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Everything posted by Dredj

  1. It looks like they are making a PC game from the series that's going to be translated into English: Perry Rhodan - Home Amazon says it's coming out July 7th and will only be $19.99 USD. And it's a point and click adventure (arrrgh! But the price told me as much, anyway). Maybe Chaosium should just pick up the license for Perry Rhodan? At least it might go over big in Europe. And will fulfill the need for a BRP space opera game everywhere else.
  2. I guess it's true: there is no such thing as a truly original idea:lol: I'll have to see if this Perry Rhodan series is translated into English.
  3. True, but remember, our own earth is self-sustaining, and many people on this planet would love to be able to explore the cosmos in a starship. I think the PCs will get into interesting situations just because they feel the need to have to do interstellar travel just for exploration (which I think is very much lacking in modern SF). And a trade of ideas and new technology will always be there regardless if a solar system is self-sustaining or not. This is why I had my replicators not be copy machines. They can only replicate raw material, the expertise and such for new inventions will come from outside of the solar system--or on other colonies. So most solar systems or colonies are not going to want to be too cut off from the outside. There will always be a trade in intellectual property. Maybe the word 'replicate' is the wrong word to use. It would be more like a mining operation except it's recreating basic elements and their combinations from what's being thrown off from a sun. It would simply be mixing and matching atoms and molecules from solar radiation.
  4. One of the things I'm thinking about for a sci-fi setting is to have 'replicators'. But they will be different from the Star Trek ones. If you've read or watched any "science behind Star Trek" stuff, then you know the replicators in Star Trek would take an ungodly amount of energy. My replicators would be set up by a star and protected by force fields. Plus, they can't make copies. They can only produce base elements of the Periodic Table from the energy emanating from the sun. Then they ship the raw material to space colonies for manufacture. Thus making any solar system self-sustaining. And any invasion into a solar system would be idealogical (religious or political--by anyone who thinks they know how to live your life better than you do) instead of economical. As much of a fan I am of High Frontier space colonies, I wonder if groups of people living in enclosed environments wouldn't lead to some very eccentric societies:confused:
  5. Playing a few games of this game with your group should help you come up with some ideas:shock: social science fiction This is like the ultimate sci-fi setting generator. I know you're asking for a group-think from the forum, but that game should help a lot. This site is the best if you're looking for hard sci-fi: Atomic Rocket main page And my input into the project is that there MUST be High Frontier space colonies: Space Settlement
  6. I would think yours would be the first one to be shipped out:confused:
  7. I always appreciate you appreciating the information and links I provide. This game is definitely one of the most interesting games I've ever come across. And I think it deserves much more notice than it's probably getting. Plus, after playing a session of this game, it's possible you'd have a very original setting for playing BRP in:) My bank account screams at me so much I think I'm going deaf:lol: Here's a game I know nothing about beyond the product description, but seems to be in the same vein as Shock. IPR :: By Genre :: Science Fiction :: Universalis (Revised Edition) But this game seems more like competitive story telling instead of world building like Shock.
  8. This is definitely off subject, but the game Shock:Social Science Fiction has an interesting take on the sci-fi genre: the players come up with scenarios that are based on social issues--or issues that could be social issues. and the game world is created around them. The system itself is not compatible with BRP (or is it?), but it has good ideas and the site has actual gameplay examples shock: social science fiction Sorry, I'm having a difficult time explaining this game, but I don't have my book by me and I've never encountered a system like this before. However, this could maybe be mined for how to create a sci-fi game that might use BRP. Actually, here's a review of the game from the site: RPGnet : Review of Sci-Fi Week: Shock: Social Science Fiction
  9. That's the guy who made Timelords, right? Supposedly, his damage and hit location system was/is the most realistic ever in gaming. Played one session of Timelords, once. Geeze that's a complex system.:eek:
  10. In another game I own, the player says which location the character is aiming for. After the player rolls his attack die, he then rolls for the hit location twice (more if the rolls are on the same spot). The roll that comes nearest or on the location is the one that's kept. I plan on using this rule.
  11. That looks very interesting. I'm not going to be at my own computer for awhile so I don't want to download them, just yet. However, are they D100 or easily compatible to D100?
  12. I never heard of Warhamster. I would also like a link if you got one.
  13. I already posted in other threads that I love hit locations and they will be great for the splatterpunk games I will be running...so I won't repeat that here:lol:
  14. I was wondering if BRP also has rules for miniatures and skirmish games?
  15. Now that Chaosium has finally received their shipment of BRP, the question becomes: how long does it take to get to the other distributors (namely, Amazon)?
  16. Exotic, rich taste with a distinctive odor...why wouldn't people pay big bucks for it:p
  17. I would suggest looking up some funky New Age herbalism books. You can find herbs that facilitate astral projection and such I wonder who was the first person to taste test that? Was it a dare?
  18. Since there is talk about settings, I thought I'd toss in a couple that stuck out to me: RPGNow.com - Precis Intermedia - Steampunk Musha This is more of a WoD knock-off. But it's worth checking out. RPGNow.com - White Wolf - Cold Hands, Dark Hearts And here's a bunch from a single company I plan on using for settings when I get my copy of BRP. Especially the StarCluster setting. Flying Mice LLC RPG Page
  19. I've never heard of Mercenaries, Spies, and Private Eyes before. But that would be an awesome supplement as those as I would like to do Bond, Clive Cussler (even though I've never read any of his books) and Mack Bolan and, of course, Rogue Warrior, etc. I have no experience with the James Bond rpg. It's actually a percentile system? I would really like to see a James Bond-style rpg for BRP, too. But, like I said, I would like to do hardcore, "real life" type of spy playing, also.
  20. Geeze, and I can't even get out of stinkin' Wisconsin;-(
  21. Ever read any of the Rogue Warrior stuff by Richard Marcinko (he was one of the creators of the Navy S.E.A.L.S.)? I would suggest his books as edited/ghostwritten by John Weisman as the best of his books. If you can get your hands on his book Red Cell; that's his best fiction book. Richard Marcinko - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Then there's video games like Syphon Filter that the rpg could be based upon. There's a lot of action in that game. Of course a really good spy rpg would allow for Bond villains and the like:) Spies and spec ops can always do assassinations or kidnappings, or just trying to find contact(s) in enemy territory; which could be quite tricky. And remember, the characters must get out of the area just as they had to get into the area to do the assassination, etc. The rpg could be made around S.W.A.T. and spec op tactics. Investigative action looking for the enemy spy or just finding the enemy or information to steal could make for good role playing. So could just trying to get access to the building you must set up the surveillance equipment in. And sometimes to call an airstrike, or set a bomb, a person has to get very close to the enemy.
  22. I'd really like to see a straight-up spy, spec ops game that's based on real world events and stuff. Maybe somebody can resurrect the Top Secret S.I. damage rules (percentage-based) for use with BRP--if it's compatible enough. And if copyrighting would allow it.
  23. No, I think he meant hardcover, as everyone would have their hardcopies sent to them by now:lol:
  24. Where's the pre-order for the hardcovers?
  25. Yeah, I always thought of EDU as something you roll if nothing else matches what's being rolled for; but the character might know something about whatever is being rolled about, anyway. Like, maybe the character looked up igloos and how to build them some time back and now needs to build an igloo for real. At least that could be the back story you'd give if you made your character's EDU roll.
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