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where are the classic 'starter' scenarios?


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I just realized that The Haunting isn't in the 7th ed. book. I was wondering if there was a repository for intro adventures from the rule books. Yes, I know The Haunting is in the quick-start book (thank you Chaosium), but what about the other 6th ed. scenarios, like Edge of Darkness, Dead Man's Stomp, and The Madman. 

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Well its such an easy convert from 6E to 7E that it'ld be a moot point with most experienced GMs.

However I agree that it would be handy to have a collection of classic scenarios in one or two volumes, with some new art and 7E stats. Great for GMs who enter the fray from here on.

I expect it's low on the priorities

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I'm sure they're tired of hearing what we want updated and reprinted, but a "best of" short scenario collection would be on my list. One of the most common questions I see is what good one shots to run. The answers are one scenario from here, another from there, and some are out of print, others you're buying a good sized book of "meh" for one jewel. 

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The 'classic' starter scenarios are basically the ones that were contained in the core rules of previous editions: The Haunting, The Edge of Darkness, Dead Man Stomp, etc 

The 7E has a couple of adventures, but not really that great, so yes, Doors to Darkness is the best place to go now.   


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Black Gate Magazine talks about Alone Against the Flames:

"Just settle in a comfy chair with some lucky dice, open the book, and follow the instructions. It dumps you right into the story and teaches you the game as you go..."


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