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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. A big horse is bigger than a small horse, in the same way that a big man is bigger than a small man. A horse is a horse is a horse, but a Shire horse should not have the same stats as a Shetland pony ...
  2. Hmmm, demigods have stats in BRP; CoC doesn't really count to me as the Chthulhu Mythos is either beings so immense and powerful that they can't be touched, or monsters that can be killed; RQ generally doesn't stat up deities, only minor demigods. It is interesting that Corum actually killed the gods, so Moorcock's gods aren't always super-powerful. The Sidhe are merely pale shadows of what the gods were, and that is part of their function - they have always been written in folklore as shades. Tiews is a god that had not been actively worshipped for a few centuries at the time of Deus Vult, so again I would have expected him to be less powerful. I haven't seen the stats for Diana and Odin, it would be interesting to see them. Do you have any idea of which supplements had them? Well, the Trojan War might have been in the 12th Century BC, and the Iliad was probably written down in the 8th century BC, so about 400 years separated the two, so about 13 generations. Time enough for things to be twisted, of course. Looking at the Greek Myths, the Olympians are rarely defeated by humans, Their contemporaries (Titans/Demigods) are sometimes defeated by mortals, but those mortals are often descended by deities. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any who were fully mortal. So, if they were statted up then they would be very powerful - high POW, divine magic cast in the same way as Common Magic (perhaps at a cost of 1 MP per casting), high STR/CON, resistance to damage and so on.
  3. Well, I tried Chaosium's site again and managed to checkout OK. However, my email seems to have been swallowed by a black hole - no response at all, not even to acknowledge receipt of the email. So, 1/10 for Chaosium's customer service, just because they had an email to send to (even though it took 10 minutes to find it). Their Catalogue is also confusing, until you realise that you have to select the category on the left hand side.
  4. I've just downloaded it, so need to read it first. If nobody replies then I'll give my ideas.
  5. In the Iliad, it describes the Olympians getting down and dirty on the battlefield. Basically, mortals have no chance, but Immortals can defeat even the gods. Other gods certainly can - it is full of descriptions of how Ares is defeated by Athena, for example. As to having stats for them, unless you want to go up against a God, what is the point? Even goddesses such as Artemis and Athena could take out 20 men without thinking about it. Ares could take a hundred without breaking into a sweat. Stormbringer had the right idea - its gods always gave mortals the first blow, then said they killed you.
  6. I did think that a lot of Merrie England could be applied to Thule. If you have a number of sons of different nobility, then having some of the PCs as squires to different nobles might introduce some roleplaying fun. Also, letting the squires do their own thing while the nobles are playing politics might be good as well.
  7. I'm looping when trying to checkout. It might be something to do with only buying PDFs, having a stored address and using PayPal, but it keeps asking me to choose a billing address. I've sent an email and am waiting to see what happens. It's the first time I've had a problem ordering from the Chaosium website, though.
  8. Another piss-take reply right? So no need to reply? I might be getting it now!
  9. Agreed and if you can make it easily usable and fun to use as well as being fairly accurate then it would be a good set of rules.
  10. Just pointing out one of the flaws of that approach. But it does raise an interesting point. Reaction to new editions generally falls into three camps - those who don't want things changed; those who want loads of things changed and those who don't care. Changing things because it is a new edition doesn't really work for me, but leaving everything as it is doesn't really work either. The trick is to decide what needs changing and what needs keeping.
  11. At the moment, it looks impressive but isn't really that useful. I see that your players like to put people on whiskey drips, which explains the Alcohol by Injection table, but that wouldn't be that common. What it really needs, in my opinion, is: 1. A list of common alcoholic drinks and their effects (I don't know what 10 ounces of alcohol relates to in the real world, for example. 2. What is the cumulative effect of drinking alcohol? 3. Does Resilience have an effect? 4. Ideally, you would want some worked examples of alcohol consumption. Remember the drinking contests in RQ3 Vikings? They were easily usable and fun. For a RPG, you need something similar. If you can make it realistic as well, all the better.
  12. Can't this year, maybe next year. I'm going to Continuum, though.
  13. Also, alphabetical ordering would break down as soon as you translate the rules into other languages, so you would get a different order for French stat-blocks than English ones.
  14. Looks nice, illustrations are very pretty, pages look clear and so on. More importantly, it looks like RuneQuest.
  15. It is mentioned in this thread http://basicroleplaying.com/basic-roleplaying/chaosium-adventure-contests-2012-a-2822/
  16. As a GM, I can write adventures for my gaming group at the drop of a hat. These adventures take up a page, maybe two, of bullet points and plotlines. Adventures are not an issue, for me, as a GM. Finding interesting settings, however, is tricky. I can go for Glorantha, but I've done that a lot. Alternate Earth is another favourite of mine, but there wasn't much around for it. The Eternal Champion is good but my players aren't keen. So, as a GM, I like new settings supplements. When I write things to be published or to go on my website, however, settings are a lot easier to write than adventures, at least they are for me. A setting can be background, as detailed as I want, a gazetteer, cults/religions, magic and a bestiary and hey presto we have a supplement. Adventures, on the other hand, are difficult. They have to be interesting, wel-rounded, have to think of deviation points, need overall plots, NPC writeups and so on. They take a lot longer to write, have to be playtested, and normally follow a published setting, unless they are generic standalone adventures. Having said that, on the list of things I am planning to do in the next 2 years, the first is a set of rules (Legend), the second is probably going to be an adventure pack (BRP) and the third is a setting supplement containing a few adventures (probably Legend). So, expect more adventures "soon" ...
  17. Typical Three Line Call of Cthulhu Scenario: Your Great Uncle passes away. You search his attic and find an old book. You read it and go mad.
  18. RQ Daggers always used to have 1D4+2, so I assume that this came from the same source. 1D3/1D4 for a knife is OK, for a dagger is a bit low. I never had a problem with 1D4+2 for a dagger.
  19. Or you could use something like the torture device from Blackadder I (Last episode):
  20. Did we lose the Magic World thread? If so, they'll have to start the argument all over again ...
  21. He must either be back from hiking in Tanzania or could have dialled in to his server remotely. I'm guessing the former.
  22. Wayland's Forge in Birmingham carries a lot of BRP/RQ/Legend material. Where are you based in the UK? I am sure there must be a games store near you with BRP material.
  23. They were also in Griffin Mountain, albeit in a sketchy form. They can be useful, especially when on HeroQuests. However, most of my players haven't liked them, so I don't really use them. The thing that annoys them is that it takes the control away from the player at certain critical times. When I played, I used them as a random decider when I couldn't decide/care what happened - I rolled on an opposed pair to see which way my PC would act. It normally worked out well.
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