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Argan Argar Rune Magic and Subcults (Home Brew)


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So here's my Home Brew version of Argan Argar. I took a lot of liberties with this, more than maybe any other cult, because I was trying to create a version of Argan Argar that was more akin to Orlanth or Ernalda or other Great Gods. Argan Argar is the preeminent god of darkness among humans, especially in the Holy Country, Kitor, etc. and in my mind he's a lot more than just a trade god. He's the god of surface darkness. He enslaved Lodril, his cult ruled Empire of Darkness for centuries and survived the God Learners and the EWF. So while he has the trader god aspect most Sartarites are familiar with, there's a lot more to him. Enjoy. YGMV.


(Troll God of Survival, Lord of the Surface Darkness, the Shadow King)

Argan Argar is the Troll God of surviving on the surface world.  He taught trolls how to move in the light and deal with surface races.  He is sometimes called the Shadow King.  He has aspects which govern rulership, war, trade and diplomacy. 

Most humans outside the Holy Country only encounter Argan Argar in the form of Troll trade caravans lead by worshipers of the trader aspect, which creates a general misunderstanding that Argan Argar is merely a merchant god.  Argan Argar is one of the few troll gods with a large contingent of human followers and his cult dominated the Holy Country before the arrival of the Pharaoh.  Unusual among Darkness gods, Argan Argar also allows trollkin to worship him freely.  His runes are Darkness and Harmony. Argan Argar allied spirits are generally bound into a spear or a piece of obsidian.

CULT PERSONALITY SKILLS:  Clever, Politically Savvy, Avoid Blame, Cool

CULT SKILLS:  Scout (Terrain), (Non-troll Species or Culture) Lore, Read/Write (Darktongue)

CULT SPIRIT MAGIC:  Darkwall, Detect Magic, Glamour, Protection, Mindspeech, Silence, Shadowshot (2), Shadowblade (4), Vigor.  Argan Argar’s specialty spell is Protection.


Shadowshot  (Battle Magic, 2pts) When cast upon a missile, the next attack with that missile does 3d6 cold damage instead of normal weapon damage.  Shadowshots cannot impale.

Shadowblade  (Battle Magic, 4pts) When cast upon a melee weapon, that weapon does 3d6 cold damage instead of normal weapon damage for the duration of the spell.  Shadowblades cannot impale.

CULT RUNE METALS:  Lead, Obsidian

Obsidian is sharp black glass magically hardened to metallic strength.  Cutting weapons made from obsidian are considered magical like runemetals and are +1 to damage.  Armor made from Obsidian counts double against fire or heat or light based damage that allows armor and still counts as armor against fire attacks that do not normally allow armor.



(available to all worshipers regardless of subcult)



DARKVISION (Rune Magic, Touch, Duration = 6 hours, 1 pt.)  Grants the target full vision even in complete or magical darkness.  This spell does not cancel blindness or other negative sight modifiers from sources other than darkness.  If cast on a creature that already has Darksense, this spell removes all penalties the creature receives from daylight.



RESIST FIRE (Rune Magic, Ranged, Instant, Stackable, 1 pt).  Each pt of the spell adds 25% to Resistance checks vs Light or Fire related spells (any spell cast using the Fire rune) or against Fire Elemental attacks and provides 2 AP vs magical fire damage (such as Fireblade or a Salamander’s Damage Aura or Sunspear) or natural fire damage.

SURVIVE Anywhere (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt)  This spell gives the caster +100% to a single check of World Lore, Scout (Terrain) or similar skills for the purposes of finding a safe route through difficult terrain, setting up a safe camp, finding appropriate food, or similar feats.





Edited by RHW
Corrections and retractions
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Could you elaborate a little on obsidian as a Rune "metal" in your Glorantha? In particular, I'm curious if you play being able to forge it into certain items--particularly large ones, like swords or armor--and if it has special properties when enchanted like the other Rune metals.

Also (and this is more finicky than important IMO) you note Resist Fire giving a bonus to resistance against spells like Sunspear, but Sunspear doesn't have to overcome POW. I describe this as not super important because I feel the spell would just apply its AP against Sunspear instead (even though magical protection usually doesn't apply).

Jonstown Compendium author. Find my publications here. Disclaimer: affiliate link.

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4 minutes ago, Crel said:

Also (and this is more finicky than important IMO) you note Resist Fire giving a bonus to resistance against spells like Sunspear, but Sunspear doesn't have to overcome POW. I describe this as not super important because I feel the spell would just apply its AP against Sunspear instead (even though magical protection usually doesn't apply).

