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Everything posted by Dredj

  1. That sounds very, very interesting.
  2. Yeah, but they could still branch into other styles of horror. I realize you can already do that with CoC, but there are a lot of refinements that could be put into a system to better exemplify other styles of horror, and not just Cosmic Horror. Maybe have suppliments about serial killers and stuff that a normal human might run into. Again, I realize that this stuff can easily be covered with what's in CoC, But like I said before, I like my horror 'juicy', so there would be some rules adjustments or add-ons. I guess what I'm getting at is that a game that doesn't rely so much on "Cosmic Horror" as CoC would be cool. I think everyone really likes that scenario that's in every edition of CoC where the investigators are exploring a haunted house with the undead, mummified dude in the basement. Why? Because it's a "human level" game where things are just bizarre enough to freak out the players. The only thing that's missing is a great set of "splat" rules. The overreliance on the loss of SAN and not enough splatter annoys me. Besides, has Chaosium ever released a horror setting/scenario that doesn't revolve around the Mythos? But, now that I think about it, maybe CoC is the perfect setting for a horror rpg, as you can do virtually anything within it. So, maybe, nevermind
  3. I guess I was thinking about anime, overall, as a lot of genres within it does have its conventions. Basically, just pick and choose the conventions. I wish I could think of a really good setting for a BRP game. One that would sell really good.
  4. I was looking on a forum a few days ago. The people on the forum were wondering why CoC D20 failed, because, after all, D20 is the best system out there! Far better than that crappy BRP system! I think we'll be seeing an appearance from the Great Old Ones soon, as their cultists seem to be growing in number.:eek:
  5. My problem with this poll is if 'Horror' won out, would that just mean we're going to see a whole lot more of CoC? I really like CoC, but like I said previously, I would like to see 'juicier' horror; stuff people can relate to on a personal level. And what kind of fantasy would Chaosium have in mind, since that seems to be the most popular vote? Despite the fact that I gravitate more towards gritty "real world" and sci-fi stuff (one of the main reasons I chose BRP over any other system I looked at, as I think that the system can do these better than most and with the least amount of effort), I would like to see all of the categories supplied. Who knows when I want to do a fantasy game with elves? So, I hope the next poll like this is more about actual ideas or very specific genres instead of very broad genre classifications. I wonder how BRP would do with anime? Basically, I would like to see this system flex its muscles a lot more than it has.
  6. I voted for science fiction because that seems to be most lacking genre (besides post-apocalypse, which I'm not too interested in) from the Chaosium repertoire. And one I'd like to see more of. However, looking at the vote results, it seems I should have voted for Pulp--as that offers a very wide range of possibilities to explore.
  7. Yeah, the poll really could use some detail. Personally, I would really like to see ultra-realistic slasher horror. Maybe even Gothic horror--something different and more "juicier" than CoC. And I would definitely like to see space opera as well as Hard SF. Pulp is always good. BRP could use some more of that.
  8. When I sit down to write, I usually wear my street clothes as well:D
  9. Got any artwork to show us? Is there a lot of skin showing?>:->
  10. Yeah, we got pygmy giants were I live:lol:
  11. I know, I was just trying to make a funny that didn't succeed. Either way, if a person were to use a toothpick or a giant a dagger in the heat of battle, it would more resemble a punch than a stab--even though they would be stabbing with a toothpick/dagger. Therefore, the damage modifiers would remain in place.
  12. There's no paradox, the giant's hand is too big to use a dagger effectively. Unless he's going to jab you with it like a toothpick:D
  13. The same can be said about settings, too.
  14. Turn the +5 into a +1D6-1; or just a +1D6. +4 is just +1D4. The damage bonus is for the force behind the blow (at least, that's how I understand it). Not only would you get a toothpick in the eye, but also a few knuckles. However, if you're sticking a toothpick into a prone character's eye, then it just succeeds as the character can't fight back.
  15. I'm sticking with BRP. I've looked at too many systems trying to find the "right one". BRP is the best I can find to cover everything I want a role-playing system to do. I was just wondering if someone came up with a way to do the same thing with BRP?
  16. This is semi related to the subject. My problem with most gaming systems is that no matter how good you roll to hit, you can still roll low on the damage dice. I realize critical hits are supposed to make up for it, but it would be interesting if there was some way to make sure a good, though non-critical hit, was rewarded each time. And hits that just barely made it wouldn't do as much damage. FUDGE is the only system I've found that does this well. Too bad it's so grainy for the types of games I wish to play. But I suppose the damage rolls can account for a blow being deflected off a bone, or the opponent zigged at the time the character zagged, with the percentage to hit merely accounting for whether the character hit or not.
  17. And someone was good enough to translate CoC over to Vampire : Vampulhu: Vampires in Cthulhuland! It's a very exhaustive conversion, I might add.
  18. Here's something interesting: someone trying to convert CoC to WoD. But there are no attribute conversions that I can discern http://mrgone.rocksolidshells.com/pdf/Misc/wocrules.pdf And here's a whole page of FUDGE conversions for different settings ConversionList < Guide < The Fudge Guide
  19. I remembered that I posted a conversion from FUDGE to BRP in a different thread. Here's what I wrote: Some adjective-oriented rpgs, such as FUDGE and Mythic do this. Here's the FUDGE conversion for the "typical" D100 game with stats ranging from 3-18. You can judge if this fits BRP well, as I think that's the system they most had in mind. ADJECTIVE / PERCENTAGE / STAT Superb / 98-100 / 19+ Great / 91-97 / 16-18 Good / 71-90 / 14-15 Fair / 31-70 / 12-13 Mediocre / 11-30 / 9-11 Poor / 4-10 / 6-8 Terrible / 1-3 / 5 or less
  20. The FUDGE 10th edition has conversions for the most popular game systems. BRP (for sure) and WoD (I think) are two of them. You can download the basic FUDGE rules for free on the internet (Grey Ghost Games probably still has them), but there's a mistake that was corrected in the 10th anniversary edition. Mythic RPG has some rules for conversions--I'm pretty sure, but it's been awhile since I looked at the RPG itself. I stick with the GM Emulator. Both Mythic and FUDGE are adjective-based systems. (I think you posted that you used Mythic in your intorduction to the website. Or am I thinking about someone else)? Basically, you just find the range that the adjective "good" or "great", or whatever, fits and do the same for another system and then compare the two. I'm very busy today. But if I have time tomorrow, I will post them, then. I'll make an effort to post them by Wednesday.
  21. I haven't done anything like you're asking. Is this something like a 'young Van Helsing' type rpg? I don't see children having a large skill base unless it's about very precocious or talented kids. It would seem that a 100 year old vampire would be able to make a quick meal of any one of the characters unless you have some rather clever players. One person suggested, in the "Vampires that don't suck" thread that each dot in character skills should represent 5%. I think each dot should represent 10%. If I weren't so busy, I would dig out the FUDGE, Mythic convertions for traits, which would probably help you convert them over to BRP.
  22. For some reason I had Planetary Romance confused with Space Opera:p But having things like ion storms and whatnot that could force the characters to land on a strange planet--or that they must persevere through to get to the strange planet of their choice--might be interesting. Maybe even throw in some weird effects like the characters start growing extra limbs>:-> Anyway, I will still be buying it when it comes out as I remember really enjoying Edgar Rice Burroughs's mars stories. And fantasy settings on other planets are great, as the skies the limit in what can be done.
  23. I'm really looking forward to Interplanetary. I was just wondering: will there be "Create Your Alien" and "Create Your Own Spacecraft" sections in the rule book? I'm with Grif, too, on allowing the characters being able to zip around the solar system. Will there be any rules for that?
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