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Water book cults

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3 minutes ago, theconfusingeel said:

I meant specifically gods of seas, that's why I mentioned Banthe and Sshorg, I knew about Wachaza but i was trying to find more water warrior god.

Warlike gods: plenty. Every river and current deity brings its own abrasive force into contact with the land and air that it invades. But that is feeding and harvesting as much as it is warfare. Sshorg is the prototype river, the forerunner of Togaro, the Ocean of Terror that drowned southern Vithela. A powerful antigod in Vithela, reduced to the ancestor of the rivers who was tamed first by Orlanth, then by Murharzarm's workers, becoming Oslira. Then Orlanth broke Oslira's spine (by dropping Sh'Harkar'Zeel's spine across it).

While Oslira returned to their older glory as one of the standing waves covering much of central Genertela, she and her neighboring seas gave up much of their power to birth Worcha.

The birth of Worcha, the Raging Sea, was the culmination of Sea Warfare in the Storm Age. Worcha pummeled the Storm defenses of what would become Vingkot's Kingdom with raw elemental power.

Banthe (out of the Manthi tribe IIRC) was worshipped by a sea-going culture that conquered parts of Brithela/Danmalastan during the Fourth Action (which includes the Great Flood). Banthe's spawn Neliom was overcome by Zzabur when the sorcerer pitted its force against the fires of Mount Ladaral, destroying that (pesky) fire mountain in the process, in another contest between raw elemental powers, with the side effect of Sogolotha Mambrola receiving fiery energies formerly controlled by Ladaral.

  Another successful war leader of the seas is Lorion, aka Sky River Titan, aka Engizi, who invaded the Sky World, then drowned Korang the Slayer at the Skyfall Lake, then joined the forces of Magasta to encapsulate and sear away the Chaos Rift.

We have the short cult of Engizi in the Core Rules, and information in the cult of Heler in the Lightbringers volume. There isn't much left in the way of a warrior god.


Another choice might be the Triton and Storm ancestors of the Triolini, or  the Zabdamar. But summoning the Kraken or other monsters from the deep seems to be many a sea worshipper's idea of warfare.


3 minutes ago, theconfusingeel said:

thinking about it, Drospoly and varachulanga might also be worshiped by merman warriors(thought drospoly might be a ty kora tek type god, hopefuly we get more on him in the water book). Manthi provides shield so he might be a warrior too.

Merman warriors - probably depends on the type. The warlike Malasp of Jrustela and Umathela venerate Drospoli but follow the Mer-king Terthinus of the Deep (of unknown ancestry). The Ludoch south of Genertela have a Mer-king of their own, of the two populations in the East Isles at least one follows the Mer-king Ermanthver, and another Mer-king unites the Marthino Ludoch IIRC.

Ysabbau would be typical followers of Wachaza, but ready to ride and use monsters from the Deep. The Waertagi with their semi-living Dragon Cityships do so, too, in a way.

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21 minutes ago, PaulJW said:

Tsankth got a full write up in Gods of Glorantha (god of pirates), so I'd expect to see that one make a come-back. 

Tsankth is another warrior sea god - largely in the East, but a deity of rapacity, piracy, and barracudas.


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12 minutes ago, PaulJW said:

On that basis, the probable shoe-ins for the water deities cults book will be:  Magasta. Choralinthor, Dormal, Engizi, Oslira, Triolina, Wachaza.  That's not as many as appear in the other three cults books out so far, so I expect they will add to them.  However, those would be the ones I'd say are for virtual definite.  Clues to possible others might lie on the genealogy of the water deities on p126 of Mythology (possibly...). 

Phargon/Mirinthe will probably be a series of seven Daka Fal style ancestor cults.

Tholania might be quasi-Hsunchen.

Manthi will be a Sea King lording it over the sea gods who would be as effective as the land goddesses.

I originally thought Daliath a Knowing God but I think Nelat will be more prominent in Merfolk religion.  

About the only other major cult that I can see would be Lorion who seems to be a different God than Engizi (I know the Orlanthi think he is the same but his runes in the Prosopedia - light, water and movement - don't sound like Engizi)

12 minutes ago, PaulJW said:

Others we might see (as they made it into RQ3 Gods of Glorantha) would be maybe some of the East Isles gods (Lumavoxoran, Hobimarong, Saliligor all got short write ups and were all water related).  Tsankth got a full write up in Gods of Glorantha (god of pirates), so I'd expect to see that one make a come-back.  

I think these Gods will end up in a Cults of the Eastern Isles or whatever it's called.  

12 minutes ago, PaulJW said:

We might well get Zola Fel, as that one has been written up before in some detail.   

I think so too.

