1 Dreamlands supplements of note? What about anything at all for Dark Ages that could be reprinted?

Speaking of No Man's Land I've been spitballing a linked set of scenarios that start off with the investigators discovering something bad during trench warfare in WW1 then later on having to go back to secure whatever it was to stop the nazis from getting it, just trying to think how to potentially expand it to the cold war. World War 1 could be such an interesting place to set more stuff in.

12 hours ago, AndrewTBP said:

I would like Blood Brothers 1 & 2 also. Not least because 2 of my friends wrote scenarios in those books. 😉

That is very cool. I just read the premise and I was immediately sold on the concept. It appears these were marketed as Non Mythos CoC titles, was that just for these or were there more in the non mythos line? That is something I'd definitely like to see come back as much as I love the mythos it would keep my investigators on their toes if they weren't sure about this during their investigation.

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3 hours ago, glassneedles said:

Is one of those Gaslight books the one with the weird shark like thing on the cover? I wouldn't say no to more of Gaslights or Dreamlands to support those eventual lines but are there only 2 Gaslights and 1 Dreamlands supplements of note? What about anything at all for Dark Ages that could be reprinted?

The "weird shark thing" covered book is Dark Designs, which was a 3-scenario collection for Gaslight (that is a


Hound if Tindalos

by the way.)

There was one other regular release Gaslight scenario collect - Sacraments of Evil - that had six scenarios.  There are a scattering of Gaslight scenarios in others books (most recently in Nameless Horrors, which had 2 I believe) plus licensee materials like The Golden Dawn (very very unlikely to ever be reprinted) and several projects from Stygian Fox (Hudson and Brand, several stand alone scenarios), and a handful of magazine scenarios. Fan-materials add more scenarios, either in older MULA monographs or more recently for the Miskatonic Repository. There was even an all Gaslight issue of the fanzine The Whisperer.

Cthulhu Dark Ages came out during a period of very few products being released in any given year by Chaosium (and the 1st edition was a translation of a German book called 1000AD) so there weren't any regular releases for CDA. Instead there were some monographs (sourcebooks like The Abbey), a couple scenario collections (all Viking-related I think), and a scattering of individual scenarios in monographs and magazines - first in Worlds of Cthulhu and then again more recently in Bayt al Azif. There are only one or two Misk Rep. Dark Ages releases.


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As some who, very fortunately, has a pretty good collection of older CoC books, I'd love to see some genuine rarities included in this reprint drive - for example Australia's Cthulhu Conglomerate produced some great tournament scenarios in the mid 80s to early 90s (a few of which, like "Taterdamalion" were published in Chaosium books). I've only managed to ever pick up one and I've looked (though I found a few outside my budget). On the plus side, most of the people involved are still around (and like Mark Morrison, still making things for Call of Cthulhu).

There was even a list of them in Dagon #25

  • Crack'd and Crook'd Manse [already in Mansions of Madness]
  • Plague Dogs
  • The Bride of Abhoth
  • Black as Coal [published in an Australian gaming magazine]
  • The Dark Continent
  • Haitian Horror [published in Australian gaming magazine]
  • Better Dead
  • His Master's Voice
  • Abhoth Omnipotens
  • In Memory Yet Green
  • Who Mourns for Adonis?
  • Untimely Ripped

Plus a few more from after that article was published...

  • Tatterdamalion [published in Fatal Experiments]
  • The Devil's Children [published by Pagan Publishing]
  • Persons Unknown
  • The Secret of Smuggler's Cove
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6 hours ago, SentinelHillPress said:

The "weird shark thing" covered book is Dark Designs, which was a 3-scenario collection for Gaslight (that is a

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Hound if Tindalos

by the way.)

There was one other regular release Gaslight scenario collect - Sacraments of Evil - that had six scenarios.  There are a scattering of Gaslight scenarios in others books (most recently in Nameless Horrors, which had 2 I believe) plus licensee materials like The Golden Dawn (very very unlikely to ever be reprinted) and several projects from Stygian Fox (Hudson and Brand, several stand alone scenarios), and a handful of magazine scenarios. Fan-materials add more scenarios, either in older MULA monographs or more recently for the Miskatonic Repository. There was even an all Gaslight issue of the fanzine The Whisperer.

