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Everything posted by rust

  1. Since the rather unpleasant experience of a computer crash combined with a corrupted backup disc, which sent about 4 GB of games material into the data nirvana, I have also become a luddite.
  2. rust


    The discussion was about the various d100 systems, and compared with the other d100 systems recently published the $ 48.90 do not seem com- petitive at all. To give an example, the BRP Core Rules PDF costs about 2,800 % of the Legend Core Rules PDF.
  3. Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr.
  4. Now that you have published their little secret the guy in armour makes sure to have his hand visible above the table and to act as if he would not see his friend, who obviously reacts badly to this betrayal ...
  5. "Messer" as in dagger or dirk, or a longer and heavier blade ? (In German it can be both, a Renaissance weapon remotely similar to a sabre or a shorter knife more like a dagger.)
  6. Yes, I can see your point, and I very much like to see the longsword used well. I just prefer thrusting weapons like the rapier to cutting weapons like the long- sword, so the dress sword as the rapier's ancestor and the smallsword as the rapier's successor were the closest I ever came to the longsword - which is ob- viously not really close at all.
  7. When I was a bit younger and more agile I was into rapier fencing, the kind of rapier fencing rediscovered by John Clements of ARMA, and a little into various neighbouring fencing techniques. This is one of the reasons why I tend to have problems with the way BRP handles the use of two weapons (for example rapier and dagger), parrying with a secondary weapon, and all that - and of course the lack of rules for "Kampfringen", although I never really was into longsword and Thalhoffer and company, or the kung fu like rapier "Kampfringen" style of that late Renaissance guy whose name I cannot remember right now.
  8. rust


    Most of the settings can be played with either BRP QuickStart or with one of the various "light" d100 systems and a little bit of improvisation, but for understandable reasons both Chaosium and most game shops prefer to mar- ket them with the BRP core rules instead of telling their customers that the- re is a less expensive alternative.
  9. rust


    A comment ... well, Käpt'n Blaubär (Captain Bluebear) and his companions have been the stars of Germany's most well known TV show for children, the "Sendung mit der Maus", for many years, and although the novels you mentioned were published for adults, I certainly could never get that con- nection with the previous material for children out of my head - and this would ruin my suspension of disbelief completely. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Sendung_mit_der_Maus
  10. rust


    With the exception of The Laundry one still has to buy the system BRP in order to play the setting Classic Fantasy, Mythic Iceland or whatever, and I think that this makes the combination of system plus setting comparative- ly expensive and thereby works against BRP becoming the "winner" of the current wave of d100 publications.
  11. rust


    I am not so sure. Right now it seems that BRP could well be the most expensive of the d100 games, and for many people the price is important. Besides, BRP is more of a toolbox for the design of a system than a system which is ready to be played, and I have the impression that many players prefer a less complex sys- tem where the design decisions (choice of options, etc.) have already been ma- de.
  12. rust


    In my view this is a questionable interpretation, the reason for a high Pious trait could just as well be Fear: Deity.
  13. rust


    Perhaps not specific to each campaign setting, but there can certainly be major differen- ces between cultures, and also between historical periods of the same basic culture. For example, looking at the German society's favoured traits and passions during the Dark Ages, it is obvious that they do not have much in common with their counterparts of me- dieval China or of modern Germany. I very much doubt that Pendragon's "Pious / Worldly" would have any meaning for one of the Fearie creatures, even "Merciful / Cruel" could well be a totally alien concept to them.
  14. rust


    I am fully prepared to forego that experience.
  15. rust


    - deleted - Right, not here.
  16. rust


    If we really have to continue this here, this is the statement of our parliament's leading EU politician: http://newsburger.de/krichbaum-bringt-eu-austritt-grossbritanniens-ins-spiel-31113.html Whatever system you use to translate it, the meaning will be obvious: If Britain wants to leave it should leave. Our president is the only important politician who declared that he wants Britain to stay in the EU, all the others declared that we can just as well do without a British EU membership. And as for our media and public opinion, well, this is what our biggest paper wrote: http://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/euro-krise/nach-camerons-nein-in-bruessel-was-haben-die-briten-jetzt-noch-in-der-eu-verloren-21497450.bild.html The translation could be: What are the Brits still doing in the EU ? So, yes, over here people really do not care - in fact, the number of people who would prefer Britain to leave as soon as possible is obviously growing. And I think this should be our last attempt to hijack this thread.
  17. rust


    It is confusing. If I would get 10,- Euro each time I am asked why there are so many different d100 systems, or what the differences are, or which one is the best, I could retire on my own Caribbean island.
  18. rust


    It has recently been quite common to offer the PDF of a game's core rules for a very low price or even for free, I have more than a dozen of such games on my backup disc, from Eclipse Phase to Stars Without Number, so I would hesi- tate to see Legend's low price as aggressive competition - it is currently just one of the common methods to push a game into the market.
  19. If the setting has a cash economy, with money instead of barter, the setting's currency should have a name, and the equipment available for purchase should have a price in that currency.
  20. rust


    Well, it would be a rather funny campaign, with one side convinced that it is fighting for its independence while the other side just does not care - somewhat like the American War of Independence without the Brits taking part.
  21. I am not aware of any other roleplaying game which uses the same terms with the same meaning in the same combination. Of course the words themselves have a historical background and were not in- vented for Nephilim. But the way they are used is quite typical for Nephilim. You could perhaps compare this to Mickey Mouse. The name Mickey, the word Mou- se and a cartoon drawing of a mouse are not unique - but try to convince Dis- ney that this means that the combination is not their intellectual property. So, if you really want to try it, you should either get a permission from whoever has the Nephilim copyright, or be aware that you take a considerable risk if you do it without such a permission.
  22. rust


    This is a myth, since Britain does not participate in most EU core policies anyway, it can just as well leave. You would be hard pressed to find many people here who would prefer to keep a club member who opted out of most important club rules. But I guess this is not exactly the right thread to discuss this.
  23. rust


    But we do, Britain is free to leave the EU whenever it wants. You should ask your politicians what keeps your country in the EU, it was not at all our decision which led your country there and keeps it there.
  24. rust


    Yep, it is the famous Starfleet Choir, which had to be disbanded when lethal sonic weapons were banned - a real shame, their version of "Where no Kirk had gone before" helped to evacuate dozens of planets.
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