It is described as given +2 APs per point, so I'd apply that to SunSpear, even if SunSpear normally ignores armour (can't remember if it does).


Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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15 minutes ago, soltakss said:

It is described as given +2 APs per point, so I'd apply that to SunSpear, even if SunSpear normally ignores armour (can't remember if it does).

Normally does, but yeah I agree that's how I'd play the spell. I'm more trying to make a comment on RHW's phrasing because

16 hours ago, RHW said:

Each pt of the spell adds 25% to Resistance checks vs Light or Fire related spells (Such as Sunspear)

is technically inaccurate since Sunspear isn't in that category of spell.

Like I said though, due to the AP boost this is more a proofreading thing than a "It doesn't work! fhdiaofnrjaln" thing.

Jonstown Compendium author. Find my publications here. Disclaimer: affiliate link.

Social Media: Facebook Patreon Twitter Website

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3 hours ago, Crel said:

Could you elaborate a little on obsidian as a Rune "metal" in your Glorantha? In particular, I'm curious if you play being able to forge it into certain items--particularly large ones, like swords or armor--and if it has special properties when enchanted like the other Rune metals.

Detailed under Vestkarthan but I will add it here too.


3 hours ago, Crel said:


Also (and this is more finicky than important IMO) you note Resist Fire giving a bonus to resistance against spells like Sunspear, but Sunspear doesn't have to overcome POW. I describe this as not super important because I feel the spell would just apply its AP against Sunspear instead (even though magical protection usually doesn't apply).

Good catch, will fix.

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Time for some subcults!


(Master of Fire, Troll God of Smiths)

Argan Argar captured and enslaved Lodril, the volcano god. However, he treated his slave mercifully and was able to learn many of his secrets. Argakarthen is a son of Argan Argar who was Lodril’s guard and apprentice.

Fire-Eaters of Argan Argar famously sprinkle all their food with crushed red Caladra peppers grown near the Vent, though it is not known if this is a ritual requirement or an affectation.

Most troll smiths worship this subcult.

Argakarthen’s Rune Lords are called Forge Lords. They must have 90% in Craft (Metal) and 90%+ in four additional skills chosen from: Spear, 1H Blunt, Any Parry, Craft Fire, Craft (Metal), Craft (Obsidian), Evenhanded, Cool, Sneak, Hide, Listen, (Enemy Species) Lore, Devise or Conceal. They must have Mythology (Argan Argar) at 50%+. They must know both Ignite and Extinguish.

CULT PERSONALITY SKILL: Boastful, Impulsive, Evenhanded

CULT SKILLS: Craft Fire, Volcanic Thrust, Craft (Metal), Craft Obsidian

CULT SPELLS: Ignite, Extinguish



FIRESPEAR (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt.) Replaces Spear damage with 3d6 Fire damage. Each additional pt adds +1d6 Fire damage.

HEAT METAL (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt.) Heats one metal item. 1 pt heats normal bronze enough to make it warm to the touch. Two points make it soft enough to work and makes weapons and armor unusable. Touching or wearing an item affected by 2 pts of heat metal does 1d6 damage per round to the appropriate location. 3 pts melts the item. Touching a melted item does 2d6 pts of damage to the appropriate location for a single round. Rune metal is twice as difficult to heat as normal bronze. If the object is inhabited by a spirit, the caster must overcome the spirit’s POW. If there is more than one spirit bound into the object, the highest POW applies and each additional spirit adds +1 to the defending POW. Each enchantment on the weapon also adds +1 POW to the resistance. If a weapon has no bound spirits but is enchanted, the total number of enchantments act as the weapon POW. NOTE: Touching a weapon or armor in combat requires an attack at DEXx5 and may be dodged.


IGNORE HEAT (Rune Magic, Touch, 1 pt) Allows the target to ignore the debilitating effects of extreme (non-magical) heat.

SWALLOW FIRE (Rune Magic, Ranged, Stackable, Instant, 1 pt)  Allows the caster to inhale and swallow up to 1 cubic meter of fire or 1 size rating of Fire Elemental without taking any damage. 1 pt is enough to snuff out a Fireblade or a single point of Firespear or swallow a Small Fire Elemental.  Fire Elementals resist with a POW vs. POW roll. Each additional point allows twice the amount of nonmagical fire to be swallowed (2 cbm, 4 cbm 8 cbm etc), swallows a size category higher of Elemental or adds +25% to the resistance roll. 


