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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. There's a character sheet in the downloads section http://merrieengland.soltakss.com/MerrieEnglandDownloads.html
  2. I will be putting more stuff in the Merrie England Downloads section http://merrieengland.soltakss.com/MerrieEnglandDownloads.html when I have time. I have added various links in the Links Section. If anyone finds any more that they think should go there, please let me know.
  3. The way I handle such issues is by roleplaying as much as I can, then asking the players to roll dice depending on what has happened. So, they might roll Intimidate, with a heft bonus or Fast talk with a penalty or whatever. Sometimes, we break the task into several parts, so they might have to make several rolls and the result depends on the outcome of each roll. Since every situation is different, we have to narrate the outcome of the rolls. It works well with our group. Sometimes, however, a scene which I think should take 10 minutes goes on for a whole session (4 hours) down to the roleplaying and discussions and dice-roll chains.
  4. Shame. Paolo - I think you should revert to the new icon and style permanently.
  5. I agree 100%. Players/PCs tend to be very arrogant and think that they can get away with anything. Sometimes they need a dose of reality to tell them otherwise.
  6. With Conan, I think you absolutely need Hit Locations, precisely for the chopping off of limbs. I like the idea of "I hit the left arm and chop it off" rather than "I've done well, what do I do, I chop something off, where have I hit". If you are so weedy that a sword can chop your limbs off then you are cannon fodder for Conan and the other proper barbarians. Having said that, the real heroes need a way of supercharging Hit Points, getting more armour or being very good at Dodging and Parrying. You could do it in RuneQuest as you could get spells such as Shield and Protection, but I can't see that working for Conan. Perhaps some magic items could be used to make the Heroes tougher. HP = STR + CON is a must, as that gives a meaty fellow 36 HPs, or 12 in an important location, so it would take 24 points to incapacitate him and that's not going to happen unles you get a good impale. Tough Skin is also a good idea, as all those years wandering around the steppes in just a loincloth must have toughened you up a bit. Allowing attack and parry with the same weapon might help as well. After all, that's what Conan does in the films. I can see warriors rubbing salves onto their bare skin before a battle to give them more armour - after all, why else would they fight all oiled up, muscles glistening? Healing potions are a must, as well, just to stop the attrition of total hit point death. I'd not have Death at 0 HPs, either. Have 0 HPs being "About to Die" and only die once you have reached your Total HPs negatively. So, someone with 36 HPs should only die once they have reached -36 HPs.
  7. Ah, I hadn't realised that this is the Falling Damage Table rather than a Velocity Damage Table. That makes sense as velocuty does increase with height fallen, so damage should also increase. According to Wikipedia, as good a source as any, the Terminal Velocity of a skydiver is 54m/s, which we hit when we fall 150m, or thereabouts, doing 51D6 damage. It might be better using the ballistics equations and seeing how they turn out.
  8. I'd have let him go out in a blaze of glory, as the other characters panicked as to what to do.
  9. And that shows up a major problem. If you assume that Momentum is proportional to damage, then something moving at 10m/s does 2D6 damage, something moving twice as fast (20 m/s) should do twice as much damage but does 7D6 damage and something twice as fast again (40 m/s) does 27D6 damage. Those figures just don't make sense to me.
  10. I'd go with Rust and use the poison rules, as a basic idea. If you want to go more complicated, give each drug a Rating and have the user roll that rating each time that he wants to be affected by the drug. Normal Success = desired effect, Special Success = enhanced effect, Critical Success = Fantastic effect, Failure = No real effect, Fumble = Overdose or Side-Effect. Each person could build up a tolerance to the drug which would manifest as a penalty to the drug's Rating. Taking more drugs would add a bonus to the drug's rating but should also give an automatic Side-Effect chance. Side Effects would depend on the drug in question. The most conmmon would be Dependence/Addiction. You could build a table of common side-effects and their game mechanics. Weight Loss (Loss of STR/CON), Paranoia, Sleep loss (Lack of concentration, skill penalty) or whatever. Some of these would be countered by other drugs, but they might have side-effects themselves. So, you could take a drug to counter the Sleep Loss but that might induce paranoia. I'd search the Internet for side-effects of recreational drugs.
