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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. Looks a little like the old Rolemaster character companion. (I think that's what it was called) Simple user interface and uncluttered. That will make it easier for both new users and people new to the game. If I were designing it I would add a little color or maybe some fancy borders, but that's all cosmetic. What matters is functionality. Will it print the character sheet horizontal as it's displayed? Didn't know you were adding EDU as an option. Bet that WAS a pain! Good job!
  2. Is there no way to view in desktop mode any longer? Ack.Nevermind. This IS the desktop view. Gonna take some practice.
  3. Happy birthday to a very active forum member!
  4. Maybe not HUMAN hide, but lizard/snake skin would be cool. Lol
  5. If using Magic instead of Sorcery, I would warn against nerfing mages skill points as they'll be spending these on spells instead of skills the other PCs will. This is already a kind of nerf built into the system. You want your spell casters to be as competent in their craft as your warriors or they'll feel cheated. Just my 2 cents.
  6. My vote is cast. Good Luck!
  7. It's my wifes birthday or I'd be there. For some reason she didn't think it an appropriate birthday present...woman.
  8. I know some XML and that thing was still confusing. I tried to reverse engineer the CoC part to try and tweak it into MW but I'm not even sure how some things in there even work. It's like magic. Lol
  9. How many pdf vouchers would you require to script a MW kit for HeroLab?
  11. Well THIS will have me taking another look...wonder if I can rewire BRP for MW...
  12. Im under the impression that it's more of a combat/campaign tracker and not a character generator. Also IIRC there's a free demo version...?
  13. I bought Fantasy Grounds awhile back with Role Master kit but never much played with it. It wasn't cheap. I really should take a look...at the time RPtools was just easier for me.
  14. Problem is that there is a (rather small) upload size limit that normal users (and even mods) can upload to this site. Anything larger and Trifletraxor has to upload. I could post a dropbox link but I like seeing BRPcentrals download #s get larger and larger.
  15. FYI Trifletraxor has told me some files, including my conversions, are corrupted again. He will reupload these (and continue to take credit for them ) as soon as a new server update takes effect.
  16. This would be a "called shot " and subject to a difficult skill roll.(IIRC) Of course flanking/back stabbing attacks would make this a bit easier because of bonus... A good example of synergy between spot rules.
  17. I thought you meant like a Play by Post game.
  18. What Rsanford said! I've come from a LOT of years of AD&D, and 3.5 and when I picked up Magic World I found it very intuitive and easy to grasp. The BGB was fairly easy for me as well, as long as I left out all the spot rules at first and worked them in as I got more comfortable. That said, CJ isn't wrong. When I first started reading BGB my questions were often answered by people referencing other BRP materials that I didn't currently have. That was a little frustrating.
  19. I'm sure my conversions will take a back burner when Chaosium blesses us with the critter book and, honestly, I HOPE so. Some chroniclers just want stat blocks but I would love to see a massive tome of monsters with great art. Thick as a phone book. Hard cover. But I'm sure I'll be quite happy with whatever they provide. I'm glad you've found use for my conversions though. Wish I had time for Fiend Folio. Maybe someday.
  20. You guys are far more generous than I. Hope my players don't see this. Lol
  21. Ah crud. I thought you were doing it online. Glad it was a successs!
  22. Everythng needed for the witch who Aims to misbehave.
  23. I think the low HPs lend to the grit of the system. Even my players have commented that they love knowing (while the chance is small) that the next arrow that hits them could feasibly kill them. I'd warn not to make PCs too ...healthy. Armor and parry have their part to play.
  24. Hopefully major wounds aren't extremely common in your campaigns, but I still feel like it's a bit large of an increase. I think at most i would allow a CON gain roll and then only if the HP damage is healed without magical aid. The character may still use sorcery to reattach a severed limb but otherwise natural healing for HP.
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