ENSLAVE LOWFIRE (Rune Magic, Ranged, 3 pts.) The target of this spell must be an initiate, Rune Level, or creature of Lodril, Vestkarthen, Caladra, Mahome, Oakfed or any other “low” Fire God (Fire Gods without Sky/Sun connections. Elmal, Yelm and Yelmalio are all “high” Fire Gods). If the caster succeeds in a resistance roll, he can give a single command to the target which must be obeyed, unless the command requires the target to directly harm himself or his allies. Commands may be short term (“Retreat from this Battle,” “Aid me in this Battle,” “Burn down this Forest!”) or long term (“Forge Me a Weapon,” “Build Me a Palace”) Very specific, short term commands must be executed immediately. The more long term or vague the command, the more latitude the target has in fulfilling it. NOTE: Fixed INT creatures, such as Salamanders, may be commanded to fight for the caster.

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The best known aspect of Argan Argar among Sartarites, the trade god subcult:


(Troll God of the Trade, Barter and Dubious Goods)

Bolgargar is a son of Argan Argar who stole the concept of trade from Issaries. Troll merchants are famous for peddling slipshod trollkin-made goods at low prices, overcharging for items of true value, and for selling things that are illegal, immoral, or extremely difficult to obtain. Issaries worshipers resent Bolgargar Black Marketers for the theft of Issaries’ skills, a crime which trolls embrace with pride.

Bolgargar is the most commonly encountered subcult of Argan Argar and the one most humans think of as when they think of Argan Argar.

Trolls use lumps of lead called Bolgs as currency, but few others accept the coinage. A Bolg is worth approximately 1/100 of a Lunar. Black Marketers will happily accept any form of currency, though they prefer small unmarked coins.

Bolgargar Rune Levels are Priests called Black Marketers. They must have Bargain at 90%+ in addition to regular requirements.


CULT SKILLS: Bargain, Evaluate, Appear Harmless, Organize Market, Organize Caravan, Talk Around Subject, Speak (Foreign Language)

CULT SPIRIT MAGIC: Mobility, Detect Silver, Detect Lead



IDENTIFY OBJECT (Rune Magic, Ritual, Touch, 1 pt.) This spell identifies the material components and bare material value of a single touched item. It does not identify magical features of the object, just its material nature. Furthermore, value is given only in terms of materials and workmanship, without account for historical or political or religious significance or any magical features. EXAMPLE: “This is a gold crown. It is made of 6 ounces of gold, 1 large ruby and 2 large sapphires. In workmanship and materials, it is worth approximately 5000 silver.” Identify Object would not reveal that the crown in question is the former crown of the god Pavis and is thus priceless to the Pavis cult, nor would it reveal that the crown contains a matrix for Summon Large Gnome.

REASSURE STRANGER (Rune Magic, Ranged, 2 pts) If the caster overcomes the POW of a non-chaotic sentient being, the person is reassured that the caster and her friends (a group of people no larger than the Caster’s POW/2) are more-or-less peaceful and friendly in nature. The target will be wary, but will not attack the caster or her friends for the duration of the spell. If the target is attacked, the target will defend and the spell will end. Reassure Stranger has no effect if hostilities have already been initiated (offensive spells cast, melee or missile attacks made). Additional castings of Reassure Stranger will have no effect if the spell has been broken by an attack. Attacking a person under the effect of this spell is not offensive to Argan Argar.

UNDERSTANDING (Rune Magic, Ranged, Stackable, 1 pt.) If the caster overcomes his target’s POW (or if this spell is cast on a willing target), he and the target will be able to communicate perfectly, as if they speak each other’s native language. Each additional pt doubles the number of targets. All targets must be in range at the time of casting and must be able to speak.


SHADOWY PROVENANCE (Rune Magic, Ritual, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt) This spell masks the origin of items, making it difficult or impossible to ascertain their history, either by skill or magic. Knowledge or similar spells automatically fail if cast on an item affected by Shadowy Provenance. Lore skill checks are -100% in difficulty. Each point of this spell affects one large item or up to 1 kg of smaller identical items. Each additional point doubles the number of items or kilograms targeted, so long as all affected items are roughly identical. This spell lasts a number of days equal to the magic points spent during the ritual.

SHADOWY VALUE (Rune Magic, Ritual, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt) This spell masks the value of items, making it difficult or impossible to ascertain their true value, either by skill or magic. Identify Item or similar spells automatically fail if cast on an item affected by Shadowy Value. Evaluate skill checks are -100% in difficulty. Each point of this spell affects one large item or up to 1 kg of smaller identical items. Each additional point doubles the number of items or kilograms targeted, so long as all affected items are roughly identical. This spell lasts a number of days equal to the magic points spent during the ritual.



