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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. That's pretty much how I do it. Double and knock the end 0 off, if it's a multiple of 10, or round up.down to the nearest 10, double and knock the end 0 off and add/subtract 1 depending on whether you rounded up or down. It really should be in the rules as an easy calculation. You can now work for a company of accountants and auditors, oh, hang on ...
  2. At a certain level, yes. You could use the same principles, but would need to scale weapons accordingly. But having Hull Points and Structure Points works as well for spaceships as it does for sailing ships. Combat would be a little different, though, as you would need some way of having special effects e.g. Systems Damage or Crew Damage on a normal hit.
  3. The licencing for Legend seems a bit looser and less expensive than the one for BRP (no up-front cost, no giving books to sell, no restrictions on the number of supplements produced every year), so is there any chance of seeing some Alephtar supplements for Legend?
  4. BRP fans in general? No. However, there are quite a few active BRP fans who don't like Mongoose that much. Mongoose Publishing is probably bad-ish for Chaosium Inc as they are rivals with a similar product in a crowded marketplace. However, RQ/Legend is a good thing for BRP, in my opinion, as it expands the D100-style rules and provides fans with more options/rules/scenarios/settings. BRP supplements are being produced, both by Chaosium and by Third Parties. They aren't being pushed aggressively, but that's probably because the margins on RPG supplements don't support aggressive marketing.
  5. That's interesting. Alephtar Games had told Mongoose about Merrie England: Age of Eleanor before they pulled the licence - in fact I hand-delivered two copies that Mongoose were expecting on the day they announced that they were pulling third party licences. Shame, as I had already half written three or four supplements.
  6. So, give each type of creature a Fear Characteristic and give your PCs a Brave Characteristic. That way, you can roll the Fear vs Brave on the Resistance Table when they first encounter it. Further encounters would reduce the Fear as PCs become more familiar with the creature. The same thing could work with scary places, scary enemies and the like. Trying to enter a Deep Dark Cave? Roll its fear 15 vs your Brave. See that maddened Dragon - roll a Fear 20 (+10 because it looks mad) vs Brave.
  7. I'm so jealous - this is the first time that I have regretted not being able to go. The only things not in Age of Chivalry are those MRQ-specific rules, such as Legendary Abilities.
  8. Ours is an architect. He makes a roll, says what his skill is and waits for us to work out how well he has done. Actually, what I tend to do is have them roll the dice and if it looks like it could be a special/critical then work it out as a roll of 70 for an 80% skill doesn't need any calculation.
  9. Sounds good, but a combination of having no time and an angry wife counts me out, sorry.
  10. Merrie England: Age of Eleanor was for MRQ and was discontinued after Mongoose pulled the RQ Licence. Merrie England: Age of Chivalry is the new version for BRP and is probably 2-3 times as long with a lot more material. My original intention was to produce several books roughly the same size as Age of Eleanor, but because of the differences between the licences, I combined much of the work into one volume.
  11. By the way, for anyone in the UK or Ireland, there's a new series on Channel 4 (starting Saturday I think) called Camelot - it looks to be a retelling of the King Arthur stories and looks very nice indeed, from the adverts.
  12. There are issues with SRs, so they are not perfect. The main one, for me, is the fact that if you are big and fast with a long weapon then you get your attacks and parries in early and sit around for the rest of the round doing nothing, which is is bit unrealistic. But, if you combine it with MRQ Combat Actions and get 3 Actions per round then you can use the 3rd action to do something else 3SRs later, just enough to fill that gap. Another is that SIZ makes your SR smaller, presumably coping with reach, so that something big but compact has a smaller SR than something small with a long reach. But, BRP/RQ3-style Strike ranks work better for me than MRQ Strike Ranks and BRP DEX Ranks.
  13. Phil Hibbs has started a thread on the Mongoose Forum regarding Real World RQ cults. http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=47521
  14. While we are waiting for Arrrgh Pirates, take a look at RQ Pirates, if it is still in stock - it is very good for a PotC game.
  15. Strike Ranks in MRQII are similar to DEX Ranks in BRP, although not quite the same. BRP Strike Ranks work on the basis that a combat round is split into distinct numbered segments, called Strike Ranks. A Character has a certain Strike Rank, calculated using SIZ/DEX for physical actions (and INT/DEX for magical ones, I think) which is the first point at which he can act. Each weapon has a Strike Rank, with short ones having a higher SR than long ones, these weapon SRs are added to the character's SR to determine when that weapon can be used. When in combat, Strike Ranks are called off one by one and when it reaches a Strike Rank when you can act then you can do something. Movement simply burns up SRs, depending on how far you move, so a human moves 3m per SR, so if he moves 6m then he has added 2SR to whatever SR he will act on. In RQ3, spells took a time of 1 SR per Magic Point to cast, so an 8 point spell took 8 SRs to cast, but I am not sure if this is the same in BRP.
