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Everything posted by Agentorange

  1. IA ! IA ! CINCLANTFLT. FHTAGN.......😆
  2. I always liked this. i saw it purely by accident on UK tv ( BBC 2 ) I think. it was on late at night- I watched the first few minutes out of curiousity, got caught up in the story and enjoyed the rest.
  3. Well, remember YGMV, so make your own stuff up. So what if it gets contradicted by some official stuff later on - nick the bits you want ignore the rest, maybe your Glorantha wanders off in a different direction, who cares it's your game ! And inspiration lies everywhere I once ran a little RQ adventure that grew out of seeing a single Angus Mcbride illustration ( in all fairness it was non gloranthan ) but I'm sure you see my point.. There's some very evocative names on the map - make something up to explain if there isn't an explanation. As others have said the JC has some excellent stuff in there, from massive tomes to short PDF's loads of goodies to be snaffled. As to the illustration it was this one, i looked at it and thought what's going on here then....
  4. For the Heroquesting rules to be delivered to my door.......
  5. The thread on sailors and shiphandling got me thinking. Obviously Runequest like most RPG'S focuses on land based adventures hardly surprising really. Now certainly on land there are all sorts of small localised spirit cults dotted around the place, some perhaps sub cults, some independent so and so forth. Fair to say the same would hold true for under the waves as well ? that there are probably all sorts of aquatic sub cults, spirit cults and so on in the same way that holds true on land ?
  6. Is it related to animal husbandry ? 😄
  7. You know it's really weird you say that, because i've just noticed that there aren't any ship rules, sea monsters........ Don't worry I'm quite happy to wait for a maritime styled supplement to come out, It'll undoubtedly look beautiful and be good fun.
  8. I'm not picking the core rulebook apart....i just thought it was odd given there was a shiphandling skill.
  9. Indeed, I suspect we'll see something official at some point. Glorantha is chock full of island chains and groups, long stretches of coastline, navigable rivers and so on. plenty of room for interesting supplements.
  10. I've just been and ordered POTEI from drivethru...given the discussion here it seemed rude not to. And it looks good as well. 👍
  11. Arghh me hearties, me spare leg functions as a swagger stick, a club, an atlatl and for poking suspicious objects with
  12. At present there's no Sea Lore either....
  13. You're right they couldn't put every Bronze age occupation in the book. it just seemed odd there there was a Ship handling Skill , which after all is directly related to sailing and no corresponding profession as it were.
  14. yeah, you're probably right. the focus is on inland stuff at the moment as you say as other supplements come out we'll probably see expanded background professions including sailor. As Svensson says I can always make one up. Mind you that means I'd have to write up new skills like: Navigation, Do Pirate Accent.... Which would mean I'd have to do a Pirate profession, and sea monsters. before you know it I'll have written an entire book.......😄😆
  15. This kind of surprised me, we have a Ship handling skill - which implies ships to handle.....which rather implies sailors to sail said ships. The opening has occurred, there's islands and coastlines galore. But no sailor profession...... We do have cults for Dormal and maybe Diros coming up in the Gods of Glorantha supplement but that sounds as though it might be eye wateringly expensive at least in print format. So maybe we might get that profession there. But it does seem like a strange omission.
  16. Perhaps they keep it because it allows them to giggle like naughty school children everytime they say it ? 😁
  17. Mind you there is always this approach to fishing.........😆
  18. Because you have an inquiring mind, and we never know when knowledge is going to come in handy.....
  19. I was a little surprised: useful for traps, snares and so on.
  20. I did think that allowing devise as a substitute skill was the way to go, you could leave out boat, add devise and then you've covered handnet fishing eg haaf nets, seine nets etc, making fish traps and weyrs and also rod and line fishing. use devise to cover all those things and you're pretty much good to go.
  21. Who knows what lurks in the tangled history of glorantha ?
  22. Now there are 10 pages of results for fishing so if some one knows this has been covered just tell me and i'll wade my way through it all...... I was looking at the background professions, there is indeed a Fisher background - but no fishing skill. Which seems kind of odd. Now i know theres no specific hunting skill for hunter either. But the skills provided for the hunter do directly allow them to make a hunt, track to find the beat, missile weapon to actually kill the beast they directly allow the character to carry out the function of a hunter. What are the primary skills for fisherman: Boat and Swim, so that means you know what to do in a boat and what to do if you fall in the water - doesn't help you catch fish though. We do have thrown net, which strangely seems to be a combat skill, and obviously there is the javelin skill for spear fishing.... But what about fishing with nets from a boat - the boat skill means you just know how to handle a boat..... What about NON cast net fishing eg haaf nets, rod and line fishing or angling, the construction of fish traps like the Fyke net ? i suppose you could use devise for that sort of thing, but I don't think the fisher profession gets devise. using animals to do fishing ? it just seems theres a bit of a gap there. Would it break the game if i created a fishing skill for my games ?
  23. I'm going to sing Dustin's praises as well. I had a password issue and Dustin went above and beyond the call of duty to sort it out.👍👍
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