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Baron Wulfraed

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Everything posted by Baron Wulfraed

  1. Where do slime molds fall? (I seem to recall reading that some slime molds may cover acres, if not multiple sq. miles.)
  2. I'd suggest starting with a reverse of the guidance in the RQ:RiG back pages... Alternately -- compare the prices of weapons in common between the two rulesets, and determine a conversion factor...
  3. If a passion drops to 50%, I'd say it would be removed from the character sheet. If a passion drops below 50%, I'd consider it an anti-passion... Change, say, "Love" to "Hate" and give it the complement value (Love 46% => Hate 54%)
  4. I think they are labeled as "coots"... So is it time to revisit an old recipe? https://www.food.com/recipe/coot-stew-122280 (Though my memory of it is that one /stuffs/ the coot with brick, not just sitting adjacent in the pot)
  5. Ah... I'd meant from the forum -- as it could be seen as a form of hoarding, keeping someone else from obtaining a copy.
  6. The proper form of address to a chief of the High Llama peoples is "your highness". This can cause problems if using Tradetalk at lower levels of proficiency -- as an accidental substitution of "your mountainess" would be a grave insult.
  7. I expect to be banished for ordering /three/ sets. (no, not for "me, myself, and I" -- just one for "me"). One for the younger niece (who has a brat of her own...), and one for her D&D/Pathfinder GM (who has looked at some of the RQ stuff I'd already bought the niece).
  8. Your original post begs to differ -- it reads (as I'd quoted it) "apart of" which is a completely different meaning in most english speaking zones.
  9. Please forgive this but... Did you really mean "apart of" (separate from "... their actions are separate from that compromise") or "a part of" (a component of "... their actions are a component of that compromise")? It makes a significant difference in how one should read that sentence.
  10. In RQ2, unless one was at Rune Level, Rune spells were all single-use spells. If one wanted to carry two uses of spell-X, they had to sacrifice the POW for each use. RQ:RiG makes most of the spells reusable, usage tied to available rune points. So if one has enough rune points, one can cast spell-X twice, but only needs to "know" the spell once.
  11. Lay membership is automatic in RQ2, Initiate is difficult. For a bog standard elf (are there elves living in bogs 🙄) {that is: one with exact average characteristics), and using the RQ2 previous experience section to jump from 16 to 21 years, still doesn't qualify for initiate (at least, by my interpretation of the rules, a GM might modify it some). Using the Lt. Inf. mercenary category I (in a quickly done exercise) got Bow, Hide in Cover to over 50%, but ID Plants, Listen are stuck at 30, Move Silently, Climbing at 35. The Militia category focuses on spear/shield, not bow (GM might rule elves focus on bow) but only trains the primary weapons "It will be equal to 900 Lunars worth of training for the first five years, split between the militia weapons of one-handed spear and medium shield." (is that 900L per year, or is that total, for 180L per year? Given that going beyond five years provides 200L/year)
  12. GM at the time didn't use the experience supplement -- all of our characters started out as 16 year old brats finally allowed out of town... From RQ2/Classic emphasis is mine: While the elf bow doesn't have strength/dexterity requirements, the self bow has 9/9 for those, and since Aldryami strength roll is 2D6+2 (and even using a best 2 of 3 D6) still makes it somewhat easy to roll STR <9. From Cults of Prax, benefits of Initiate status in the "Elf Cult" branch of Aldrya's cult. Getting initiate status: While the "lay members for at least 2 years" doesn't apply to an elf, since my GM started us as 16yo rookies, it took some time to get the listed skills up to 50%. Since one only gets an elf-bow after two years as an initiate (presuming you managed to grow and finish the bow in those two years), a new aldryami character is forced to use a regular self-bow. My character didn't have the strength to use a self-bow -- hence the expensive training in strength just to get a usable missile weapon.
  13. RQ2... Aldryami... Who had to earn enough money to afford to have at least one stat, if not two, trained up a point! This was an elf that could not use a bow as generated. Had to train the stats to use a mere "self-bow" since it would take some time more to get to the point of growing an elf-bow.
  14. Can Aldryami regenerate lost limbs (naturally, not using the relevant healing spell) Oh, the horror -- Aldryami captives kept for food, and captors casting a regrow spell on them after hacking off a limb for lunch...
  15. If I'm in a fae mood, I'd probably rule that the elemental can get through any opening an octopus can get through
  16. I've never seen one -- but that doesn't mean much on its own. Given that the original is something using "ASCII Art" on a monospaced typewriter (or daisy wheel printer), anyone making a fillable PDF would have to start from scratch. (While I can generate PDFs in Win10 as a "printer" -- I don't have PDF edit software nor any way to define a fillable PDF form [to my knowledge] via Word, Publisher, or even Excel.
  17. Heh... I once delivered a decree of execution to a neighbor (he'd pushed me into the swimming pool as I'd come home from work -- fortunately no electronics on me at the time). It ran something like: ... to be hanged by the neck until near death, cut down; a blood eagle (lungs pulled out through slits to represent wings) to be cut into his back; his guts to be drawn out & then quartered by four teams of horses; the parts to be fed to hogs; the hogs to be slaughtered and burned; the ashes to be scattered in the woods. Date of execution to be Samhain. I think I actually had him worried as he didn't want to come out of his apartment on that day. In the meantime I'd made a very poor doll, using twine (dipped in blue and red ink) for the guts, an oven-bake clay head... Couldn't figure out how to fit balloons for the lungs (and no teams of horses in the complex <G>). Did do the hanging, and drawing out of guts...
  18. Of course.... Just like any similarity of the Magnificent Seven to Seven Samurai is coincidence 🙄 And then there is the horror of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Seven_Magnificent_Gladiators
  19. No comment Reduce the armor, give him a corncob pipe, some very unusual arm musculature, and put a few jars of enchanted spinach in with the swaddled toddler. {Okay, I think I recognize the manga reference just as I finished this} I can only hope one of the two is enjoying its position...
  20. I probably should have clarified that I knew the initial shipment had arrived CONUS -- but if reprints are required... 😞
  21. Baron Wulfraed


    Just a WAG -- if the atmosphere doesn't disperse light one wouldn't see the "beam" emitted by the "hole in the ground". As the sun rises above the rim of said hole, the "beam" would widen (but again, without dispersion, not be seen from a distance to the side -- ever look at a narrow flashlight beam? Often one only sees the beam from directly behind the light, as the combined reflections from dust particles is dense enough to register -- but from the side may just be a vague "fog"). As the sun clears the rim, the beam sweeps downward to where it traverses the surface of the landmass. This supports the concept that mountain tops may be illuminated, while lower elevations are still dark.
  22. Considering the flotilla of container ships off the coast of San Diego port, I hope they aren't using Asia-based printers for stuff...
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