  16. Went past it on Saturday, mentioned it to my wife and she said I should pop in, but I had a "Danger Will Robinson" moment and thought better of it.
  17. Presumably you have to be Bloody Rich to afford something that is Friggin Expensive. Also, how can you get hold of an "Unavailable" item?
  18. Personally, I use Strike ranks, not DEX Ranks, and the problem doesn't really happen. I can see how movement can affect Initiative - If I stand there and attack, surely I should attack faster than if I move then attack? Again, with Strike Ranks this isn't an issue, Movement merely delays your attack SR, as I read it.
  19. Loss of POW is definitely a game mechnaic, but I'd go for characters being harassed and victimised by the deity concerned until he made amends. Greek mythology is full of such thngs. The Gods are portrayed as petty and vengeful, which is fine by me.
  20. Sounds good to me. Homeric Greece certainly needs some kind of magic from the gods. It's one of the settings where Ares grants some war magic, Apollo grants light and healing magic and so on. However, Gloranthan-style magic doesn't fit the setting, as not everyone has magic. So, gaining Blessings from the Gods makes sense. One thing I would say is that you can gain Blessings from different gods, not just the one you are dedicated to. So, making an offering to Apollo might give you some magic even though you normally follow Ares. A man could even make an offering to Artemis even though men do not normally worship Artemis. If you like a Clash of the Titans style game then the Gods and Goddesses could actively act to support or oppose characters. Whether you do this by magic or by some kind of Pact roll, I am not sure. Also, the version of The Iliad that I read has the gods playing a physical role, with Ares, Athena and the rest getting stuck in to battles, actually killing people. This is something that never happens in Glorantha, say, and sometimes happens in a Norse setting (Odin the Wanderer, for example). The Gods are more personal and are, to a certain extent, touchier and more dangerous as a result.
  21. If the object is more than 10 below your STR then you can throw it without a roll on the Resistance Table. If it is within 10 of your STR then you must roll on the Resistance Table. STR 15 vs SIZ 2 means no roll on the Resistance Table as it is considered relatively small. STR 15 vs SIZ 6 means a roll on the Resistance Table (95% chance) STR 15 vs SIZ 24 means a roll on the Resistance Table (5% chance) But STR 10 vs SIZ 10 definitely means a roll on the Resistance Table (50% chance). As written, you don't need to roll on the Resistance Table if the SIZ is 10 or more than STR, but makes no sense at all, except because the chance of success is 0. So, you can't throw something that has SIZ of 10 or more higher than STR. I'm not sure if I like that, because it seems odd that there is a 0% chance. I prefer the RQ3 table, which gave a 1% chance up to a certain point.
  22. Is it a one-off creature or a type of creature? I can see that stats for a giant boar would be useful in Age of Arthur, but if this is a one of a kind giant boar then it wouldn't need to have random characteristics.
  23. Yep, been playing RQ3 since about 1987, although I bought it in 1985. I haven't found anything that is better overall, although BRP almost came close until Jason introduced loads of funny rules. I wrote Merrie England: Age of Eleanor for MRQI as it was OGL and a nice system to use. If Mongoose hadn't pulled Third Party Support for RQ straight afterwards, I'd still be using MRQ, or a close OGL variant, for writing stuff. Having looked closely at the rules, I can see a lot of good things about MRQI and MRQII, things that would introduce into RQ3 to make it even better. There are also a lot of things I wouldn't use (Movement as a Combat Option, for example) but that also applies to RQ3. But, unless someone makes a retro-clone version of RQ3 and adds the best bits from MRQI/II, OpenQuest, Wayfarer and BRP, I'll continue to use RQ3+. You are so, so wrong about that
  24. Rounding up and rounding down is easy enough to do in your head. What I did was to produce an Excel spreadsheet with skill up to 200% showing the scores needed for critical, special, failure, fumble, so you just need to do a lookup. We've never used it, though. It would be handy if you are checking ballpark figures - 80% skill, roll a 60 clearly a normal success, roll a 01 celarly a critical, roll a 17 work it out or look at the table.
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