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Has anyone played Godtime Runequest?


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It wasn't Runequest, but I was part of a very short-lived HQG adventure where we were all Helerings sometime during the flood. From what I remember it involved lots of over the top descriptions, heroic speeches, and bollywood-level action. I don't think Runequest would be great for that type of game, but something more like Six Ages could be fun. I'm not going to try and get into the weeds of how the lack of time as we understand it might affect things, but I feel you could just ignore that and still have a fun time playing in a world of living gods and active creation.

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51 minutes ago, Richard S. said:

It wasn't Runequest, but I was part of a very short-lived HQG adventure where we were all Helerings sometime during the flood. From what I remember it involved lots of over the top descriptions, heroic speeches, and bollywood-level action. I don't think Runequest would be great for that type of game, but something more like Six Ages could be fun. I'm not going to try and get into the weeds of how the lack of time as we understand it might affect things, but I feel you could just ignore that and still have a fun time playing in a world of living gods and active creation.

A world where everybusybody is a superhero! 😛

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2 hours ago, bronze said:

I wonder anyone has played Godtime, not as the landscape for a random heroquest, but actual setting where players live, breath and die?

From the standpoint of the contests between the gods, Petersen Games' The Gods War, somewhat fills that niche as you get to have the rival pantheons compete for dominance and see who wins during the Great Compromise. 

But outside that, no, have not tried it as a setting.

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I have played a couple videogames set in Glorantha’s God Time: 😛



They can be used to run a campaign with RuneQuest! 

Read my Runeblog about RuneQuest and Glorantha at: http://elruneblog.blogspot.com.es/

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I would think that a lot of the mortal denizens of Godtime Glorantha would have been unaware of being in a landscape of myth. They would be hunting, tending their fields or rice paddies, guiding their herds, and bask in the presence of their deities as they sing their support.

For players, this might still be Uncanny Valley writ large as the seed or ploy the goddess' body in their pursuit of the harvest. If they choose to  perceive the goddess as humanoid - which can be great and evocative, but divinity might as well manifest as a fertile field, or a field that needs weeding or irrigation.

There would be a sense of prgress in Godtime. Illlusionary time as per CoRQ Mythology - the individual narrative progress through the fabric of myth. And definitely a real experience of the cycles, accumulating cycles of harvest, cycles of sharing festivals or feasts with the deity, and individual progress through mortality. After all, these mortal ancestors of modern day Glorantha did live, multiply, and die.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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36 minutes ago, Joerg said:

I would think that a lot of the mortal denizens of Godtime Glorantha would have been unaware of being in a landscape of myth.

Or as the Nysaloreans put it, “Holmes knows that he is in Watson’s stories, but does he know that he is in Conan Doyle’s?”


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12 hours ago, Joerg said:

I would think that a lot of the mortal denizens of Godtime Glorantha would have been unaware of being in a landscape of myth...

As opposed to a landscape of... what else, exactly?
That was the entirety of Glorantha, then; not some separate thing you had to Heroquest to get to.

C'es ne pas un .sig

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7 hours ago, g33k said:

As opposed to a landscape of... what else, exactly?
That was the entirety of Glorantha, then; not some separate thing you had to Heroquest to get to.

As opposed to traveling and journeying within that structure, like going to the Battle of Stormfall from the start of the Vingkotling Age.

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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