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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. Any way we could get the upload limit raised to say double? Lol. I'd bother you a WHOLE lot less
  2. Wonderful! I'd hoped someone besides me had a use for these!
  3. Alrighty then, all done (I hope). The file is too large for me to upload to the downloads section but I've sent it to Trifletraxor so Im sure he will upload it soon! Hope it's useful to you good people!
  4. Open CSViewer, Click New Character Sheet, Click Magic World. Hope that helps!
  5. I've been able to get a lot done last couple of days. Done with art and about 1/2 way through proof reading. Another day or two at most!
  6. Thanks Zomben! That's good news. Dang, can't wait for the CC!
  7. This is a pretty good idea. If Nothing else to have a common value when attempting to sell such an item. Just went through MW,CF, and Adv. Sorc. and saw Nothing about the costs of having a spell caster cast a spell for you...Maybe I'm missing something because I'd have sworn I saw a cost for a heal spell in a temple somewhere... If the big boys at CHAOSIUM don't have anything in the works for this, perhaps I'll whip up such a book detailing costs for certain properties and items. I was thinking about doing a more advanced alchemy book anyway, so this sorta ties in.
  8. Done with the conversions! *Phew* I'm rearranging some illustrations, changing some of the art, making the format prettier, and proof reading as I go. Just a few more days and I'll probably release. Honestly can't wait to be done with this one. LOL
  9. Pretty damn cool. I can imagine all the dark enchantments woven into their molding
  10. Well...there's a history lesson for ya... Zorro meets Young Guns
  11. Never ran such a scenario and I envy you the experience! Don't forget to look up a bunch of swashbuckling taunts to add flavor! "I've known wenches wield a butter knife with more skill, my soon to be dead friend!"
  12. I personally love when players play the min/Max game. Let's see how that 120 battle axe skill gets you out of negotiations when you're falsely accused of a crime. All the combat skill in the world won't help in making that crucial Physik check or spotting a hidden trap or using diplomacy with the noble or trying to talk a merchant into lowering a price or getting a fair price for those gems you "found" or seeing troll tracks going into the cave you seek shelter from the storm in or Sensing that the bar maid is setting you up for an ambush in her room or realizing the horse you bought is old and on its last leg or...well, you get the idea. I'm not saying you should PUNISH such behavior, just make sure the players know the rewards of a good , well rounded character. That being said, capping power levels for your campaigns is perfectly acceptable.
  13. Oh Im with ya! I want them all as well! I'm on the S's and hauling butt. I just hope these make it easier for future chroiclers to run games. I heard tell there's a monster book in the works for Magic World as well. I would highly recommend getting this when it's released as Im sure it will be miles better than these! These guys have a way of keeping critters more true to myth and legend than D&D did.
  14. All good stuff guys. I currently use a skill set up in my sorcery system. Knowledge(sorcery ) that must be rolled to properly cast any sorcery spells. I've given some thought to do this but the problem is that skill increase through experience is free. So a character could feasibly have increases in every knowledge skill involving all the Magic types without sacrifice. Unless... What if, since all Magic is drawn from the same "source " through different casting methods, a character could ONLY increase a single knowledge skill involving casting, during experience gain rolls? This would limit use by limiting skill %. It may be all of the "sacrafice" i need to create the balance Im looking for. Ben gave me a teaser about some extra uses for allegiance system in the upcoming Companion Guide (name?) I wonder if I could use some of those ideas and can't wait to see it. I really love that this community has a few active geniuses that can inspire and point out the ups and downs to ideas. Thank you all for your input and continued support to this great game!
  15. This will come in handy doing my Monster conversions from Ad&D and is something I've been meaning to do for quicker reference. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Okay. I've finally received The Magic Book and Enlightened Magic. Both have some really good ideas. Some I don't care for as much. I've been toying with the idea of combining all of these ideas into a more basic spell casting system. All the different spell casting methods and "sources" of power drawing from one source. The first thought I had was to limit "methods " of casting to occupations, but that just seems too much like the old class system with a different name. I dont want to limit what a character can learn to do like that. I want to include alchemy, Spirit Magic ,Divine, and Arcane but need to figure out how to do so in a way that one character is less likely to be a master of all of them. My next thought was perhaps allowing cross training methods of casting as an Atete. (From Advanced Sorcery ) In other words a character must have a certain score in certain skills in order to succeed. Like a Craft(alchemy) skill of 100% before learning a new method. But that's probably too limiting and not very realistic. Now, my thought is that each casting method has individual costs associated. A character casting Divine magic has to donate time/coin to the "higher power" in order to cast. Alchemy will just be darn expensive (as it probably should be) and require a laboratory. Spirit Magic may require an entrapped spirit to power spells. Arcane Magic requires expensive material components. Deep Magic (which I really like) requires....? I really would appreciate anyone's thoughts/ideas on this. My campaigns tend to be in between medium and high magic. I'm not too familiar with a lot of other materials for BRP other than these and Magic World. Maybe there's a similar system already? Maybe I'm over thinking?
  17. I would suggest looking at Rods Classic Fantasy for BRP. He did a fantastic job converting spells from D&D. Nothing wrong with using forgotten realms materials. It's a rich world with tons of supplements for towns, cities, and "places of interest"
  18. Woohoo! More than half way done! Forgot how many weird -slash- really weird critters were in this book... I wonder if some werent including just to pad the numbers... Anyway I also just got The Magic Book and Enlightened Magic in the mail so I may be pausing conversions for a day or two while i devour these.
  19. I want BOTH. I like having a hard copy for my collection and to let players skim as needed, but a good searchable PDF is required for play. At least by me.
  20. You guys are killing me! C'mon mailman! LOL
  21. It's a neat layout but I Still find myself pushing the "full site" option
  22. BRP is a forgiving mistress. She always welcomes you back with open arms,but tends to say "I knew you'd be back."
  23. I'm not a human calculator like some of these fine folk here,but I honestly don't see what's wrong with the standard version of rolling skills and tests. But That's one of the great things about BRP. MOST changes don't break the game.
  24. Haven't read enlightened magic yet so I may be talking nonsense, but players put precious points in POW/INT to have a character able to cast sorcery spells effectively. By gimping magic use, won't that make it rather unappealing? Such a system would work well if only NPCs used magic but...
  25. Ordered both Enlightened Magic and the Magic Book last Sunday. Can't wait to tear into them! Wish Chaosium gave up a PDF if you ordered a hard copy...I'm not very patient. LOL.
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