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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. For fun: We all know that Euclid the Bar of Megara and his trusted companion Gottfried W. Leibniz, known as Wille Cranium VX were the developers of the Mostali Comutational Theory. This was their attempt to generate a plan to repair the World Machine. They have been known to travel far and wide assisting dwarven enclaves as needed with advanced learning. They have been know to engage Lhankor Mhy sages at the most rudimentary levels over time but have failed in enlightening them no matter the effort. With this thread we'll try to understand their attempts to disseminate their advanced learning with the hopes that it might assist with repair of the World Machine by all Gloranthan races. If there are bits of history you have discovered involving them please post here.
  2. LOL you guys are some much deeper into the runes stuff, that's why I put the math in there. Substitute runes and see what you get. ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0 I'll make a new thread, Dwarven Computationalism.
  3. Great picture! YGMV, we just need association, scales, forked tongue, snake tail, it's all reptilian and we are OK with that making in draconic in a twisted, guardian of hell's gates, sort of way. It's all fitting into our wicked plan for an epic-retirement Glorantha gaming group... we just need something more healthy than Doritos and Budweiser to go with the 8 hour gaming sessions.
  4. Does anyone know how to get in touch with Mr. Carpenter of Treasures of Glorantha: V1 — Dragon Pass I have some questions for him. Either way, thank you all!
  5. Thank you for that, it's no longer iron when it has fire blade.
  6. We are liking dragonewts less and less. That is why we get our tongues split and learn Wyrmish so we can infiltrate and know their plan. But what does this have to do with Sinjota? Is she part dragonewt? From the description she has snake fangs so a bit reptilian but hairy and with tusks? The obvious solution is that Eurmal made himself look like Kaldar but in a dashingly handsome way, with scales and a snake headed tail (that part says it all) and seduced Sinjota, so her offspring would have some reptilian features that were handed down to Yomat Burtae...
  7. So what is the official ruling on an iron sword that has fireblade that hits a troll. Will any damage via the fireblade and damage bonus be doubled once armour is penetrated? Example: 3d6 fire blade gets you 12 and damage bonus gets you 4, total 16, the troll has 8 points of armor so 8 gets through. Would the full 8 get doubled to 16? i assume yes or it gets clunky... Additionally if the sword were enchanted to do double damage against darkness creatures would (assume again once armor is penetrated) the 16 doubled by iron would now become 32? Sorry if I missed it in this thread on my skim but what's official per the rules as written?
  8. If anyone wants to do the translation I'd buy in advance... 🙂
  9. I am sure this will be wrong but assuming the classic Dara Happan (ie. Mesopotamian) styles (noted by Sir Godspeed) I'd see it something like the the Great Ziggurat of Ur but with something like the pantheon atop but with the walls depressed/sunken in about 50% into the greater ziggurat base/platform. This sunken area would be the dancing ground? This is so when you take the stairs to the top and enter you are actually on the ceremonial mezzanine (spectator balcony) looking down into the sacrificium, a cylindrical pedestal (Sedenya's footstool as noted by Metcalph) with blood grooves possibly at the center would be removable or could maybe retracts into the floor magically as desired? The Companion shows 10 sides but I'd go with 8 with the entryways on each flanked by alabaster caryatids of the seven mothers? Couldn't the space be octogonal with one surface the main entryway and each other have a statue? Curious, would the Red Moon actually ever be directly over the oculus? The ziggurat would fit nicely inside the 200 x 300 meter enclosure described in the Company of the Dragon. The stairs would go up to area 6 on the plan and the dome/pantheon structure would sit over area 7, again only half the height of the walls would extend about the mezzanine level, area 6.
  10. There was a bit posted under the Lunar Retribution thread related to this, so the plan to extend the glowline was in the works 22 years before the full invasion of Sartar (If the timeline in the Well has not been redacted/censored?) It took about 23 more to get eaten, I think it was in 1625, so from direction to build, plans were drawn up, likely similar to other temples and so the site integration had to be done once the site was approved. That would have taken another 2-3 years to find the perfect location above a dragon's mouth? I assume a bit of thought/planning went into the security and defensive fortifications due to the ? The Provincial Survey Team was likely on site by 1605 actually layout grade stakes and using gnomes to check subsurface conditions. Guessing about 20 years for construction. I noticed that this had been in the works since 1580 as directed by the Red Emperor 1557-1600 - Conflict with the Lunar Empire from the Well of Daliath. 1580 Red Emperor orders the plan for building a new Lunar Temple in Sartar funded and implemented.
  11. More than I hoped for, can't wait to see the Compendium release. Thank you as always Jaja.
  12. In lieu of starting a new Fay Jee Trade thread I assume this is as good place... Fay Jee is ruled by an ambitious Trader Prince who seeks to supplant Handra as a commercial center. We are looking at sabilizing/reestablishing the ties between the Caprati of Nochet with Fay Jee & Peelos. With the idea that before the closing there may have been a trade route from Nochet to Fay Jee but due to tribute/bandits the southern coast was more equitable after the opening until the pirates made that to risky? There seems to be a viable caravan route across land but mostly up and down rivers that doesn't have incredible elevation changes. Its about 315 miles as an estimate. Fay Jee, Fort Digger, Bath, Kithma, Solung, Thelos, Jorsh and Rhigos before Nochet. Sailing is about 530 miles but is much faster depending on wind and a much larger cargo could be carried but the pirates? We will tie this trade venture into the old Huts of Darkness scenario by MOB from TotRM 09 as well as all the good stuff in Blood Over Gold.
