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Baron Wulfraed

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Everything posted by Baron Wulfraed

  1. You missed page 184 under "sacrifice" (italics mine) So, assuming a character with basic Worship skill (5% base, typical +20% from cult initiation, +5 for skill/characteristic bonus => 30%), 2MP required for Worship, 7 additional MPs for %increase, gives one a total %age of 100 -- you'd have to really fumble the roll to fail. For many characters most of the MP sacrificed will be regained by the end of the Worship day. Addendum: One could interpret the clause on page 185 ("An adventurer gets a bonus to their Worship skill by performing the ritual on a date sacred to the deity:") to imply that one /could/ perform the Worship on ANY day of the week. Yeesh, how wide do I have to make my browser window to get the full edit bar with font color choice!
  2. Seems to me that a Spirit Duplicator (aka "Ditto" machine) make more sense for a cult... or maybe a shaman😁, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirit_duplicator vs the silk-screen process used by Mimeograph (okay, the stencil material isn't silk -- but since the ink is pressed /through/ the fabric of the stencil it seems to apply)
  3. We must not have played in the same realms... Back in the early 80s, I don't think my group ever had any character with Heal 6. Heal 2 was standard for all characters (and a few had xeno-healing 2 [or whatever was required to serve as a veterinarian for the horses]). Nor any in the sessions run at DunDraCon, et al.
  4. Since sound requires the transmission of waves in some media (usually air), it is difficult to envision it as anything Rune related. Fire makes sound... The wind (air) makes sound... Water waves on the shore make sound... Falling rocks (earth) makes sound. So four of the six Elemental Runes have an association with sound. You can maybe stretch it as a Condition Rune, though that opens up the need to create/modify cults (the rulebook states that Condition Runes reflect an /aspect/ of Elemental Rune that a cult focuses upon.
  5. If your characters/players are routinely losing that many limbs, perhaps they should learn when NOT to fight... 😈 Heal 2 is sufficient to cauterize severe bleeders, and can be recast during the day to incrementally heal the rest. And the magic points will recover during the day. (A 16MP character regains 2 points every 3 hours, so over a day could cast 16 points of incremental Heal 2 and only be running the 2 points below max MP; distribute the Heal among the rest of the party [including the wounded character] and see what happens)
  6. RQ2 general scroll rules include having to make a successful READ <Language> (if one fails, they may not reattempt until they've raised the READ skill by 5%). {Granted, RQ:RiG does make that a bit easier, since it is defined that Esrolian and Heortling written text is mutually readable, even if the spoken isn't.
  7. Strangely, that is not called out on page 315 I see nothing that prevents one spending a day in private Worship...
  8. Heh... "zoo group" leads my mind to... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Zoo_Gang
  9. #1 and #3 appear to be on the Chaosium site based on my review of past orders. No sign of #2
  10. Of course, there is always the votive figure option... Persuade the priest(s)* to let you place a number of votive figures into the temple, and you get an "automatic" 1RP per figure renewed on seasonal holy days. * If you're really persuasive, you might have figures scattered at temples throughout the region.
  11. Page 315 - italics mine So even Humakt gets a chance (still need to make the Worship roll for best result, but even a 1D3 on failure could replenish a starting character with the typical 3 RPs). POW Gain rolls is a different matter. Page 418 So if said Humakt hasn't spent money for training (500L and taking one 24hr day per week of the season to earn a POW gain roll), they'd better have succeeded in either spirit combat, or a POW vs POW roll for some spell they've cast in the season.
  12. Skipping ahead some... Probably comes down to the cost of materials (papyrus/parchment), the labor of the scribe (RQ:RiG gives that), and maybe the time of whoever is the knowledge expert for the subject of the scroll (which covers the first copy, if the subject expert is narrating; probably gets more expensive if the scribe needs to illustrate poses [think a manual of fencing, or some intro to unarmed combat]) Write Letter is listed as 2L per page, Contract at 4L per page.
  13. Who needs ancient Greece. Just look at some of the border artwork on the Bayeaux Tapestry. Or Bolsover Castle; https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2000/jul/03/maevkennedy The water wasn't running July 2002 when I took these (Hope the links work for you all -- the server is a mere Raspberry-Pi and my uplink isn't that fast; I don't really know if others can see the web-server even given that dynamic DNS service. The router firewall should be routing port 80 to the server; I don't have a certificate for HTTPS). Main Fountain "Rude Beasts" (there are four in total, I'm only linking to two) Rude Beast #1 Rude Beast #2
  14. At least it was a pair of mammals... Consider the mess of "Leda and the Swan"
  15. Probably lucky rolling... Earth @ 70% so +2 to CON, Air @ 60 so +1 to STR STR 18 CON 16 SIZ 18 DEX 12 INT 18 POW 14 CHA 13 I'll admit this was the first character I generated using the new edition, and might have had some mistakes in it. I'm currently computing it as just 15%... Still leaves a 100% broadsword with no personal skill allotment. Need to see if I can find records of what I was doing two years ago (I'd generated as a comparison with -- as much as possible -- the same character in RQ3)
  16. The biggest gap is that there is no appropriate "homeland" for base skills and family history. As an exercise, I created an Aldryami character -- skipping the entire grandparent/parent history section, but making an assumption that the character might have been involved in some neighboring conflicts. For that, I grabbed the die modifiers from nearby lands (Esrolia and Sartar). Other (sapient) races have even less background available.
  17. Shield walls... Short swords (think Roman Gladius) are easy to chop down over the top of the shield, or can be thrust/stabbed between adjacent shields. A longer (broadsword) sword won't maneuver that easily -- probably too long to get down between adjacent shields, and sticking out between them gives the opponent a good clue of what/where to block.
  18. The second should be done with an old punt gun and boat... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punt_gun
  19. And I'm about to order one for pick-up... Just as soon as I get off the forums
  20. No personal skill bonus added -- it was all base/culture/category/occupational/cult (and yes -- Humakt Light Cavalry [type 4: Javelin, 1H Weapon, Medium Shield]) 10% base, +15 culture [Sartar], +25% category modifier, +25 occupation [Lt. Cav. 4], +20 cult base [Humakt], +20 cult "additional distribution" => 115% I think I went through the system three times to confirm that wasn't a mistake.
  21. The bagels and cupcakes are calling...
  22. Heh... the first character I generated as practice finished the generation with broadsword 115% dagger 95% And would only need to succeed at a few experience rolls to bring a few other skills up to 90% ride horse 80% battle 80% javelin 80% M. Shield 80% {though that is too many weapon skills for qualification... Need to work on Spirit Combat 65% or Speak Own 60%}
  23. If you thought the movie was bad... Ever catch episodes of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_(TV_series)
  24. Was it also used in Gumball Rally? or the TJ Hooker series... ADDENDUM: The Bay area had some odd water supplies, not so odd drainage. San Francisco piped its water from the Hetch Hetchy reservoir near Yosemite. It fluoridates and distributes down the bay, where it provided water to Sunnyvale on the north/east of El Camino Real (while El Camino Real runs mainly north-south, in Sunnyvale it is more east-west). San Jose gets its water from the Sacramento River, somewhere near Sacramento. It does not fluoridate. It provides water the Sunnyvale south/west of El Camino Real. I blame half my crowns on living in non-fluoridated water for 30 years...
  25. At which point the situation begins to devolve into a reenactment of "The Ransom of Red Chief"
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