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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. I think you can edit the skills available already? character sheet looks like it was dipped in awesome sauce.
  2. Looks like a good deal of the code will be at least similar to other parts of it. That should help a great deal...
  3. Holy criticals, that looks COMPLEX! Just what the doctor ordered!
  4. Re-oploaded screen shots for most of my files in download section as they were lost in upgrade, so at least they look decent. Howevere, noticed my Magic World NPC files, all 5, have the wrong files attached and I can't seem to fix just yet. Won't let me upload PDFs... Will fix when able. Also noticed Trifletraxor fixed my big files so you can tell I am author! Yay!
  5. Noticed these in Download section have wrong files attached: Magic World NPCs 1-5 when I tried to fix them it wouldn't allow me to upload .pdf It read: "Allowed file extensions are: 1"
  6. BTW there's a new BRP generator here: When he gets it going for Magic World, my little generator may become obsolete.
  7. I'll take a peak and re-upload if necessary. In the mean time, the program itself was never in the Downloads section because that area only allows certain formats. There's a dropbox link and NBOS link here that will work. And for the NPC Generator: https://www.dropbox.com/s/znacvmnu3g8ybbc/Magic World NPCs.ipt?dl=0 Both files use NBOS which may take some getting use to if you're not familiar.
  8. Yeah Ben said as much earlier. Just wanted to let'em know I'm thinking about them.
  9. Have a safe trip. Convert some of those poor WotC fans!
  10. It really depends on how much the spell increases the skill. As the chronicler developing a house rule spell/power you can decide what is game breaking in your campaign. I might allow a 10%skill increase per MP spent with a duration equal to POW in minutes. I would NOT allow for permanent spell affects. If it's to be a power instead of a spell, just use normal powers from BRP as guidelines.
  11. Just started testing my files in download section and got this: "You may only download 1 file at a time. Wait until your other download has finished, then try again" However, I finished the DL about 30 minutes ago and even jumped on another ISP...
  12. Either a lot of the downloads area is corrupted...again...or some browsers are having issues with the new format. I'm sure if Trifletraxor hasn't already hung himself over the mess, he'll get it worked out soon.
  13. I personally think your HP location pics look great. You could make that option button just not print them on character sheet if not clicked.
  14. Oh I'm working on this shhhtuff every day. Adding some art to my mega dungeon and then convert to PDF and done. Want to finish this before anything else because my players are currently running thru it. Since I don't sell my stuff, I've the luxury of not having an english major scrutinize my butchery of the language. Should be done soon. A week maybe...hopefully. You might be able to bribe me into moving Folio of Fiends up the list.
  15. Alright. I assume you want feedback? *Seperate button for rolling stats instead of entire new character. * I'd add a small window in the Skills areas showing how many are spent/remaining. * Not sure the weight catagory is taking SIZ into consideration? Example: my first character had a SIZ 17 and a STR 18 but weighed 70 lbs...? Just getting started playing with it so will post any other ideas I come up with. It's a great Alpha!
  16. Downloading fine on Dolphin...will try mozilla in a bit
  17. Pansophy, cookies coming your way! Okay. Clicking the gui.py in BRP asks for what software to run it. Whats the Python app to run this please?
  18. Yeah, it's on my to-do list as well as Monsters of Myth and Deities (unless someone beats me to it) You can see my list of projects completed /planning/ in progress here: http://basicroleplaying.org/topic/3598-tooleys-underwhelming-projects/?do=findComment&comment=59532g
  19. Think I'm going to house rule a ritual called Analyze Dweomer. Takes 1 hour to initiate and an additional hour per special property. 100 BP worth of ritual trappings, and a MP per hour.
  20. Lost in my own creation 

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