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A subcult that is suspiciously similar to Lodril the Spear. The wargod aspect of Argan Argar:


(God of Spears)

Argan Argar stole the secret of making and wielding spears when he defeated Lodril. He taught trolls and especially trollkin how to use the spear. Argan Argar is often portrayed in troll art as a spear chewed from obsidian or holding a spear in his right hand. Ezkankekko's son Kenkagor was the greatest spear wielder among his followers, and now heads his warrior subcult. The famous Troll Legion, a mercenary troop from Dragon Pass, worships Kenkagor.

NOTE: Unlike most spear-users, followers of Kenkagor rarely fight in formation, relying instead on raids, ambushes, and guerilla warfare.

Kenkagor’s Rune Lords are called Spears of Darkness. They must have 90% in 1h or 2h spear and 90% in four additional skills chosen from: Any Parry, Dirty Fighting, Lunge, Set Ambush, Cool, Orate, Sneak, Hide, Scout (Terrain), Listen, (Enemy Species) Lore, Conceal, Craft Traps, Guerilla Warfare or (Enemy) Tactics. They must have Mythology (Argan Argar) at 50%+ and have at least five skilled Spearmen willing to follow them into battle.


CULT SKILLS: Dirty Fighting, Set Ambush, Lunge, Craft Trap, (Enemy) Tactics, Guerilla Warfare

Dirty Fighting (Attack Skill) As a combat action, the attacker throws dirt in the eyes of his opponent, spearbutts them in the ‘nads, kicks them in the knee, or otherwise inflicts a minor but debilitating injury. Attack roll is limited by Dirty Fighting or Unarmed Combat, whichever is lower (Unless both skills are at 90%+, in which case Dirty Fighting is no longer limited). On a successful attack, this skill reduces the parries and dodges of the target by Dirty Fighting/5 for a number of rounds equal to penalty. This reduction applies to all attempts at parry or dodge, regardless of the attacker. This skill only works against targets that are alive and have discernable anatomy. Alternatively, this skill may be used to augment a single attack using normal augment rules, resolved the attackers normal unarmed combat SR. If the attacker has enough SR remaining, they can attack using the augment the same round. Unlike normal augments, this can be used once a round.

CULT SPIRIT MAGIC: Bladesharp, Mobility


FIGHT HUMAN (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt). Each pt of the spell gives the target a +10% to hit and +2 to damage and +10% to resistance checks vs. Humans.

FIGHT MOSTALI (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable 1 pt). Each pt of the spell gives the target a +10% to hit and +2 to damage and +10% to resistance checks vs. Mostali.

FIGHT ALDRYAMI (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt). Each pt of the spell gives the target a +10% to hit and +2 to damage and +10% to resistance checks vs. Aldryami.

PIERCING SPEAR (Rune Magic, Touch, Non-stackable, 1 pts). Doubles the crit and impale chance of the targeted spear.

REACHING SPEAR (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt). Each point of this spell allows the wielder of the affected weapon to make melee attacks 1 additional meter away with no penalties.



FIGHTING RETREAT (Rune Magic, PBAE = 50 meters, 2 pts.) This spell targets members of a military unit, hero band, or fyrd who are pledged to follow the caster. The caster gives all followers within range a bonus equal to the caster’s Tactics/5, Dirty Fighter/5, Guerilla Warfare/5 or other applicable Skill/5 to Parry and Dodge so long as the both target and the caster also uses at least one SR to move away from the enemy.


SPEAR OF ICE (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt). Replaces Spear damage with 3d6 Ice damage. Each additional pt adds +1d6 Ice damage.



DARK ESCAPE (Rune Magic, Self, Instant, 3 pts) The caster vanishes into darkness. This is essentially a teleport spell which can be activated even when the Spear of Darkness is dead, unconscious or incapacitated, so long as he is near a shadow or patch of darkness. After his miraculous escape, the Spear of Darkness reappears at a time and place of the GM’s choosing (generally the closest safe spot to the place where he escaped). NOTE: Damage is not healed by this spell and if the Spear is dead when activated, he remains dead on arrival.

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(Survivor and Explorer)

Thorktor Thon was a hero of Argan Argar from the Dawn Age. She explored the surface world and made many friends and allies.

