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Everything posted by Mugen

  1. For characteristics generation: "Roll 4d6 and drop the lowest until you roll 16 or above". Wouldn't it be quicker to do something like "roll 15+1d3" or "roll 2d3 and keep the lowest, add 15" ? Rolling 4d6 and keep 3 only has 13% chance to generate a value of 16 or more.
  2. No, they have nothing in common. RQ4 was a percentile system and an evolution of RQ3. It was also meant to be tied to Glorantha. RQ Slayers was an attempt to make a RPG when AH lost the rights to use BRP, but not the RuneQuest name. It had a strange system, where you rolled d6s in combat and tried to get as many 6s as you could, and non-combat used 2d10 under attributes. It was also set in a world without any connection with Glorantha. Then Hasbro (not WotC) bought AH, and they decided to shelf the game, as they had acquired it for its boardgames. A pdf of the finished game was put online some times later.
  3. The OGL version is MRQ1. Open Gaming Licences did not exist before Wizards of the Coast released D&D 3rd edition in 2001. Also, RQIV:Adventures in Glorantha is an unpublished game.
  4. I agree. This is how Pendragon handles combat, and it always worked fine to me. One of the biggest flaw of traditional BRP combat is when 2 opponents have good combat skills and they go into an endless "I attack, you parry, you attack, I parry" exchange. Well, you'll find evolutions in various parts of the game (Runic Magic, Runic Affinities, Passions), but combat is clearly an updated version of RQ3, with large bits from RQ2.
  5. Is this also true for dual-weapon wielders ? If so, is there any good reason to use any other weapon than a shield in your off-hand ?
  6. Well, this is only a QuickStart book, you can't have every details on every subject in it. Anyway, both RQ2 and RQ3 describe spells as abilities granted to the character by a spirit, but the spirit himself didn't remain in the focus. The kind of magic where you trap a spirit in a fetish was the realm of Enchant magic, and the Binding ritual.
  7. Mugen

    Dodge and Jump

    Thank you for your detailed answer ! I'm still not convinced those skills needs a special treatment
  8. Mugen

    Dodge and Jump

    Hmmm... As I said above, I think other skills, especially in the Communication section, could definitely be treated the same way.
  9. Mugen

    Dodge and Jump

    Well, you can achieve the same result by setting a base value of 30 or 40 to those skills. In RuneQuest 3, Dodge had a base value of 05 (+Agility bonus).
  10. Mugen

    Dodge and Jump

    Hum... So, I'm the only one concerned by this ? That must be me, then...
  11. I saw on a Character sheet that 2 skills (Dodge and Jump) have a skill base which is a multiple of DEX (x2 and x3, respectively). Do I get it right when I understand the Agility bonus is also added to this base ? If this is true, I do not understand the logic here. Did you want to show those skills beneficied more from DEX than others ? If so, why don't other skills get such treatment ? For instance, I would see skills such as Fast Talk or Oratory beneficying more from CHA than other Communication skills.
  12. I guess the link between Martial Arts and Stealth is a typo, right ? I'm not really fond on the maximum you put on skills, I would add 1 to the multipliers you use for your blue skills, and perhaps 1 also to the light red ones.
  13. This is really an interesting mix of a lot of RuneQuest 3, with bits from RQ2, and Elric!. Thank you !
  14. Wow. That means a standard sword can only be used 10 or 12 times for parry. RuneQuest 3 weapons had similar Armor Points value, but you lost 1 point when damage was >= current AP value. That is, when RQ:G weapons break.
  15. How many Hit Points do weapons have, in general ? At a rate of 1 HP (or more) per parry, it seems they will break often. Is it possible to get HP back through crafts ?
  16. I think it was a reference to the cumulative 20% per parry. As far as I know (I only know the second edition of SB), this rule was introduced in Elric!, and as a result was also in SB 5th.
  17. Yes, that would be my solution, except "traits" would have variable values instead of a flat +30%.
  18. As for myself, I would not'go further than a 2 level tree, with skills and specialties. Revolution D100 gives a good example of the root skills I'd use.
  19. My answer to this would be to make Hit Points and "Willpower points" work the same way. -HP and WP losses represent physical and mental stress. It's easy to lose and recover those. -Losing all HP or all WP means unbearable stress. A character with no HP falls unconscious. A character with no WP will either fall unconscious, or go mad, depending on how he lost his last WP. -Losing more than a portion of maximum HP or WP at once will result in a long-term consequence, and a reduced maximum points total.
  20. As for myself, I prefer generic hit points with "Major Wounds" when you lose more than X hit points on a hi, à la StormBringer. I also prefer that those hit points represent fatigue rather than actual wounds. There was a rule in Mongoose RQII for NPCs that used generic HP. I don't know if it still exists in Legend.
  21. Question is : What would be the benefit of doing such relative damage bonuses, compared to a universal one ? Sure, you'd have less damage values such as 2d8+1d6 or 3d6+1d4, but you'd need to compute a different damage value for each weapon on your sheet.
  22. As for myself, I quite like the chart from RuneQuest SRD, based on STR+SIZ: 1-5 : -d8 6-10: -d6 11-15: -d4 16-20: -d2 21-25: 0 26-30: +d2 31-35: +d4 36-40: +d6 41-45: +d8 46-50: +d10 Over 50, the chart loses this nice +1 step per 5 attributes points progression. It could be changed into this chart, based only on STR: 0-2: -d6 3-5: -d4 6-8: -d2 9-11: 0 12-14: +d2 15-17: +d4 18-20: +d6 21-23: +d8 24-26: +d10
  23. Elric! Is very different from StormBringer 1 to 4. -In SB, skill base values are very low, and influenced by characteristics. Elric! has decent base skills, which are mostly decoupled from attributes. -Elric! starting characters are very experienced. -Elric! has a series of simple spells anyone with POW 16+ can learn. Both have elementals and demon summonings. -Elric! combat system is more complex. -SB uses a d100 to determine one's nationality. It is possible to roll a Nadsokor beggar, or a Melnibonean Warrior-Priest-Sorcerer. The second one is absurdly overpowered. SB 5 is basically Elric! 2nd edition. As for myself, my favorite Young Kingdoms RPG is Elric of Melniboné 2d version, for MRQ2.
  24. Land of Samurai is good, though I'd note it is more "Heike monogatari" than early Heian, in my opinion. Price of Honor is IMHO not worth buying. As far as i remember, PCs have to find some elemental weapons to rescue a besieged village.
  25. Concerning similar skills, I think a good way to deal with it is to have a few broad ones, and specialties attached to it. For instance, one broad Perception skill, with specialties such as Sight, Touch, Taste, etc. The old StormBringer skill categories could make a good foundation for those broad skills list.
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