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Everything posted by rsanford

  1. Wow. I will get this but play it with regular Delta Green rules
  2. Magic World was my introduction to BRP and a hidden gem. The ruleset is great but the setting should have leveraged Magic World's subsystems better and the presentation could have been massively better. I know it won't happen but I can dream of a book that leverages Magic World's rules but done with the care and dilligence RuneQuest received. Would be great!
  3. Hi all, I just saw this on Facebook and thought people would be interested. It's a free to all copy of a new game set in the Young Kingdoms. Find it here -> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DEFVCNuHDvM9OTiv1VwfSkYdvkjqaZIA/view?fbclid=IwAR2x7nzaYkn1bCBqVz25WMoHT5KlN0WwQdqpKZWQsmBY0hCjSA0Sg3zFaNo
  4. If you like BRP, like I do, then you might want to consider the fan made publication New Horizon. It provides detailed rules as well as a setting for playing science fiction in a world most like that in Blade Runner or Total Recall. I haven't studied it in depth but the only thing it seems to lack are rules for creating starships (Use M-SPACE for that). Instead it just list a few ships and their stats. You can find it at https://gitlab.com/NHcthulhu/NewHorizon
  5. Its hard to recount all the things I like about BRP but in general I think the game is more realistic (if you can use the word realistic when talking abut fantasy) than other fantasy games. When I first started gaming I played 1st and 2nd edition Dungeons & Dragons but I never cared for the abstractions (like armor class and THAC0) they used. Then I found BRP (Magic World specifically) and found a game that realistically applied damage to armor but had mechanics for hitting an opponent and parrying (or dodging) an adversary. I also liked the resistance table as a way to model characteristics versus characteristics and the modeling of skills.
  6. Half my family is Russian and there wild mushrooms are considered a delicacy. Many Russians living in rural Russia know how to identify them yet I’m told (by my Russian wife) mushroom poisoning is a common thing there.
  7. 🙂 I would like to see the expression on the Caveman’s face that first tried jalapeños. He must have thought he was dying!
  8. I plan to live forever and so far so good 🙂
  9. I haven’t run it but it interest me greatly!
  10. I think you're mostly right but that might chnge a little now that The Design Mechanism is putting out a horror RPG based on Gumshoe.
  11. Your right but you are getting dangerously near politics. There are a lot of people (not me) that believe that separation of church and state is a righful law in the US.
  12. I will say a prayer for you. In the meanwhile lean into God as he can get you through anything.
  13. The Second Way is really meant to provide rules for a very powerful, freeform magic system and is really best suited for GMs wanting something like Ars Magica but using BRP rules. It would be massively overpowered for any Delta Green or Cthulhu game I can imagine.
  14. That's a good way to describe it though the Delta Green world has been developed in a lot more depth than Bureau 13 (which is a great setting).
  15. Would it be possible to create a new download category called Nephilim and move all the new (and there seem to be a lot) of Nephilim tagged files there? I could see it being helpful for those of us playing Nephilim...
  16. Version 1.0.0


    I don't remember where I found this but thought someone might be able to use it.
  17. I remember someone asking about colonial scenarios here a while back. There is a new Miskatonic Repository title on DrivethruRPG at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/298233/We-Are-All-Savages?src=sub.
  18. I'm new to Delta Green but I am enjoying it immensly. The thing that I like about Delta Green is that it provides reasons for people to investigate the mythos. In Call of Cthulhu you might have run a scenario where the head of one of your ghost hunters gets chopped off. Any normal person is going run away screaming at that point, but Delta Green has a reason and rational to be there. Also using the example of the ghost hunters who are you going to recruit, now that curious Johnny had his head cut off? Delta Green provides you with a never ending supply of agents and friendlies to pull from. Personally I am liking Delta Green better than Call of Cthulhu and I LOVE Call of Cthulhu!
  19. I uploaded a BRP fantasy character sheet not developed by me here ->
  20. Version 1.0.0


    BRP fantasy charater sheet included here... Note I did not create this and I don't know where I got it (so I can't cite the author) but it should prove useful to those of us playing BRP. 44709-BRP_Fantasy_Char_Sheet_001.pdf
  21. @G33K pm me your email address and I will share the BRP character sheet I have with you. It's as ugly as sin but it does (sort of) have a body depicted with localized hit points..
  22. What an advertising blurb says about a book will rarely be as useful as a third party’s opinion. If I went purely by the advertising Dresden would be the best thing since the Lord of the Rings
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