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Everything posted by Pnick

  1. Hopefully Dreamlands is round the corner. ALL Call Of Cthulhu settings are incomplete without it. I also hope that, whilst a modern dark vision of the Dreamlands is obviously paramount, the more pure fantasy element is still balanced alongside it. Always felt that there was a Lewis Carroll / L.Frank Baum kind of whimsy also locked up in the Dreamlands. Don't forget, many dreamers go there to escape and aren't simply trapped there. I know that that maybe doesn't sit as well with an idea of all-encompassing horror that seems prevalent amongst current interpretations of the Dreamlands, but I hope that that sense of wonder and delight, and not simply dread, is preserved. So, yep, can't wait for the Dreamlands book. I know some lovely art was shared here some time ago, so hopefully it's at the top of the Cthulhu pile.
  2. Pnick


    Thanks. Is there a universal rule for decreasing levels of damage the further out of the direct blast radius? The only rule I can find is for the hand grenade and dynamite sticks — 'Each delivers 4D10 damage to those within 3 yards, 2D10 to those within 6 yards and 1D10 to those within 9 yards' — but surely there must be similar rules for C-4, mines, mortars, grenade launchers, field guns et al?
  3. Just double-checking — grenades, explosives and artillery cause impaling damage, right?
  4. Wish that a pdf came along with the HPLHS prop set, so that there were digital versions that could be used in VTTs. That’s how most of us are gaming at the moment. I’d purchase a box in a instant if there were.
  5. Posted elsewhere: 'What is it with the new RQG and the obsession with female breasts. I thought the hobby had grown up. Funny to see that it actually has in contemporary D&D, but in the game that is hailed as more sophisticated every other picture of the female form is now topless.'
  6. An interesting question that was prompted by a recent FB post — why, in its 40 year history, has Chaosium never published an epic modern day campaign? I mean, it’s on the record that the game’s author plays exclusively modern setting Cthulhu games, which makes it all the more noteworthy by its absence. My only explanation is that the ‘modern’ setting, by its very nature, becomes anachronistic, a 20’s game is preserved in amber. Maybe that’s something that Chaosium have always considered. Regardless, it is worthy to note.
  7. There’s still no Foundry VTT Runequest integration at the most basic level? This is a real shame, Foundry is leaps and bounds ahead of the other VTTs and has a very open attitude, with ever expanding community-driven content/ plug-ins that make the system eminently customisable, and the perfect bespoke fit for a particular group’s needs. You can make it as simple or as complex as your group wants. But there’s no basic RQ module‽ Shame Chaosium isn’t embracing this, especially given the situation at the moment and, one presumes, the company’s desire to get Glorantha and Runequest out into new territories and into the hands of as many new players as possible.
  8. Has the geography of Pavis and the Rubble (i.e. the map..) changed much in Robin's forthcoming book(s)?
  9. I wasn’t interested in the game when it was announced. I have too many games. But then I see the cover art. You bastards.
  10. Hoping that this reprint doesn’t impact upon the likelihood of a proper colour version with art up to the wonderful standards of the other 7th edition supplements.
  11. Any sign of the Pavis and Rubble book?
  12. Any news, a year on, regarding the Cults or Campaign books?
  13. It's pretty repugnant and disingenuous what you've done there. He was saying that there are certain historical backgrounds where prejudice and limitations are fact and unavoidable. And he was using a categorically agreed historical circumstance to make the point. Of course you can work around them but you can't ignore them, not just in terms of being 'authentic' to history or 'breaking the setting' or other vague meta notions but to be respectful of what actually happened to and was endured by real people. You know full well the point he was making. To traduce that into a statement and accusation of 'go and play your little game of the Nazi Appreciation RPG' is pretty nasty and disingenuous.
  14. Listening to the What Would The Smart Party Do? podcast interview with David Larkins, the line developer for Pendragon, it's quite clear that he prioritises inclusivity as a core tenet of his game design philosophy: https://www.whatwouldthesmartpartydo.com David mentions that, far from women being the minority, his Pendragon gaming group is actually solely female. He mentions that from the outset Pendragon was a hard sell for his group — they had to be dissuaded from the notion that it would be all about male knights rescuing damsels in distress. He also mentions that in one of the first products the PCs will be trained by a female knight (I believe it's the Starter set but without listening again, I'm not 100% certain). Personally, I welcome inclusivity — how could you possibly not. The extent to which making female knights the norm rather than a justifiable minority distorts the original source material and has ramifications that 'breaks the setting' I don't know, I'm not an expert on Arthurian legend or the historical period.
  15. Some sort of news about the new edition would indeed be very welcome.
  16. Now, if only it was in an official published book.
  17. Maybe this thread can be used as an opportunity to brainstorm ideas and codify a semi-official, BRP Central Combat Maneuver BRP options system. Or some such. I think the RQII combat designers lurk around here. Maybe they can add some thoughts.
  18. Is there a simple method for adding RQII combat maneuvers to the BRP system as a bolt-on option i.e. adding the CM system to BRP with as little impact on the rest of the core BRP rules and options as possible?
  19. Something new (Chronicles book?), a big Orient Express book or, if licensing ever permitted, a collected Elric or Pendragon. But like the poster above says, it might be Chaosium's big hitter, but I have enough hardback Call Of Cthulhu.
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