  11. The time taken to complete a jump depends on many factors: is it a vertically upwards, vertically downwards or horizontal jump, is it from a standing start or a running jump, is it in atmosphere and so on. How long a fall takes depends on the factors involved. Falling in a vacuum is different to falling in the atmosphere, how you fall also affects the time taken to fall, due to the varying calculation of Terminal Velocity. Someone spreading arms out will fall slower than someone curled up in a ball or with arms to the side. The Leap and Smash powers cause damage to an opponent, not to the participant, so the damage will be different to the Falling damage. The best suggestion I would make would be to put the damage for Falling, Leap and Smash in a table, side by side, and compare them.
  12. There is also a copy at http://www.rpg-resource.org.uk/index.php?article=6391&visual=4 If anyone else sees any reviews, good or bad, then please post the links.
  13. As she said in SpaceHunter: Return to the Forbidden Zone "Us loners gotta stick together". No. Sometimes you have to work as a team and enjoy the game. OK, but I'd kidnap someone from the Agency's family/loved ones and hold the to ransom in return. Assuming, of course, that they were on Death Row to begin with. As a plot point it might work. Or they could just abscond ... Watch them find a mad scientist to cure the plague, or give the plague to the Agency bossess or threaten an Agency scientist in order to get the vaccine. Then don't be surprised when they each find a way to screw the Agency or blackmail someone to get rid of the hold over them.
  14. Both To my mind, you can't separate the two. Sure, you can have people wandering around the Mediterranean, interacting with the peoples of Greece, the Near East, Northern Africa and so on, but the myths and gods and goddesses add so much to the setting. The Trojan War has a completely different level if you add in the Gods and their scheming and manipulation, for example, in fact it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the Goddesses. I know a lot of people like their Historical settings with little/no magic or religion, but a lot of the Greek stories involve religion or the deeds of gods and goddesses.
  15. Funnily enough, my favourite periods/settings from earth history are, in order: Homeric Greece Dark Age Britain Medieval England Steppe Nomads Now, I've done something on the Steppe Nomads for Mythic Russia and am helping Zit on BRP Steppes and have done Merrie England. Now, all I have to do are Dark Age Britain and Homeric Greece. These will probably be for Legend, though, rather than BRP.
  16. soltakss


    It would be very easy to turn Legend from a fantasy genre to a different genre. SciFi is probably the easiest to do, but others are possible. In my opinion, the skills, combat resolution and character generation are so generic that they can be used in any setting.genre. All that needs doing is to add customised Legendary Abilities, customised Backgrounds/Professions, new skills and, if that's what people want, new weapons and technology. The core works anyway. The advantage that BRP has it that this has already been done, to some extent, in the standard rulebook.
  17. I did say Blois but this was put on the map as Blols.
  18. Try http://www.alephtargames.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=39%3Ahistorical&id=53%3Amerrie-england&Itemid=57 - the files are on the left hand side below the cover picture.
  19. I had never noticed until now.
  20. Avoid All the World's Monsters if you want stats for BRP. I bought them years ago and was very disappointed, and I have a very low expectation threshold.
  21. You want more stuff? For free??? I might produce a character sheet, but it will be in my own style and people might not like it. The Morris Miners might be posted as a free scenario, if I change it a bit following a playtest. Apart from that, I don't have any specific plans for support aids. Were you thinking of anything in particular? If I like the sound of it and it isn't too difficult then I might be persuaded to put some free stuff on the website. Editing and formatting are out of my hands, I am pleased to say! Bishop Wimund is quite a character - thanks for pointing him out. He is one of those characters that if I'd made him up people would have said he's unrealistic. Fortunately, the raping, pillaging, pirate-bishop actually existed.
  22. The cover is from Age of Eleanor. I don't know if the cover has changed for Age of Chivalry. In a fist fight, Duke Nukem would probably win, but in a game of strategy then it's Eleanor hands down.
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