Rune Levels of Thorkthor Thon are called Darkwalkers. They must have 90%+ in Dodge or Any Parry and 90%+ in four additional skills chosen from: Any Weapon Attack, Dodge or Another Parry, Appear Harmless, Cool, Fast Talk, Orate, Sneak, Hide, Scout (Terrain), Listen, (Species) Lore, Conceal. They must have Mythology (Argan Argar) at 50%+ and must have traveled at least 100 miles from their home and returned safely.

CULT PERSONALITY SKILLS: Friendly, Appear Harmless

CULT SPIRIT MAGIC: Mobility, Spiderclimb

Spiderclimb (Spirit Magic, Touch, Variable) Each point of Spiderclimb adds +10% to Climb skill for the duration of the spell. With a successful Climb roll, the target can move at her full movement rate while climbing. If the target is under the effect of at least 1 pt of Spiderclimb per 5 SIZ pts, the target may climb on inverted surfaces or ceilings without penalty to Climb roll. (1pt = SIZ 1-5, 2pts = 6-10, 3pts = 11-15, 4pts = 16-20, etc)


FIND COMMON GROUND (Rune Magic, Self, 24 hours duration, 2 pts). The caster gains divine insight into the nature of the needs and wants and fears of the people around her (within 50 meters). For the next 24 hours, she receives a +50% to all Knowledge and Personality skills used to strike a treaty, resolve a dispute, or otherwise find common ground with the people around her.

GO WITHOUT FOOD (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt) Each pt of Go Without Food allows the target to function normally for 24 hrs without food or drink. (Cannot be extended with Extension)

GO WITHOUT SLEEP (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt) Each pt of Go Without Sleep allows the target to function normally for 24 hrs without sleep. (Cannot be extended with Extension)

IGNORE PAIN (Rune Magic, Touch, 1 pt) Allows the target to ignore the debilitating effects of pain for the duration of the spell. Target automatically succeeds in all attempts to be heroic and act despite wounds.

IGNORE HEAT (Rune Magic, Touch, 1 pt) Allows the target to ignore the debilitating effects of extreme (non-magical) heat.

IGNORE WOUND (Rune Magic, Touch, 1 pt) Cast on a single wound on a still living target. The targeted wound can be ignored for the duration of this spell. It does not count against total HP, injured or lost limbs are restored to function. Once the spell expires or is dispelled, the full effect of the wound returns.

UNDERSTANDING (Rune Magic, Ranged, Stackable, 1 pt.) If the caster overcomes his target’s POW (or if this spell is cast on a willing target), he and the target will be able to communicate perfectly, as if they speak each other’s native language. Each additional pt doubles the number of targets. All targets must be in range at the time of casting and must be able to speak.



DON'T HURT ME (Rune Magic, Self, 3 pts) The caster cannot be targeted by attacks or spells by anyone for any reason while this spell is up. This effect fails if the caster attacks anyone or casts any kind of offensive spell. Area of Effect damage or spells can still hit the caster, but she may resist, parry, or dodge normally.


Edited by RHW
Fixed spell write-up for Spiderclimb.
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(God of Caravan Guards, Thiefcatchers, and Secret Police)

Xenemborth was the name Argan Argar took when he went to steal back things which had been unjustly taken by his enemies. This subcult also provides caravan and market security for Argan Argar merchants. In the days of the Kingdom of Night, this subcult provided the police that kept the peace. There are persistent rumors that the subcult functions as a secret society dedicated to bringing back the Kingdom of Night.

Rune Lords of Xenemborth are called Hands of Night. They must have 15+ POW, 50%+ in Mythology (Argan Argar), 90%+ in Sneak, 90%+ in Hide, and 90%+ in three of the following: Sneak Attack, Cunning, Persistent, Search, Darksense, Track, Listen, (Species) Lore, Evaluate, Interrogate, Secretive

CULT PERSONALITY SKILLS: Cunning, Persistent, Secretive

CULT SKILLS: Sneak Attack, Interrogate

Sneak Attack (Manipulation Skill):  Must be used along with a melee weapon attack. Roll the weapon attack normally. If the result is a success and also below the Sneak Attack skill, the damage done ignores all physical armor including natural armor and armor enchantments. Magical armor still applies. Usable only when attacking a surprised or sleeping or helpless opponent or when attacking from a flanking position. Can only be used with a light melee weapon (Dagger, stiletto, rapier, main gauche, sai, light club, sap, etc.) Taught by various thieves guilds and cults. 

