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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. Tooleys Underwhelming Projects...GONE! Maybe Trifletraxor has had enough of these outdated, unsupported games.
  2. nope. Tried Dolphin, IE, and Firefox. All the same. Maybe its a mobile thing as I'm on my phone. No biggie.
  3. I don't even see a rank title. Only Name, "Members", reputation (# of likes), and number of posts.
  4. i write lots of stuff for MW and would be happy to contribute as it IS still my favorite fantasy system.
  5. I would also add to seneschals wonderful list, product explosive support. If the games are to be self contained get those creative writers working on new materials now. Stop trickling in new material once every couple years. That kills product enthusiasm. I want to spend $ on something new and exciting every few (6?) months.
  6. We are a passionate bunch. Hard not to speculate when such truths are not readily available or apparent. Don't think anyone wants their keel uneven.
  7. Should have stipulated MODERN quality art work. Trying to use newer stuff. His work in the original book is amazing!
  8. Having some trouble finding quality art for some of these monsters as fiend folio is a bit more obscure than traditional Monster Manual critters. Chugging along...
  9. When I can't meet face to face I get my RP fix doing PbP here: http://www.unseenservant.us/forum/index.php As far as I know I'm the only one running BRP games currently but you could start one.
  10. I love the idea of making the purchaser pay the POW price. And then on top of that having to pay the MP cost to activate. Wonderful ideas.
  11. Or even if that's merely her price
  12. In all seriousness the resistance table is necessary to fairly resolve certain situations that require a more random approach.
  13. I like the idea of a quest on top of a monetary reward. Some rare ingredient the wotch needs like a purple blossom that only blooms on a mountain inhabited by (insert random monster). There's a lot of great possible hooks. Maybe she'll do it if you bring her the eyes of a merchant who recently ripped her off. The merchant happens to be shady and is always well guarded by mercenaries expecting trouble. AH the possibilities. I use my treasure generator that is based off of D&D monster manuals, exchanging Platinun for Gold, Gold for Silver, And Silver for BP. But it still tends to be generous so I'd have to up the coin value quite a bit as well.
  14. So I know in MW it says no new items can be enchanted but my campaign is a bit more magical. My PCs have befriended a witch enchantress and asked her to create a sword with a permanent Sorcerers Razor. In order to make it permanent a sacrafice of 1 POW per level is required. POW being a sorcerers most important stat, what amount of Bronze would entice someone to sacrafice it?
  15. Done with the conversions and starting on the artwork (downloaded from people much more talented than me).
  16. Site News: have these last couple days been the busiest ever for these forums? Lots of interest in these systems!
  17. Game shops and book stores in Missouri carry lots of RPG material. Granted it's almost exclusively D&D, Pathfinder, Star Wars, and MAGIC. But honestly Wizards and Paizo put out SO MUCH material there's not room for much else. I still walk into my local Fantasy Shop a few times a year just to see what's new. I'd have a heart attack if I found a Chaosium section. There's not even Cthulhu in there.
  18. Cuz GOD FORBID you ever disappointed your spouse.
  19. i know a great venue for it! http://basicroleplaying.org/files/ :)
  20. Um...yeah...That's not good for me. Need it tomorrow. Chop chop!
  21. Twerking in chainmail bikini would be painful and all hair-pully.
  22. "Bluntly, if BRP Essentials looks more like the BGB / MW than it does RQ6 / Coc 7e I will be VERY surprised. Regards, Nick" This.
  23. I voted BGB because it's still my hope the trimmed down version is a less expensive way of putting BRP in book stores and a spring board to introducing BRP to the masses, which case the other systems might get noticed as well.
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