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Just now, Nick Brooke said:

Er, I was talking to @g33k, not you.

I figured you making a very reasonable observation that there are many people on this forum (and on other forums - let's face it that is just part of social media) that are fond of making unsupported speculation on whatever strikes their fancy!

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17 minutes ago, Jeff said:

I figured you making a very reasonable observation that there are many people on this forum (and on other forums - let's face it that is just part of social media) that are fond of making unsupported speculation on whatever strikes their fancy!

A very large portion of the internet [that which isn't pet tiktoks and porn] is gasbags venting their nonsense.  And I'm not even gonna act like sometimes I'm not one of the gasbags. I like to think I'm intellectually honest enough to admit when I'm wrong, that's not for me to judge.

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28 minutes ago, Jeff said:

Just because some people do it here a lot doesn't make it any less annoying or irritating. If people want to creatively engage with the setting and let their fancy and imagination run wild with Glorantha, go for it. That's gaming and creation and imagination in action. But people - please don't do the same when speculating what I personally am working on or complaining that I am not working on something. That's my job.

I value the ability to directly interact with people on this forum, but that is the sort of thing that makes me think about not interacting at all here.

Well, Jeff, that's why I just came right out and asked what I thought was a valid question. I'd seen a lot of speculation, a lot of grousing, a lot of 'WTF' and thought that asking the question would inform me of some of the problems so that I would have a more reasonable set of expectations.

And that's what I got, in spades. Like I said, I appreciate the honest and open discussion of what the production issues are, the explanation of the 'why-for'.

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I am starting to collect both Call of Cthulhu and Runequest material at the same time (small collection of only 100 books right now, but CoC and RQ make up about 20-25% of it.)

I have to say from a fanboy of all things Call and a new player of Runequest, these books are just different beasts. Call of Cthulhu is at it's best when it is giving us new scenarios and campaigns, although the setting books are fantastic for writing our own campaigns (as I just hit year 8 in a long running Call campaign)

Runequest on the otherhand drew me in a few years ago because these books are jam packed with amazing lore, art, and mechanics (one of my players is adamant of starting a whole journey from student - Shaman and that has been going on for a long time). Each book coming out makes me want to explore the world more so then go on epic adventures over and over and over.

Even though horror is my #1 genre of choice, I must say that the Runequest releases EXCITE me more. I know that not only am I getting a book of new rules and mechanics, I am getting a deeper look at the life in Glorantha. The slow release schedule honestly helps this feeling, like anticipating the next episode of a long running show.

I think what is setting runequest apart from other big publishers fantasy games is that every book is solid and isn't overwhelming with releases that are just retconning or changing things because "the release schedule must be continuous!" I genuinely appreciate the amount of effort and time Chaosium is putting into these books.

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Hopefully no one got too carried away with my list. 

Lots of things are helpful, useful, and even excellent for Glorantha releases.  Even more Prax and Pavis material, despite that fact that these are incredibly well covered already. 

The reason I would like "completed" RQ:G Sorcery rules is simply because I thought I had the Sorcery rules in RQ3, but there has been a significant reworking of the mechanics.  Game Mechanics changes are not easily dealt with if a player wants to go down that route.  IIRC I looked at Darkness Rune based sorcery some time ago, with the idea of making up a Muse Roost based sorcerer, and there just wasn't enough in the RQ:G book to do this.  Again, from memory, something like 3 spells related to that rune or such.  Since then it has been posted on this form that the rules are incomplete, and aimed at Dragon Pass sorcery users.   Now I can make things up or plug in RQ3 Sorcery, but there is little chance that it matches whatever is being done in-house, so that's a problem for me.  I totally lost track of which supplement this might be in, or how far out.  I am assuming 2023 at best.

The big "Boy King" type campaign book was announced already, so I knew it was in the works.  I found the Pendragon campaign book astonishingly useful, nearly invaluable honestly.  Something like that for the Hero Wars just takes off a huge burden as a GM.

Heroquest rules are pretty much a meme at this point.   However......as a GM,  I think the main thing is to push meaningful character development.  If you can pull this off, it is huuuuuuuge for the role playing experience.  No rules or framework will replace this.  The player(s) have to feel it.  That's the important part,  and the hard one.  Help accomplishing this is of course welcome, but I've tempered my expectations.  What I'm really looking for is "what the NPC's do" for Heroquests, if that makes sense.  The PC's might do it a different way, and will face different challenges, but establishing Heroquests as part of the setting is what I basically want.   That would include crossing over to the "other side", the different places they may go, different ways they might get there (including accidentally), and ideally -- how their relationship to the various gods might be changed.  I don't like that my players often define themselves by the Rune spells that they have, and once they hit Rune level, I like to use Heroquests as an opportunity for the player to define the character as more than a "devoted worshipper of this god or another", and to really come into their own as a Hero

I don't have current plans to run a campaign in the West, or Pamaltea, or the Eastern Isles, or Kralorela, but these remain interesting places that are ripe for adventure, among others.  And they just provide a unique, non-Dragon Pass/Prax point of view on things that sometimes helps a lot.  Really a content creator with a passion for a place is far superior than a "connect-the-dots" type coverage of various locals.  And I DO want the Lunar Empire, and Lunar Tarsh covered before more further afield.

And let's not forget Muse Roost and that fun little mercenary company, either.  🙂


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On 6/16/2022 at 3:17 AM, Dissolv said:

The reason I would like "completed" RQ:G Sorcery rules is simply because I thought I had the Sorcery rules in RQ3, but there has been a significant reworking of the mechanics.  Game Mechanics changes are not easily dealt with if a player wants to go down that route.  IIRC I looked at Darkness Rune based sorcery some time ago, with the idea of making up a Muse Roost based sorcerer, and there just wasn't enough in the RQ:G book to do this.  Again, from memory, something like 3 spells related to that rune or such.  Since then it has been posted on this form that the rules are incomplete, and aimed at Dragon Pass sorcery users.   Now I can make things up or plug in RQ3 Sorcery, but there is little chance that it matches whatever is being done in-house, so that's a problem for me.  I totally lost track of which supplement this might be in, or how far out.  I am assuming 2023 at best.

I wouldn't worry too much about whether your Darkness sorcery matches what comes out in the future. According to the official publications so far, there's at least 3  very different versions of a thing that is categorised into one thing called 'sorcery' - but they operated under very different mechanics. There's 'standard' (ie, Western) sorcery, which Lhankor Mhy has a variant (after it's been through the Alien Recombination Machine) - so I expect those two to be pretty much in sync. Then there's Mostali Sorcery, which operates similarly to Western, but has very clear and obvious differences (ie, different Techniques are used, and you can expend POW). And finally, Lunar sorcery, which is unlike the other 2 completely, which manipulates spirit magic. (Of course, perhaps there's going to be two versions of "Lunar sorcery", one which is basically Western/Carmanian, and the other which affects spirit magic).

I would presume that over the millenia, "sorcery" has twisted and turned in vastly different ways since it was first brought into the world.

And when the "complete" sorcery rules, again, they will only be a facet of what's actually available, and won't be the be all and end all, as there will always be exceptions to the rules. There's always someone somewhere who has figured out a different way to do things.

Meaning that you can come up with your own version of Darkness sorcery, and while it will be a housrerule, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! I seriously doubt there's going to ever be any official publication of what "Darkness sorcery" is like... ever!

Figure out what you want it to do, then determine ways (techniques) for how it can be done... simple!

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