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Everything posted by rsanford

  1. @klescer do you know if this game uses BRP? I saw it uses D100 and wondered...
  2. Probably the BRP sub forum (the one you already picked). You can talk about the rules in the big gold book or more generally across all the BRP lines.
  3. Welcome Andrew! Lots of BRP goodness and resources on this site as well as many of the various BRP authors!
  4. We might get English translations... A read through Aquelarra shows it’s clearly a gem and close enough to BRP to be in the same family. I will be promoting it and hope to write some stuff for it too (not professional grade unfortunately).
  5. Chaosium y'all listening? Your fans would love you EVEN MORE if you translated some of the heavy hitter adventures and campaigns for Aquelarre!
  6. Welcome to the family yeahgday!
  7. It does look good and I can’t wait to play. It’s also getting a little attention on rpg.net. Now if they would just do a POD.
  8. Alabak2002 the amount of material you linked to is truly amazing and going to take a long time to go through. Yesterday I translated all the adventure titles and downloaded each adventure (one by one). Next step is to translate each one and convert it to zip. BUT... Are there any particular adventures or campaigns that stand out to you that we should translate first?
  9. Someone correct me if I get it wrong but I think both Unknown Armies and Delta Green (which is influended by Unknow Armies) has a concept where a character can get hardened to particular causes of sanity loss (such as violence).
  10. FIrst off thanks for the links both the fan made stuff and the MeWe site! I tried downloading some of the fan made stuff but WIndows ask me what app to use to open them? THey are adventures correct? What do you use? * OKay I did some searching and the files presented are in RAR format which is not recognized by WIn 10. However you can download a RAR tool app for WIn 10. I did so and it appears to be working fine. Now I have to figure out the best way to translate the documents. Any thoughts? These are SO USEFUL for us English speaking Aquelarre GMs not yet ready to write their own adventures!
  11. WOW! This is SUPER helpful! I only recently got into Delta Green and only have the newer books. I recently read PX Poker Night and it is very much about what we are talking about (I wont give spoilers here). I will start investigating these!
  12. You could ignore the Delta Green sanity rules. It would result in a lighter, less grim game but it would still probably be more grim than Bureau 13 for example unless you swap at the mythos for more conventional monsters too. That's what I would do.
  13. Are there any for Delta Green? What about Shotgun Scenarios? Also interested in any scenarios of any system that have an X file flavor to them. Thoughts?
  14. Are there many Conspiracy X scenarios? Maybe I should purchase a few if they exist! * Just looked it up on drivethrurpg. They only had two and I picked up both
  15. Got to admit, Revolution’s way of doing skills is genius and one of the best things about the game. I would like to run a CoC game but use Paulo’s skill rules. Just need to create a character sheet.
  16. I haven’t done Conspiracy X games but I have done Alternity/ Dark Matter games which have the same feel. I have used base BRP for this as well as Delta Green. Both worked great. I’m also hoping to run some of the Bureau 13 games in BRP but haven’t yet done so,
  17. I’m not @Atgxtg but I’m a big believer in Magic World which is basically the same as Stormbringer 5 with a few modifications. You can find a review here -> https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/16/16300.phtml I like it because if includes just the rules you need for a compact mid fantasy game without all the complications other BRP rule sets interject. The only exception to that is that it includes rules for sailing which is a bit unusual (though Mythras also has sailing rules) which is something I use a lot. Also there’s loads of fan support for Magic World On this site which is a nice perk.
  18. Loyd I completely agree with you however I don't think we are going to change Chaosium's mind. And I am not sure we should as they can probably make more money off Gloranthia. But I will politely mention that I'm not interested in Gloranthia while I am likely to buy any BRP title that comes up.
  19. That's good because all I can find in Superworld is the standard STR versus SIZ on the resistance table....
  20. Roger pm me your email address. I will send you the super world table when I get home.
  21. I don't have Cthulhu Invictus but BRP Rome from Alephtar is and would be super useful. It contains all necessary information to run a Rome campaign. As a second choice, Mythic Rome from The Design Mechanism is basically the same book but it replaces the BRP information with Mythras...
  22. So I sent an email to Nocturnal asking if they had other English Aquelarra goodies in the pipeline and I got a email back from Jennifer (Is that Stewart's wife?) saying that what is being sold at Chasoium and on DriveThruRPG is all that will be available for quite some time. So you know what that means... We have to start writing some scenarios and campaigns!
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