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Everything posted by rsanford

  1. Yeah g33k has a good suggestion. Rd100 does skills in a totally different way resulting in a much shorter (but more targeted) skill list.
  2. Yes the Cthulhu Pulp book requires you to have the Keeper’s book too.
  3. Doesn’t Mythras have an encounter generator? Maybe you could see how they did it?
  4. I really like this as I have always thought the current rules for reading tomes were kinda lame and arbitrary. I am going to try out your rules in my next game.
  5. Who is Soph? Was their an online review done that we can listen to?
  6. I have a copy but its in extremely bad shape.
  7. I was on Facebook today when a guy mentioned that he had bought the rights to Worlds Beyond and that he will soon be publishing it again. See https://www.pigames.net/store/default.php?cPath=149
  8. A book just isn’t complete unless it includes the description of a brothel.
  9. Hi Chaosium, I have the previous edition of Malleus Monstrorum but I am sorely tempted by the new version. Can you let us know what has changed (just at a high level) between the two editions? What would clinch it for me is if there is a lot more art in the new book.
  10. Loz, so much stuff, this is incredible. How many people work for TDM now? PS - I assume Mythic Greece is still in route?
  11. Stick around (or come back soon) please. I am sure I will have questions after reading it!
  12. I am not familiar with the setting but I would love to hear your ideas. Dragonlance has always interested me!
  13. Enlightened Magic is probably the most underrated RPG supplement in modern history. It is THE book to have if you want your game to have a real life Wicca kinda feel to it.
  14. The Witchcraft monogram put out by Chaosium has rules for alchemy. You can find it here -> https://www.chaosium.com/brp-witchcraft-pdf/. You might also ask @Nick J. for what he has put together to support his Magic World / Dolmenwood game. Our own Chris Tooley has ported the rules for Alchemy & Artifice to Magic World / BRP. I haven't used it yet but it looks very complete. See it here at ->
  15. Delta Green uses doubles too. Magic World uses 20% and 5% as special levels of success.
  16. WIll this just be POD or is TDM considering offset printing as well?
  17. Good to now about the dates for Jackals. All I have to do is be patient 🙂
  18. Y’all are going to have to excuse us Non-Spanish speakers as we are still new to Aquelarra. I fully anticipate it becoming one of the more popular game discussions on the site.
  19. timbolton could you share your feelings of the game that you played and the setting? I am surprised the author doesn't spend more time here - free marketing!
  20. I have wondered about this supplement before. Could someone tell us just a little about the mechanics of Blood Magic? Specifically how powerful is it and does it require a ritual or can it be used in real-time. Also, if anyone knows, how does it compare in power level to Stormbringer sorcery or even the sorcery used in BRP and Magic World?
  21. We appreciate you too Nick. You do great work and have always been a proponent of Magic World.
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