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Do we have details about the future releases?


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If I remember correctly, you mentioned something about talking about the future releases once the RoL has been officially unveiled. 

Can you already tell us what products are in the pipeline, other than the "USA supplement"? Are there any adventures, adventure collections or adventure campaigns planned? I'm all open for setting / rules supplements, but what I'm really interested is are adventures 🙂

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Very pleased to hear that. My only reservation so far was just having one short scenario in the core book. Personally, I'd love to see something like Doors of Darkness (CoC), aimed partly at newer GMs (which hopefully this will bring in) with boxed out advice, and that shows us a variety of ways of doing Rivers scenarios. And if they have elements that string together into a little campaign, that'd be lovely. One great advantage of Rivers is that the scenario hook is easy – the next case lands on your desk. For me, this is a priority over the US book - surely cousins over the pond, you want to play in the streets of London for change 🙂

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Fair enough, it's not like I won't buy the US book - how could I not? It sounds very promising then, for a scenario book to be with us soon. 

I'm assuming a video of the launch will be released in the next week or so, as has been done for other such events. Rather than pester you here, I'm happy to wait for that to find out about future goodness. 

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7 hours ago, Lynne H said:

There are plans for at least one collection of UK-based scenarios.

Great to hear that. I prefer to have adventures / adventure campaigns for new settings to help me get into them. In this case I haven't read the novels yet (it's on my to-read list now, but that list is pretty long and I don't have as much time to read as I used to have), so they will definitely help.

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On 12/19/2022 at 1:07 AM, vonpaulus said:

From my point of view the scenario bool are of little interest because being pre-made they kill the payers creativity. 

IME, good scenarios don't stifle the players; they just take a load off the GM's shoulders, do a bunch of the "heavy lifting," so to speak.
A good GM can usually customize most scenarios to better fit the PC's at the table.

"Bad" adventures (railroad-y, telegraphing, too-random, etc -- there's a plethora of (potential) flaws!) can be a problem.  I expect Chaosium to have a mix of pretty-good to excellent scenarios in any collection they publish, but no real "stinkers."

n.b. very-intro "learning curve" adventures are an exception, where a somewhat linear/railroad-y plot, and simple challenges, are OK... even desirable.

As I understand it, the RoL RPG is aimed at new players... even brand-new-to-RPGs players.  Plenty of scope to toss 'em into the deep end of the sandbox, once they'be got the n00b scrubbed off them!


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  • 3 months later...
On 12/6/2022 at 11:31 AM, Lynne H said:

The reason the US book will be first is that it's all the goodness we couldn't fit into the core rules! (It's already written and just needs a final editing polish and artwork to go with it)


So, the impatient part of me is wondering when this might be released? Do we have any idea on the schedule for this?

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On 5/4/2023 at 7:32 AM, Lynne H said:

... I steadfastly refuse to tempt the gods of publishing by projecting any release date!

On 8/30/2023 at 4:40 AM, Silverfoxdmt73 said:

Is there any chance this will be before 2024?

It looks to me like Lynne has already explicitly refused to answer this question (apparently for fear of incurring negative attention from the demi-monde).


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On 8/31/2023 at 11:32 PM, g33k said:

It looks to me like Lynne has already explicitly refused to answer this question (apparently for fear of incurring negative attention from the demi-monde).


Sounds a bit like a Thursday Next cross-over.

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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