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What computer games are you playing?

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I'm mostly playing Elite:Dangerous at the moment, I'm on an expedition around the galaxy, got about two thirds of the way so far since October. Two alts back in the bubble but not active.

I sometimes play Dyson Sphere Program, but I don't really have a game that is active at the moment.

I also play Tribes on the iPad but that's just a simple mindless distraction game.

Games that I have played quite a bit, that I might go back to but are currently dormant: Minecraft, Minecraft with various modpacks, Iron Brigade, GTA V.

Games that I don't play any more: World of Warcraft. Still boycotting until I see significant evidence that the culture has changed, and still seething that Kotick got such a nice golden parachute.

Looking forward to: RuneQuest, GTA VI.

Edited by PhilHibbs
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Only Civ VI at the moment, but I am setting up a small Intel based server, partially so that I can spin up a Windows VM to gain access to more of the Steam catalog... Gladius is one that I've wanted to play, and I want to get back to Close Combat: Gateway to Caen, and also pick up Panthers in the Fog.


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The Outer Worlds has gotten a lot of traction in my home recently, even though it was already sort of an oldie by the time I discovered it.  It's a pastiche of Firefly + Fallout and it scratches the itch that I've had for Starfield that can't be scratched due to platform exclusivity.  TOW is pretty, but lacks that totally open sandbox feel and endorphin reward/reinforcement of Skyrim (and presumably Starfield).  Given the amount of meat-time that I've devoted to Skyrim in the last decade, that's actually a good thing.

I stopped playing Civ VI because I found myself falling into exactly the same strategies that I developed playing I and II back in the '90s with exactly the same outcomes.  My Aztec Empire will always reduce the planet to radioactive cinders.  I'm a creature of habit -- mea culpa.


Edited by Ian Absentia
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Apart from playing World of Warcraft with my son (retail; it has been on the backburner for a while now until the next expansion hits, I guess), the recent Machine Age patch brought me back to Stellaris (which is bearable only because of a mod I wrote to mitigate the changes of 3.3). I do so love me some robotic galaxy sanitizers, cleansing the stars from the stain that is organic life. 🤖

This past year, Enshrouded managed to pique my interest. I don’t normally play survival games, but this one is cleverly done, has a nice story, and is really pretty to look at. The building system is just gorgeous.

I‘m currently contemplating whether to go down the rabbit hole of The Crust, a story-driven factory automation game on the Moon with some added economic simulation. But since it’s still early access, I feel no pressure to make a decision just yet.

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8 hours ago, foolcat said:

Stellaris (which is bearable only because of a mod I wrote to mitigate the changes of 3.3).

One of the things I love about Paradox as a company is that when you buy a game, you get a new one every six months or so!  Almost like being Gregged...

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