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Everything posted by jux

  1. The hardcover book is too big to for carrying it around and besides that, I don't want to ruin it when using it. It is too pretty for that Will there be PoD version of the essentials that would be good reference book for the core mechanics? I'd really want one.
  2. Millions, schnillions ... who's counting Mammoths, Cave Lions, etc was what I meant. This really could be something special - looking forward to it.
  3. Guilty. Bought it, not read yet
  4. I hope this project gets done eventually. But I hope it to be about real (pre)history with dinosaurs and why not some amount of low level magic.
  5. Any more info about it? When will it be released?
  6. Whoa! Awesome! I wish it was RQ6 supplement though. It says it is RQ6 compatible - I wonder how? I know RQ6 and Legend are basically the same game, but it's pointless to have 2 sets of rules then.
  7. Me too! I would really want to play Renaissance + steampunk in the Dark Streets setting. I think it would be a perfect match. I don't want my steampunk to be something crazy and overly fantastical, but rather subtle and mixed with horror! So give me some cool steampunk gadgets and I am good to go
  8. Dissapointed about the new changes as well. I do think that CoC would benefit from two changes: getting rid of resistance table and reducing number of skills. - having a simple opposed skillcheck like in OQ, would do the trick (also OQ combat/healing rules) - it was so common in classic CoC to waist so much energy when creating a detailed character who knows accounting and astronomy and electronics or what not ... and then never needs it, ever. While OQ has nice short skill list, I think it would be too short for CoC. These are all basically knowladge skilles. What I would introduce would be "fields of interests" that character can mark/add bonus, which is based on the education. Savage Worlds, Realms of Cthulhu had such a neat option that based on the education one could list interests, which added bonus to general smarts roll. All the rest of "innovations" in 7th ed are terrible crap. All in all, I think my CoC7 will be mish-mash of OQ rules
  9. So, after I am very satisfied with OQ rulesystem, I am planning to jump into the Renaissance bandwagon. I see the company has already a great catalog of products that capture my intrest, especially the historic London setting. But one thing I want to know is if Renaissance can do steampunk? I think it appears that Renaissance covers the gun-powder age of sail period and steampunk should come some time later, but still an eary steampunk stuff could work or does Renaissance also include some gaslight era? I guess there is no material about steampunk in Renaissance core book? I notice they have full time-travelling-steampunk-goodness "Airships Pirates", but that is not in OQ/Renaissance right? I wish it were ...
  10. jux

    No rules for traps?

    What I would look from the trap mechanics would be: 1. Making traps Based on the use of skills (mechanisms, craft, lore) and descriptions one could make a trap of different quality: how difficult it is to notice, how difficult it is to evade, how difficult it is to disarm, how efficient will be the effect (damage, attack roll, etc). 2. Mechanic of the trap itself Like I mentioned, one could be able to: notice trap, evade trap, disarm trap, suffer by trap. Based on that, I would think the qualities of the trap could be skill values for opposed rolls. The levels could be broad like for general skills: Novice, Apprentice, Veteran, Expert, Master. So from top of my head, a trap would have the following properties: Property | Creating skill | Avoiding skill Stealth | Craft | Perception Trigger | Mechanism | Evade or when discovered Mechanism for disarming it Effect | Craft | Armor/HP Success of applicable lore skill or good description will give bonus for crafting. And the trap's property value is based on the highest success level: Novice, Apprentice, Veteran, Expert, Master. Just a thought. May be too complex for OQ?
  11. It's ok - quality is more important. I find other things to read in airport. It is just a small visit to Amsterdam
  12. Will it be up today/tomorrow? Would like to buy it before going to trip.
  13. jux


    I haven't played it, but when reading I would think the penalty steps -25%; -50% are too big. Starting character may have skills about 30-50%. -25% reduces the chances to very little. I know, it is because to make the penalty really matter and usually just ignore it for simplicity, but I would think changing the penalty from 25 to 20 would improve thins. Firstly it is faster to calculate: 48-25 / 48-20 32-25 / 32-20 66-25 / 66-20 Calculations with rounded numbers happen instantly. Secondly, beginner characters will get too crippled when getting a penalty (combat situational rules, fatigue, etc). Will see how it plays though, because I actually like the harshness of reality
  14. On OQ2 book, there are several mentions of traps. Skill for creating them. Skill for disarming them. But I cannot find rules for what is a trap? How the GM should use traps?
  15. Will it be available in print soon?
  16. The print edition got removed?
  17. Online SRD is very bold step. I hope OQ gets more popularity with this as it deserves.
  18. Yeah ... I missed the update, my bad. Carry on
  19. Ok, I was hoping for a good dungeon crawling adventure for RQ. Perhaps a supplement for CF when it is out ...
  20. Why would a RQ6 book owner get this? Perhaps making a thinner version (without the core rules)?
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