CULT SPELLS: Detect Gold, Detect Silver, Detect Lead, Silence


FOLLOW TRAIL (Rune Magic, Touch, 1 pt.) When cast upon a set of tracks, this spell provides +100% to all the caster’s Tracking rolls for following that particular trail.

IDENTIFY THIEF (Rune Magic, Ranged, 1 pt.) This spell only works if something has been stolen from the caster or a caravan, market, or merchant he’s been hired to protect. This spell makes the thief glow with alternating red and blue lights and creates a low whooping noise around him (if the thief is in range). If there is more than one thief, the closest thief is affected. If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the glow and sound persist for 15 minutes. Otherwise, they last for 1 melee round.

SENSITIVE HEARING (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt.) Each point of this spell adds +25% to the target’s Listen rolls for the duration. This spell also boosts Darksense Scan and Darksense Search rolls.

REVEAL SECRET (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pts.) The caster must touch a person or an object. She learns one secret thing about his target if she overcomes the target’s POW (if applicable) with a Resistance roll. Each additional pt allows one more secret to be revealed or adds +25% to the chance to overcome resistance. The GM determines the secrets learned randomly. If the caster wants to learn a specific secret (“Who killed Colonel Mustard?”) the spell is consumed forever (treat as One-Use.)


DETECTION BLANK (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt.) This spell prevents the target or her possessions from registering on any detection spell. One pt is sufficient to prevent most detection spells, but additional points may be stacked to protect against more powerful spells with a detection component, such as Warding. Note that Countermagic does not prevent detection.

LEAVE NO FOOTPRINTS (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt) The caster leaves no footprints or fingerprints behind, not even in snow or mud.

NO SCENT (Rune Magic, Self, 1 pt) This spell makes it impossible to detect the Hand by scent.



BECOME SHADOW (Rune Magic, Self, 3 pts.) The caster and his possessions become insubstantial shadow. The caster may move normally along any surface (including up walls or over water) at his normal movement rate without terrain penalty. The caster may move through cracks or keyholes or anything else short of a solid wall. The caster may not speak, cast spells, or attack in any way while shadow. The caster is inaudible, completely invisible to Darksense or Earthsense, is effectively invisible to normal vision in the dark or in shadow, and is extremely difficult to see in mixed lighting conditions (Spot or Search requires a special success). The caster can hear and see normally while in shadow form.

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Among the Dark Storm tribes like the Kitori and Torkani, and among many city-dwelling Esrolian clans, Argan Argar replaces Orlanth as the default male god and husband of Ernalda. Thus, several important subcults of Orlanth are also subsumed into Argan Argar's Allfather aspect. The following subcults have the same skills, spells and secrets as their Orlanth Allfather counterparts, but are considered subcults of Argan Allfather for Dark Storm tribes:


DROGARSI THE SKALD, God of Music. Drogarsi who follow Argan Argar use huge drums instead of bagpipes.



NISKIS THE LOVER, Argan Argar as the Troll god of love

The most "adventurous" of the Dark Storm cults is Starkvarl the Weaponthane. Usually a subcult of Orlanth Allfather, but presented here as a subcult of Argan Allfather. He can also be worshiped as a subcult of the main Argan Argar cult.


(God of the Fyrd)

Starkvarl is the god of the fyrds, the local militias which defend clan lands (tulas) in Orlanthi lands or clan properties and neighborhoods in Esrolia. His magic is slightly different when worshiped as a subcult of Argan Argar.

Starkvarl Rune Levels are Rune Lords called Fyrdthanes. They must have Mythology (Argan Argar) or Mythology (Thunder Brothers) at 50%+ and 90%+ in Fyrd Tactics and 4 cult skills at 90%+. Skills can be chosen from Any Weapon Attack, Any Parry, Battle, Dodge, Mythology (Argan Argar), Ambush, Run, Hide, Orate, Scan, Sneak, Proud, (Enemy) Lore, Clever, or Scout (Terrain).


CULT SKILLS: Ambush, Fyrd Tactics, Mythology (Thunder Brothers)


CONCEAL FYRD (Rune Magic, Ritual, PBAE = 30m radius, Duration = Special, Non-Stackable, 3 pts.) This spell allows the caster to make his entire fyrd invisible and inaudible in a dark or shadowy area. Conceal Fyrd takes 15 minutes to cast. It lasts until any member of the Warband attacks after which the spell immediately expires. The area of effect is fixed on the caster and any member of the warband leaving the AE becomes visible and audible. If they return to the AE before the spell expires, their concealment returns.


FIGHT GIANTS (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt). Each pt of the spell gives the target a +10% to hit and +2 to damage and +10% to resistance checks vs. Giants.