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2 minutes ago, metcalph said:

About the only other major cult that I can see would be Lorion who seems to be a different God than Engizi (I know the Orlanthi think he is the same but his runes in the Prosopedia - light, water and movement - don't sound like Engizi)

gods can have different runes depending of the way they are worshiped, for example malia only has a chaos rune when worshiped b chaos creatures, when propiated she's just :20-element-darkness::20-power-death:
I don't know wether the Engizi variant and the Lorion variant of the cult have different spells, but they're the same god

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Posted (edited)

If I had to take a guess at the line-up for the water cults book, I would say:

Magasta. Choralinthor, Dormal, Engizi, Oslira, Triolina, Wachaza. Zola Fel 

I'd call all these as dead certs.

However, that is only 8.  The other cults books, thus far, all have write ups for around 14-16 cults.  So, there will be another 6 to 8 to add to that list.  My best guess for what those would be is the following:

1.        Brastalos – sea storms & psychopomp

2.        Daliath – wisdom  (I reckon that one is probably a shoe-in, given the Well of Daliath exists, it would be just plain rude not to include it) 

3.        Drospoly – death and decay in the ocean depths

4.        Golod – fish father and god of ugliness

5.        Twin Fishers (Pelaskos & Poverri) – fishing gods important to Orlanthi living around the Mirrorsea

6.        Nelat - purification

7.        Iphara - sea fog

8.       Tholaina - queen of sea beasts

A real curved ball might be Waertag.  I think its unlikely but it would be an interesting one.  That said they might put it in to add some colour & it would be an opportunity to spill some interesting beans on this now near-extinct iconic First Age race.

Edited by PaulJW
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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, PaulJW said:

If I had to take a guess at the line-up for the water cults book, I would say:

Magasta. Choralinthor, Dormal, Engizi, Oslira, Triolina, Wachaza. Zola Fel 

I'd call all these as dead certs.

However, that is only 8.  The other cults books, thus far, all have write ups for around 14-16 cults.  So, there will be another 6 to 8 to add to that list.  My best guess for what those would be is the following:

1.        Brastalos – sea storms & psychopomp

2.        Daliath – wisdom  (I reckon that one is probably a shoe-in, given the Well of Daliath exists, it would be just plain rude not to include it) 

3.        Drospoly – death and decay in the ocean depths

4.        Golod – fish father and god of ugliness

5.        Twin Fishers (Pelaskos & Poverri) – fishing gods important to Orlanthi living around the Mirrorsea

6.        Nelat - purification

7.        Iphara - sea fog

8.       Tholaina - queen of sea beasts

A real curved ball might be Waertag.  I think its unlikely but it would be an interesting one.  That said they might put it in to add some colour & it would be an opportunity to spill some interesting beans on this now near-extinct iconic First Age race.

I feel like zola fel will be left to the prax book. The twin fishers are at most spirit cults, and the same goes for iphara.
The one you missed is Murthdrya, who apperantly has a write up

Edited by theconfusingeel
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On 5/7/2024 at 3:48 AM, metcalph said:

MANTHI - God of the Waters of the World.  Basically Sea version of the Land Goddesses

I'd expect this more as gods of the various individual waters, with minimal detail on how they differ, but yes. With a spell here and there attributed to an associated ancestral water deity. 

On 5/7/2024 at 3:48 AM, metcalph said:

PHARGON - The Merfolk Ancestors.  Basically Daka Fal (We will have had the Knowing God repeated three times) but with blurbs for Por Janks, Er Gankst etc to get the founders of the Seven Kindreds.

Yes, though I expect the different ancestors of the different kindreds to differ only minimally. 

On 5/7/2024 at 3:48 AM, metcalph said:

ZOLA FEL  - The Lightbringers Book has two Hunter Gods so another River God isn't going to make me scream.

I expect this to end up in a Prax/Pavis book - perhaps Lands of Glorantha: Prax


 Brastalos, Daliath, Drospoly, Murthdrya, Nelat, Tholaina, and Triolina

I really appreciate that many of these are new, and have not had a cult writeup before, and will represent a huge increase in our knowledge of the sea pantheon. Brastalos has previous been written up only as an associate of Magasta, Triolina is likely very different to her description in RQ3 Gods of Glorantha, as her two really interesting spells have been given to Mastakos instead, and I think Murthdrya we mostly just know as an associate cult too. That leaves four that are pretty much entirely new. 


On 5/7/2024 at 12:33 AM, Joerg said:

The Missing Lands had some more material on the genealogies of the waters. No idea how much of this (like Bab the Food Goddess, aka Ga/Gata) will be struck from canon.

Deities with important genealogical roles but few distinct worshippers tend to turn up as Associate Cults that provide a spell or two, but without a full writeup. Gata is a good example. 

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