  13. I am curious if anyone has developed special interest taverns in Nochet or any taverns there at all? Looking for a gathering place/tavern near the knowledge temple or an Inn with a large common room and some mid-to higher level entertainment? This would be where someone like Treasure Trove Hebi would be but at a higher scale, like where a real cartographer might hang out as well as smugglers of high end goods? If really good entertainment showed up a few noble types may attend? Trying to add some (already existing) depth to PC's encountering Bluebird in Notchet and to run with MOB's scenario The Getting of Wisdom that takes place there. Was thinking in Inkhand area maybe rather than along the Street of Sails but could be anywhere I suppose? Who would do the smuggling for the Caprati and the Du Turmerine's or would they just do it themselves? Is there published info on Nochet?
  14. We must draw the entrail line somewhere. I was hoping this could be for any entrails as part of a ritual of sorts like in Prax where iron is in higher demand by some tribes? Possibly its a hero quest for metals in Prax? Anyone have ideas, Genert's bones?
  15. I thought once the sun stopped, possibly it stopped and then went back to the horizon it had come from actually reversing? This would easily explain the change from Yomat Burtae being worshiped in the east and then the west, especially if east and west were to have been switched? Maybe Eurmal seduces her and then eats her and poops her out as twins? I suppose it could be anything. Back in those days a few drinks into the evening's adventures, even possibly some other inducers of imagination could have been in play for sure. I know they were even before we were legal age for beer back then... if you think there were not imagination enhancers used for most programing for kids back in the 70's and 80's... just take a good look Jimmy and his magic flute, Sigmund and the sea monsters, etc. Everyone was creative in the 70's. Look at this guy, could have been one of Sinjonta's offspring.
  16. I read through one of the Wikipedia links and it showed: Loki was sent to the creature's dimension as punishment by Odin and the Midgard Serpent tortured him by dropping venom in his eyes, possibly until the end of time. Loki was briefly freed from the Midgard Serpent by Enchantress, but was then sent back after he failed her. I fell for Wikipedia... it doesn't say that it isn't Jörmungandr but I only know very little. I did play the game Ragnarok back in the 80's which isn't really on topic unless Kaldar and Sinjota could be somehow turned into the guardians of the Rainbow Bridge? If only I were omnipotent but I suppose knowing all would have me disagreeing with those who believe what isn't correct... Loki was then fastened to three rocks in the cave with the entrails of his slain son, which the gods had turned into iron chains would be a great spell: Transmute Entrails to Iron. 2 point Divine magic spell used on slain foes turning intestines to iron chains. Each point of this stackable spell allows transmutation of one slain foes entrails to 1 encumbrance of iron chain.
  17. I'd purchase one for sure. it looks amazing!
  18. I wonder how this would pan out as an Okfed/Lodri/Ingenew Redson/Caladra & Aurelion subcult where martial arts meets magic and metallurgy? Iron hands, heat metal, diamond hands?
  19. Does anyone know an English source for the French Dundealos Campaign Book? It looks really nice...
  20. I didn't look at it that way, Odin banished Loki to a world where he is tortured by the Midgard Serpent. https://norse-mythology.org/tales/loki-bound/ The salmon writhed in the war-god’s grasp, but Thor held him fast by his tail fins. This is why, to this day, the salmon has a slender tail. Loki was then fastened to three rocks in the cave with the entrails of his slain son, which the gods had turned into iron chains. The entrails turning into iron is really interesting and could easily be spun into my Backford campaign. I'll have to read an old book I have on Norse myths I guess, thanks again Mr. Brandi.
  21. I like this part, that friend to man is actually Fleshman but I know very little of him... ah, another Saturday rabbit hole. Thanks for that Mr. Brandi.
  22. I posted this in another thread but seems relevant, buddha palm:
  23. In RQ3 it was Martial Arts at base 00% that would have covered these unarmed combat techniques/styles. We never got specific as to what or how, just kick, punch, etc. but didn't get into the Land of Ninja details on martial arts. Curious what damage Bronze Arms School attacks would do? That is brilliant. Perfect for Euramli until he tries to seduce her, she's likely to consent but then turn into Sinjota or a black widow of sorts. Wait, 150# rodents!? Never heard of them being that size!
  24. Similar descriptions of Eurmal seducing Sinjota appeared in 5-6 sources.6 In one of them she eats him then gives birth to Yomat Burtae who is famous in the East but then the authors changed it later to the West... Curious if Eurmal is out of the picture in the rest of the Lightbringer's Quest since he was eaten and if he did come back how did he resurrect himself without a body?
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