FIGHT INVADERS (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt). Each pt of the spell gives the target a +10% to hit and +2 to damage and +10% to resistance checks vs. Invaders. This spell only works on the Fyrdthane’s home tula, neighborhood, or property.

FIGHT MOSTALI (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable 1 pt). Each pt of the spell gives the target a +10% to hit and +2 to damage and +10% to resistance checks vs. Mostali.

FIGHT ALDRYAMI (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt). Each pt of the spell gives the target a +10% to hit and +2 to damage and +10% to resistance checks vs. Aldryami.

TRUESPEAR (Rune Magic, Touch, Stackable, 1 pt) Doubles the damage from the touched spear. 


COMMAND FYRDMAN (Rune Magic, Ranged, Stackable, 1 pt.) If this spell overcomes resistance, commands a single follower of the caster to obey a simple order (Stand and Fight! Charge!). Commanded Fyrdmen will follow commands that put their life at risk, so long as death is not absolutely certain. So they can be ordered to stand and fight or charge, but will not jump off a cliff or slit their own throats. Each additional point doubles the number of targets.

MUSTER FYRD (Rune Magic, Ritual, Range = 10m x Ceremony skill radius per point, Instant, Stackable, 1 pt.) This spell must be cast from a hearth, shrine or temple in the caster’s home territory. It informs all fighting members of the Fyrdthane’s clan to arm themselves and rally to a specific point as quickly as possible. It may only be cast in times of emergency and anyone using it frivolously will be attacked by Spirits of Reprisal. Multiple Fyrdthanes can pool their uses of Muster Fyrd to extend the radius, but in this case, only a single rally point can be designated.

RALLY FYRDMAN (Rune Magic, Ranged, Stackable, 1 pt.) Removes all Fear and Demoralize or other negative morale effects from the target and makes the target immune to such effects for the duration. Additional pts double the number of targets (so long as they are in spell range.)

WORSHIP THUNDER BROTHERS (Rune Magic, Ritual, 1 pt.) Allows the caster to perform a worship service for all the Thunder Brothers, regardless of main cult.



I FOUGHT, WE WON (Rune Magic, PBAE = 50 m, 3 pt).  Once each round until the spell expires, during statement of intent, the caster can aid either the Attacks, Parries, or Dodges (pick one per round) of every single ally in the AE with an appropraite skill/5. Appropriate skills include Ambush, Battle, Fyrd Tactics, Proud, Orate, or Mythology Argan Argar. 

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Here are the subcults I didn't get around to statting out. Kelisara is a solid healer cult, so I should have done that one. Ganamar and Gultraz are a bit too specialized I think.


(God of Overseers and Trollkin Handlers) 

Ganamar is one of Argan Argar's sons; it is he who keeps the trollkin in line and trades them between clans where necessary.



CULT SKILLS: Cow Trollkin

CULT SPIRIT MAGIC: Demoralize, Fanaticism

MASTERY RUNE MAGIC: Assess Trollkin, Command Trollkin, Enchant Manacles, Heal Trollkin, Increase Trollkin's Stamina

DARKNESS RUNE MAGIC: Protect From Sunlight

GANAMAR’S SECRET: Frenzy Trollkin



(Goddess of Diplomacy)

Gultraz is a darkness spirit who loved humans so much that she became their intermediary with the Uz. She and her cult try to smooth over conflicts between the two races and emphasize their common ground. Worshippers include nobles, heralds and other non-merchants who deal with Uz.


CULT SKILLS: Arbitrate, Remember Precedents

DARKNESS RUNE MAGIC: Act Like Uz, Eat Like Uz, Inspire Uz, Intimidate Enlo, Placate Uz

MASTERY RUNE MAGIC: Appear Strong, Reach Compromise

GULTRAZ’S SECRET: Shapechange to Uz



(Goddess of the Sheltering Night)

Argan Argar's daughter spreads her cloak to protect the virtuous from the cruel burning light of the sun.


CULT SKILLS: Treat Burns, Craft Healing Poultice


DARKNESS RUNE MAGIC: Banish Fire Spirit, Cool, Extinguish Flame, Fight Light Worshipper, Silence Sphere, Resist Light Magic

HARMONY RUNE MAGIC: Exorcism, Healing Sleep


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Two hero cults of Argan Argar follow. Unlike more expansive subcults, a character can join a hero cult by fulfilling the membership requirements, adhering to any cult geas or restrictions, and sacrificing for the hero cult spell, which counts as part of their main cult RP pool.


