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Everything posted by Dredj

  1. Amazon.com: 21st Century Pirate: Sean O'Reilly: Books The link above is to a book that might be good for modern day smuggling. Why just keep it in the 30's or 50's? And what if a group of players don't want to follow the straight-and-narrow?>:->
  2. The question about it becoming a pdf would be my question, too. Also, the book does have some editing issues. If they were to reprint it, those would probably have to be taken care of.
  3. By the way, blood has a metallic flavor and, according to cannibals worldwide, human flesh tastes like pork>:-> It's interesting thinking that to cannibals, we're all just big slabs of Spam.
  4. There's always a number of people on the college level who will play rpgs. I think putting BRP into college book stores would be a very good idea.
  5. I will dig out my book, today. But I'll hang on, since I'd rather not get into any legal issues.
  6. The gaming group at one of the universities I attended had all the women around them. They were the only people who had something going on besides hitting on--or trying to impress--women. I think there's a promo opportunity that most--if any--game companies are not picking up on. Oh yeah, some of those women would actually join in the role playing.
  7. An updated Worlds Beyond would need better editing, though it could be sold as is as a pdf. Soon, after I dig through my stuff after a move, I will post the Worlds Beyond FTL rules.
  8. Thanks, I will be downloading Conan soon:)
  9. There's a Conan Basic game? Can it be downloaded for free?
  10. I mostly agree. I would rather see a pulp supplement that just handles straightforward pulp (even though I realize CoC is pulp) and allows some suggestions as to how to integrate it with the mythos. However, if it covers weird science and all the trappings of fun pulp, I won't complain.
  11. The Chinese were also using lots of martial arts. The Boxer Rebellion was called that because the term "martial arts" hadn't been invented yet. Boxer Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia And there seems to have been some American military action, as well, during the Boxer Rebellion.
  12. Amazon FINALLY shipped my copy, today. At least I saved some money. I can't wait till it gets here.
  13. I got me a copy of it. I think it's pretty nice:thumb:
  14. Sorry, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that Chaosium would've done something on their own with it. I don't think my input would have made much difference. We probably would need to petition them, or something, for the game to be released again :ohwell:
  15. And don't forget that some European armies had sniper units using air guns: Air gun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia And the Austrian models were roughly the equivalent of a 9mm and .45 ACP as far as penetration is concerned.
  16. And Amazon STILL doesn't have an estimated shipping date:mad:
  17. I don't have my copy of BRP yet, but if there's a listing for air guns, those were around for centuries, I believe. And they were great for the settlers to use when hunting small game. Napoleon Bonaparte outlawed them because they supposedly made good sniping weapons!
  18. I'm still waiting for my order to come from Amazon as well. If I don't get a delivery status, soon, from them, I will cancel my order and order from Chaosium.
  19. How realistic will it be? All the Star Wars maps I've seen have populated planets in the galaxy core. All the scientific stuff I've heard about galaxies say that would be impossible, since the closer you get to the center of a galaxy, the faster the stars and stuff rotate. Matter near the galactic core rotates near the speed of light. When I have some time, I will dig out Worlds Beyond and post the FTL travel guidelines from that. Since the travel in Worlds Beyond had the use of star maps already in mind.
  20. I'm running into an awful lot of people like your friend lately. Also, I agree about your above comment about people assuming the worst. Pretty much everyone I know has had their comfort zone effected from people assuming the worst about this kind of thing.
  21. I've noticed that the word 'creepy' is being overused for EVERYTHING that's unusual in recent years. Usually, the people who use it are sometimes people who need to get out more, but definitely need to interact more with people outside of their narrow range of social interactions. I don't know your friend, of course. I'm just saying that's what I notice from people who use that word often for things they don't understand. Also, what's this fixation with pedophilia that almost everyone seems to have, nowadays?
  22. A combination of decadence and renewal. Sounds good to me:thumb:
  23. Personally, I could go for an empire on the rise. I'm more into the exploring the unknown than dealing with cleaning up the already known:)
  24. That's too bad that it didn't do well, as it sounds exactly like the kind of universe that I would like to play in (where anything can happen). At least you'd never run out of aliens to run into. Maybe, if Chaosium did actually get the license for the game, they could have random alien generators (like some SF games have). But, according to Wikipedia, the series had every theme related to space opera in its series, so I can kind of see how it would be difficult to get into, since it sounds like a generic space opera setting. But I think that could be good, in a way, to have a sort of generic space opera toolkit to pick and choose which themes you want. Especially one that's based on an established series.
  25. Then you might be disappointed with Shock, because the system revolves around a grid where people decide which issues are going to drive them and come up with a world based on those issues. There are examples of gameplay from reviews on the Shock homepage (links) that will help you better judge if you still want to buy the game.
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