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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. The Mentalist 2.0 Updated The Mentalist book to be more in line with MW mechanics. Added a Spot Rule for using MP instead of fatigue as well. Exchanged the old D&D mental attack table with a new Mental Attack Matrix that is a direct descendant to MW attack matrix. Like it much better.
  2. We need Ben to sit Rick Meints, Jeff Richards, Michael O'Brien, and Niel Robinson down for a session of MW. Anyone I've ever introduced to it really like it. Do wish our Chaosium Ambassador would chime in.
  3. It appears to be any of the screen shots I uploaded. Just to be clear,I'll open the page with the file description and screenshots. Click the screen shot window, it pops up a smaller pic on a black window with a full size option. If I swipe to zoom it messes the black window up. If I click full size I have the option to download the pic. It looks like its supposed to be a "view larger pic" option but the wondow isn't compatible with android or at least galaxy.
  4. Alrighty then. Better late than never? The map book ended up being pretty big due to the Hi-Res maps (300+MB) so I'm going to DropBox it unless/until Trif says he can upload such a large file. This is JUST the book of maps: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vlf4jaehamz7wg2/Ark Map Book.pdf?dl=0 The Module book is still in the DL section in the above link. And for those of you using RPtools MapTools program: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i58jomso8speqwb/NEW MEGA.cmpgn?dl=0
  5. We've all got opinions on different systems and versions of them. Speculation is charging emotions. Let's allow everyone to express them without attacking each other or their posts, please.
  6. Not sure if this is just an issue with my phone but when I pull up a screenshot in the downloads section it's smaller than the preview pic and impossible to zoom in.
  7. I only recently discovered the joys of BRP and the gooey goodness of Magic World and would be sad to see all production stop on these but... honestly support for these has been lackluster since my introduction a couple years ago. 1 product released for MW since ...?, errata for books basically ignored for quite awhile, ect,ect... Guess my point is I love BRP and am likely to continue playing this system (and MW) over anything else as I can't imagine anything I'd enjoy more. It's my square peg in my square hole. Fan created material will continue to flow as the fans continue to create it. Everything I've created for MW is because I needed /wanted it for my own campaigns. I post it here because I love the game and want others to love it as well. That isn't likely to change regardless. I love what NickMiddleton typed above.
  8. Ok. The Ark Book of Maps is quite a spot larger than I expected because of the Hi-Res maps. (600+MB) So I'll just DropBox it unless Trif says he can upload it for me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vlf4jaehamz7wg2/Ark Map Book.pdf?dl=0
  9. Yeah. Got nailed with an all day meeting at work. I'll get the map book in tonight, or to Trifletraxor if it's too big for me to upload. Sorry for the wait for anyone who already DLd the book without maps.
  10. Ok, the book is uploaded. Still need a little time to upload the maps and map tools campaign file.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This is a mega dungeon designed with Magic World in mind. The seperate book of maps is quite large(600+MB) so I'll probably just DropBox it. Ark Map Book: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vlf4jaehamz7wg2/Ark Map Book.pdf?dl=0 And for those of you who use RPtools MapTool software heres the campaign file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/co55otfyt0vzmaa/NEW MEGA.cmpgn?dl=0 Ages before the Fey ever inhabited the Southern Reaches, a group of monks made their home in the Copper Mountains. These monks had a prophetic dream that foretold the end of the world. In preparation, they collected and stored creatures of the realm in stasis within their mountain fortress, to await the end. It never came. The adventures go from the town of Tindale through the Carmenel pass to the Copper Mountains where this great Ark of creatures await the end of the world. Some continue their vigil in silence while others have begun to stir.
  12. Putting it all together. Final fixes. Main book is done but I decided to place all the maps in a second book that I'll post at the same time. This will make reading it and printing it (God forbid!) easier. Also chroniclers can pull up the map without showing spoilers. I also made Seperate images for each area, and there's a LOT of areas. 1 is a high res player copy (table top) and the other is a lower res DM copy with the room numbers listed. Should be posting it in the morning...or getting it to Trifletraxor to post as it's probably exceeding max upload size...
  13. Think I'm going to try them next session. Might help with player tactics...and they could use help.
  14. 2 GB??? Sheesh. On top of the rest, that's prolly too much for a character generator...
  15. Thinking about redoing this. Any suggestions?
  16. OK. Here is the fixed (?) character sheet. I'd suggest deleting the other .CSD character files in you MyDocuments before doing anything. THIS one takes precedents. Didn't realize there was a Character Sheet 2 upgrade. Looks like it runs pretty fast. unzip and place this folder in your My Documents folder https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59999343/NBOS Character Sheets.zip
  17. OK. I figured out the errors and fixed HP and perception skills based on CON. Not even really sure how that got screwed up...Adding the proper Characteristic adjustments to individual weapons will be a pain in the butt so I'll probably just add a note to the sheet to add this to the base % manually. The script doesn't like "if then" statements so it's hard for me to script. I'll do a clean install of Character Designer and make sure it works ok still then zip it all into one file and post. Should have it today.
  18. cool. cool. All my stuff is up to date again.
  19. Wait. That can't be right. The file I just uploaded was 3.0 MB perhaps its .98 GB
  20. Worked like a champ. I'll fix the rest soon. Any chance of changing maximum upload size? I poop bigger than .98 MB
  21. Hmmmm....I think I may have discovered the issue for some of these problems. Awhile back I was tinkering with the NBOS Character sheet, trying to House Rule some stuff and stupid DropBox auto updated the file. I'll do a cleaned up NORMAL by the book version and ZIP it to dropbox so this doesn't happen again.
  22. Honestly, I totally forgot to check this out this weekend....Apologies. I did however just ZIP the entire NBOS folder (which does contain a lot of test files and other trash, FYI) but also contains my working version of MW generator and all the .txt files I used in the creation. Hope it helps you! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59999343/My MW Char GEN.zip
  23. SOOO close to finishing Mega-Dungeon. Gotta do some more screen grabs of the maps, place all the various docs into a single, convert it all to pdf, probably rework the docs a bit because they NEVER transfer to pdf correctly, re convert to pdf, and post. This took forever. Next, a quick fix for my The Mentalist book because it's essential to my current campaign, and finally start working on my guide to running a town/kingdom. I've been piecing this idea together for awhile and am excited to start real work on it!
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