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Everything posted by jux

  1. Will other BRP supplements be compatible with RevolutionD100? For example stats, skills, spells, monsters? I really am looking forward to Fatigue rules - especially in combat. Also, I would want every RPG system to have rules for mental stress or something. May be sanity is too much, but things like how calm can you be in stressful situations. Will you panic? Like the much hated "shaken" mechanic in Savage Worlds - you may be mightily strong, but if you are weak mentally - you will hide and cover when shit hits the fan. I like when system punishes you when you make a character with a dumpstat.
  2. Fixed. The problem was, that I mixed up str, dex and con when I displayed them Don't forget to clear your browser cache.
  3. Thanks. Looks weird that I haven't notice that before. I'll fix that.
  4. So I played around with JavaScript the other day and made a random character generator for OpenQuest. Feel free to use it: http://generator-openquest.rhcloud.com/ If you spot any flaws or problems, let me know.
  5. Good to hear. I have both OQ adventures
  6. Yeah, exactly! OQ could use such optional supplement - many random tables of awesomeness. I get that general tone for OQ is more down to earth fantasy and I was underwhelmed when reading the "Plunder" chapter. They are good for the style OQ has, but it is such a work with all the cult and creation rules. I want simple list of magic items. The GM can come up with the history and story behind such items by himself. So giving a thought a bit, I came up with idea for rolling up a magic weapon. Idea would be to have a base weapon model to which a bonus and penalty could be pasted on. Now this is just an idea level. The idea is not battle tested, so it may be way out of balance Magic weapon generation 1. Bonuses 1. +10% for attack 2. +20% for attack 3. +10% for parry 4. +20% for parry 5. +1 additional attack, when missed 6. +1 additional parry, when missed 7. +1 additional attack always - if no opponent left to hit, hit adjacent allie or roll damage for himself 8. +1 parry always 9. fire bonus, when attacking -1 level of darkness; when hitting, 6/d6 for target to catch fire) 10. glows when underground, -1 level of darkness for weapon reach 11. +2 POW 12. After killing blow gain +2 Magic Points 13. After killing blow gain +2 Sanity (when using Renaissance sanity rules) 14. After killing blow - make "fair" spell attack 15. In combat, immune to fatigue 2. Penalties 1. It heats up. After 5-th round make normal resilience check, after 5+ round, make hard resilience check. 2. It changes your personality, -2 CHA when owning it 3. When missed attack, -10% to next parry 4. When missed attack, -20% to next parry 5. When missed parry, -10% to next attack 6. When missed parry, -20% to next attack 7. When in combat, +1 darkness level for weapon reach 9. After killing blow, -1 Magic Points 10. After killing blow, -1 Sanity Points (when using Renaissance sanity rules) 11. After killing blow, make fatigue test Please feel free to come up with additional bonuses/penalties. Also feel free to come up with random generation for magic armor, artifacts, talismans, etc.
  7. Thinking how great system OQ is for running old school dungeon crawling adventures, I notice that OQ could use few pages of random tables of goodness I am talking about unexpected effects for fumbles. Melee and range combat fumbles. But most importantly I'd like to see funny stuff happening when magic fails - spell burns! I know sorcery has fumble effects, but there also could be generic fumble effects. Also table of magic item would be nice to have. So what do you think? Is it good idea for community to do it? Any existing fumble tables out there, that could work with OQ?
  8. So, who has done it? Can OQ handle the old school well? I think it should. Are there any adventures as such? I am thinking of modules like Dungeon Crawl Classics - they have many going really gonzo. OQ should have that Anyway I am planning to get one DCC module and try to play it with OQ. Any suggestions, warnings?
  9. I don't think WW1 setting is so great. Savage Worlds have their weird wars settings, but to me they are just ... weird. It's not that I don't like history, but if I want to be immersed in actual history, I have tabletop war-games for that. RPG-s are more about characters and adventure - I don't think there needs to be a separate game dedicated to this scenario. Published adventures, with updated gear/profession tables - yes, why not! Speaking of separate Renaissance setting, I would really like a modern horror game like Fear Itself. Renaissance already has great sanity mechanic - so all it needs are modern gear/profession tables and some guidance how to use that book. It could also be more flexible with optional degrees of grittiness, supernatural, monsters, etc.
  10. How is this related to this topic or printing schedule? So again, will we see the print edition soon? Month or two more?
  11. So, will it go soon into printing machines?
  12. Good to hear. I have ordered from Lulu 2 times - once it went well, another time it was disaster. Perhaps they have sorted out the EU shipping process.
  13. I think what DrivethruRPG is doing better than Lulu is international shipping. Lulu is US only, right? So EU people will add the import tax + 1 month of waiting. Is it so?
  14. While the shiny new look is big step forward for attracting new players to pick up CoC, I am not sure what the final print price for the book will be. The pdf is expensive and I won't buy it.
  15. There is already River of Heaven for OQ, but it would be neat when Cthulhu Rising expansion will be added for RoH. But based on what do you think so?
  16. Yes, what is neat in Renaissance is that it has great streamlined character creation. Firstly you specify social status (smt like poor, middle class, rich, noble). This will give you some skill bonuses and after that you pick profession, which gives bonuses + advanced skills. I really like the social status, which is applicable to modern world as well (although majority is in middle class nowadays), but it is interesting to differentiate a scientist from poor or rich family background. The pulp era professions download supplement is basically what core Renaissance includes. What I would add is creating "custom professions" and just add the same amount of skill points to relevant existing skills + some additional specific skills that only this profession provides (basically knowledge skills of different subjects - computers, electronics, chemistry, psychology, history, etc). I also like the Renaissance sanity system. It is more gritty than CoC and very suitable particularly for small adventures. With CoC it would seem that players face the threat of insanity only with longer campaigns. Here I like how I can dune it for more critty experience. I would however like to rename "regional lore/culture" skills - common knowledge/education for example. Yeah, I have "Dark Streets" for specifically 18-th Century Mythos games, but currently am looking for better system for classic/modern CoC. Raiders of R'lyeh RPG I am particularly interested - I was not aware it is based on OQ system. Will see if it is actually what I am looking for
  17. We all love our CoC. CoC 6th ed works, but it has some unnecessary complications here and there, so I welcome the update for this game. But I am afraid, CoC7 is not for me - at least it is not fully ready yet to give my final judgment. I really like the simplified d100 version that OpenQuest system brings to the table. Reduced skill list, not too abstract, but still easy combat and health system, etc. It is what I find perfect to be used for CoC game. Renaissance however has made a step further and included sanity mechanics and friearms - it should work out of the box, right? So my question is, have anyone played a CoC scenario with Renaissance game? Did you do any modifications? I would like to use Renaissance in the classic and modern era, I wonder what changes should I make? I would imagine adding few skills/professions, weapons and it would be good to go.
  18. What about Eclipse Phase? I think it is also a d100 system and deals with transhumanist/cyberpunk stuff. I wonder how much BRP it really is.
  19. Hell yeah! High fantasy done right! I am also fan of Witcher - don't play the PC game, but the novels are the best. Especially the short stories. I really recommend starting with the Last Wish book. Also would really like to see Witcher RPG with d100 system.
  20. Don't know about real prehistory, but in the Earth Children books, the Neanderthals had "genetic memory" or something. So you literally got some kind of knowledge genetically from your parents. That could also reflect some how in mechanics, but naturally, the fluff is more important than mechanics in human-centric setting.
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