(Troll Ruler God)

Before he was killed by the Pharaoh, Ezkankekko, the Only Old One, a son of Argan Argar, ruled what is now Holy Country from his Obsidian Throne on the Shadow Plateau. He provided ruler magic to his administrators and sub-chiefs in the Kingdom of Night. But since the death of the Only Old One, these magics no longer function, a fact which cripples the unity of both the Kingdom of Night trolls and their former human allies, the Darkness worshipping Kitori and Torkani tribes.

Ezkankekko has been reduced to a hero cult and provides a single spell:

MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: Sacrifice a single item of iron.

GEAS: Use no iron


CURE IRON BURN (Rune Magic, Touch, 1 pt.) When cast simultaneously with another healing spell to heal damage done by iron, this spell provides all the necessary magic points.



The Husband-Protector hero cult celebrates the many Husbands of Ernalda and her divine daughters. The most famous Darkness Husband-Protector is Kimantor, the husband of Norinel and protector of Nochet during the Great Darkness, an incarnation of the Only Old One. His larger cult is worshiped by the Esrolian military, the Kimantorings and is similar to Kenkagor.  Orlanth, Elmal (or Yelmalio), Rozgali the Sea, and Vestkarthen (Lodril) all have similar subcults.

CULT REQUIREMENT: Be a Rune Level of Argan Argar or one of his aspects or children. Marry a Rune Level of Ernalda or one of her apsects or daughters.

CULT BEHAVIOR: Members of this hero cult always wear a wedding ring on their left hand. In the Holy Country they may claim the title “Sir.”

DISADVANTAGES: Subject to all Husband-controlling magic provided by Ernalda.


SPELL PROVIDED: Dismiss Elemental (All Types but Earth)



Edited by RHW
More lore!
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7 hours ago, RHW said:

Two hero cults of Argan Argar follow. Unlike more expansive subcults, a character can join a hero cult by fulfilling the membership requirements, adhering to any cult geas or restrictions, and sacrificing for the hero cult spell, which counts as part of their main cult RP pool.


This Hero Cult celebrates the many Husbands of Ernalda.

I'd suggest you name that cult "Kimantor".

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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Last bit for Argan Argar:



SUNGLASSES: Argan Argar Forge Lords know secret techniques for creating darkened lenses called Sunglasses, aka Shades aka Cheaters. These are precious items usually reserved for Rune Levels of Argan Argar or important dignitaries. Wearing Sunglasses gives the wearer a +5% to his Bargaining, Fast Talk, Cool, Shady and similar skills. Since they are made from enchanted Obsidian, they cost 1 POW to attune, detect as magical, and are suitable binding objects for Allied Spirits. A pair of Black Sunglasses runs about 1000 guilders* or 100,000 bolgs. Forge Lords manufacturing Black Shades include Rehbahn the Wayfarer, Sir Pierce-Soul, and Oakfed Lee.

Recently Rehbahn the Wayfarer perfected a technique for making Rose-colored Sunglasses, originally for members of the Red Earth Alliance. After recieving a pair as a gift, Moonson himself frequently wears them, making them all the rage with the Lunar nobility and become a very profitable export. Rose-Colored Glasses can cost up to 2000 Lunars.

The latest innovation in Sunglasses are highly reflective, silvered lenses called Mirrorshades. They’re made by a Forge Lord named Reava’ and range in price from 1000 to 2000 Lunars. They’re popular with the supporters of the Old Earth Alliance in Esrolia.

Dara Happans, Yelmics, and Yelmalians despise Sunglasses of any kind.


*This is the cost of one encumbrance of crafted rune metal, including iron, in my Glorantha. YGMV. Adjust as appropriate.




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  • 4 years later...
On 5/18/2019 at 4:01 AM, soltakss said:

You should put all of your cults in a PDF.

Some of them are going in my series. This is a gold mine of awesomeness that I am delighted to be allowed to investigate! Just this moment discovered the Dorasing smuggler's cult I was going to have to invent myself this week :)


Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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I don't think I saw these going forward...

I like them!  I think making AA a major god is a pretty substantive "Vary" in your YGWV, but that's OK (mine varies at least as much).

I note the separate Parry skills -- are you running a RQ2 game, or did you just import that element into your RQG homebrew?

Alsom, I would be very, very careful with effects that double on successive rune-point stacking... recursive doubling may take the numbers into places you didn't expect.

Edited by g33k
(also: Necro!!! )

C'es ne pas un .sig

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