Cthulhu Dark Ages came out during a period of very few products being released in any given year by Chaosium (and the 1st edition was a translation of a German book called 1000AD) so there weren't any regular releases for CDA. Instead there were some monographs (sourcebooks like The Abbey), a couple scenario collections (all Viking-related I think), and a scattering of individual scenarios in monographs and magazines - first in Worlds of Cthulhu and then again more recently in Bayt al Azif. There are only one or two Misk Rep. Dark Ages releases.

Thanks for the really detailed reply! After getting into CoC I became really fascinated by Chaosium”s eclectic history of ups and downs. I’m aware of the 2000s downturn and the monographs. I’d also seen the abbey available still on the store in PDF. I keep seeing all these really cool different settings for CoC that don’t seem to be hugely well supported. With Gaslights and Dreamlands they absolutely should reprint these older scenarios around the time they release the 7e versions but I’d really like to see more from them. I don’t know how much of a fools errand that is since the 1920s is the bread and butter of their releases. I really want to see more Dark Age stuff, the 7e book was really well done and I’d like more in that world. 

now that I’ve completely derailed my own topic I’d also like to thank you for the list of more obscure stuff. Im going to go look into those scenarios now 🙂. I just hope CoC classic ends up like RuneQuest where all of the early supplements (minus a few I know) are available again. 

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13 hours ago, glassneedles said:

Dreamlands to support those eventual lines but are there only 2 Gaslights and 1 Dreamlands supplements of note?

As @SentinelHillPress covered most of what's been published for Gaslight and Dark Ages, I just wanted to add that, surprisingly, Dreamlands has had even less support from Chaosium. I can only think of The Dreaming Stone as a direct supplement. Sure, you can go there in


Spawn of Azathoth

and there are occasional scenarios in old collections and some write-up about it in the Kingsport sourcebook, but not much else. You could also look at ArcDream's The Sense of The Sleight-of-Hand Man campaign. 

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10 hours ago, AlonsoAguilurk said:

As @SentinelHillPress covered most of what's been published for Gaslight and Dark Ages, I just wanted to add that, surprisingly, Dreamlands has had even less support from Chaosium. I can only think of The Dreaming Stone as a direct supplement.

So (and for anyone at Chaosium reading this I'm not trying to complain or whine just express my wish for more in each setting) in 7e, I'd say we have had 3 distinct other settings and one smaller one

  • Pulp Cthulhu - 2 campaigns completely designed for it, a scenario collection on the way and the 4 scenarios in the book. Also a lot of the newer books have stats or at least advice on making it pulp.
  • Down Darker Trails - 1 setting/campaign book with another on its way plus the 2 scenarios in the book.
  • Cthulhu Dark Ages - 3 scenarios in the book.

I'm counting Reign of Terror as the smaller one, I liked the book enough that I would like to see more stuff set in 1790s-1810s France it was a fascinating time and I hope we see more of it.

Pulp Cthulhu and Down Darker Trails have had pretty good support and I don't have much to complain about with them. I do hope that more stuff is in the works for both of them. 

I may be getting a bit ahead of myself since Dark Ages only came out last year and using Down Darker Trails as a model there is 2 years between releases but I really really want more stuff set in this era, the book itself was fantastic and I think it could really go places. 

The same will almost certainly apply to Gaslight and Dreamlands when they are out and I hope that the previous scenario packs can fill some of the gaps in this.

OK to move it back onto topic how about a collection of adventures previously featured in older versions of books such as Gaslight and Dreamlands? We've had updated books like Terror Australis but I don't know if there were any scenarios in the previous version that didn't make it into the new one. Chaosium could release a PDF/POD book that contained all the orphaned scenarios if there are enough. I know there was a scenario missing from the Chaosium version of Harlem Unbound but I imagine there might be issues with this one in particular.

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If I get a vote it would be for Sacraments of Evil. Between it and what else Chaosium and Stygian has coming out we would have a good suite of gaslight stuff.

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I'd love to see the Blood Brothers books resurrected, perhaps as a combined volume. There's a paucity of non-Mythos adventures for the game, and these should be useful for new Keepers (along with Pagan Publishing's Coming Full Circle and Bumps in the Night).


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