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Everything posted by Dredj

  1. The colonists could collect the sound wave energy from footsteps, talking, etc. It doesn't have to be very loud (this is a sci-fi setting, after all:lol:) and could be from normal human activity. And think of how much sound a typhoon would make:eek:
  2. Directory:A2BE Carbon Capture LLC - PESWiki
  3. I'm really on a roll with the "green" and free energy today, I hope you don't mind:)
  4. And now, energy from sound waves: Sound Waves May Be Used To Generate Energy, Produce Weapons And More And more free energy goodies:Free Energy Directory by PES Network Inc.
  5. And more desalination:Wave-powered 'ducks' could purify seawater - energy-fuels - 07 November 2006 - New Scientist Environment
  6. I misread your previous post. Here's some "green" water transportation: Sea Water Power | Renewable Energy Desalination, Desalination Watercrafts, Hydrokinetic Underwater Turbines | Future Ecology Eternal Ecology Renewable Ecology Evolving Ecology Sustainable Ecology Electric Ecology Future Ecology & Social Ecologyy
  7. I see. Does that mean that Pharos IV is wobbly?
  8. If you don't mind me saying so, I like my idea of using pykrete for polar regions. Here is some info. on ice hotels and igloos: Igloo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ice hotel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  9. Ah, I see where you're going with this:thumb:
  10. And yet some more energy from seawater:Waves power sea water desalination plant :: Water And some more ideas that combine most of the above: Science turns sun, surf into green energy - Environment - smh.com.au No offense, but having enough energy on a all/almost all water planet that's being colonized by a space-faring civilization in the far-flung future, using 'green' technology that's already being developed today, would probably be a non-issue. And within a century, the colonists would have all the energy they need to rapidly replenish the ozone layer. And a lot of the mechanical technology behind these things is not very expensive. A waterworld colony with SPS style energy tech as back-up could be a techno-paradise that could become the intergalactic Silicone Valley, where new tech is being designed thanks to the overabundance of easy to maintain energy resources. Which could also be a reason why outside forces would want to take over Pharos IV. It could also be easy to get funding for the development of the colony, IF proper diplomatic protocols are followed (role-playing opportunity). The only real cost would be due to the remoteness of the colony, but, again, good diplomacy would overcome those costs. It could also be a great place for scientist all over the galaxy, sector, or whatever, to study terraforming and implement new world building theories (with possible catastrophic consequences). I realize that the costs of this stuff was already covered in this thread, but the components necessary to create the sustainable energy would be the very first things the colonists would bring with them. Once the colony has an economic foothold, then they can really bring out the "big guns". However, implementing these technologies vs. people and things that don't want them to be implemented could create some very interesting role playing situations. Also, I strongly recommend studying the concerns for living in "high frontier" space colonies, as those would be the same as the colonies on a planet that has hardly any ozone layer (people having to live indoors all the time). I discussed this stuff on other forums, so I hope I'm not being redundant on this one.:-) And I suspect you had many of these ideas already in mind.
  11. Here's a device that got patented that converts water into energy. It's a dry read and I only skimmed through most of it, but there might be something useful in it:Device for converting the energy of sea water - Patent 4162409 Here's another device:Energy of Seawater Desalination And here's an idea:Wired 13.06: The Mad Genius from the Bottom of the Sea Btw, the third page of this overlong article sums everything up. And it's a great way to produce fresh water, too!
  12. Does Pharos IV have polar regions? If so, pycrete might be useful: Pykrete - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia There was mention of using lasers for recreating the ozone layer, but you said that there wasn't enough energy. Maybe SPS could be a solution: The Space Settlement FAQ by Mike Combs or Ocean thermal energy conversion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Salt water as fuel? Erie man hopes so--this latter one could even be used as a weopan! Maybe even orbital colonies for growing things like fruits and vegetables for the colonists along with space elevators: Space elevator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hope these help.
  13. Out of curiosity, what are the adventures going to be like on this planet? What will the main themes be?
  14. Actually, I know a few copy shops that print right from computer disks. Around where i live, they're pretty easy to find. If you know of sites where I can download good maps, I would appreciate it.:thumb:
  15. I also second the publishing of big maps. Especially modern and topographical. I'm kind of wondering, myself, why there isn't more of them floating around? Especially good ones? Is there any sites to go for for free city and town (modern) maps?
  16. I also second the publishing of big maps. Especially modern and topographical. I'm kind of wondering, myself, why there isn't more of them floating around? Especially good ones?
  17. Here's a couple I found on Rpgnow.com RPGNow.com - Chaosium - Cthulhu Now RPGNow.com - Chaosium - 1990's Handbook
  18. I haven't gotten around to running anything like that yet. But I ordered an old game that's perfect for that setting--supposedly better than WoD or anything White Wolf puts out. Stellar Games Nightlife And it even came out before any of White Wolf's products hit the market! It looks like it's D100 all the way and a gold mine of source material for an urban supernatural setting. I guess the Nightlife Magic book has a magic system that may be the most flexible magic system put into a role playing game. This is all just hearsay, but this comes from people on forums, some of whom don't even like D100 systems, who say the setting is awesome and the magic system is incredibly intense. Since it's D100, it shouldn't be too hard to port over to BRP. Here's a Wikipedia page about it:Nightlife (role-playing game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Btw, I think it's totally feasible to run an urban horror game in BRP. Just take the vampires and werewolves, etc., from the CoC rule book and put them in an urban setting where they battle over turf gangsta (or robber baron) style. As that seems to be the gist of most urban supernatural games
  19. I heard that Nightlife is D100 and ordered it:Stellar Games Nightlife Is anyone familiar with it and know how compatible it is with BRP?
  20. It's surprising how much I'm learning about the rpg industry through this forum. I'm interested in Pulp Cthulhu. Is that released?
  21. Sorry, I meant: any projected release date?
  22. Is there a set release date on Interplanetary, yet?
  23. Maybe you would like to check this setting out: Precis Intermedia :: Steampunk Musha (PDF) I was considering porting this setting over to BRP.
  24. I didn't think of that:o:p Argh! We have to wait till next year for Deadworld's release. Oh well, I can buy the whole series on disk and get inundated in the Deadworld universe, by then. DEADWORLD home page I looooove zombies!
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