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General Kong

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General Kong last won the day on April 29 2015

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  • General Kong


  • RPG Biography
    Started with D&D Red Box in 1983 and play regularly with my first group since then, meeting almost every weekend. Played CoC first in 1985 and RQ in 1988. Most BRP games I played are (in that order) CoC, Stormbringer/ Elric! and RQ 3. Superhero rpg have a special place in my heart (since I started to play Champions/ HERO in 1989) although I do not play them anymore.
  • Current games
    Savage World of Solomon Kane (gm), Star Wars D20 (pl), D&D 5 (pl), Das Schwarze Auge 1 (pl)
  • Location
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    not telling

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  1. Klingt vom Titel her, als sei es vom Hintergrund auch in den Neuen Reichen spielbar. Ist das so oder eher nicht mehr oder weniger als andere fantasyabenteuer auch?
  2. "Lasst dem Spaß beginnen!" Und retten dem Dativ! 🙃
  3. There is no need for any apology. All mistakes a extremely minor. I see worse in any homework or class test I have to correct, even in finishing classes. And as long someone does not goes out of his way to insult or ridicule someone's else's culture etc. everybody should stay calm and just assume: An honest and innocent mistake. But as I said: Very minor, stylistic errors. Just wanted to make a good text better.
  4. Please note that I did correct one of the handwritten "corrections" of my fellow Germans. I am a GERMAN and a TEACHER. A horrible, gruesome and terrifying combination when it comes to correcting other people's mistakes ... 😈
  5. Basically a good text. Some small mistakes: "Heute war es herrlich." "Gefahr laufen" instead of "gefahr laufen" "was wir bisher erfahren haben ", not "gelernt" (we Germans don't learn something (except in school), we get to know something) "Ich habe vor ein paar Stunden zu warten, in der Hoffnung, dass sie verschwunden sind." (not gegangen). The text is supposed to be from 1919, so it should be "daß" (ß = Sz) instead of the modern "dass". "Ich werde etwas Schmuck sammeln und dann fliehen" - Not wrong per se, but I guess, since the writer is going to grab stuff and run, he would have written: "Ich werde etwas Schmuck zusammensuchen und dann zu fliehen versuchen." He is not "collecting" jewelry, he is deciding what is most valuable and then trying to make a run for it, I suppose. But all in all no bad mistakes.
  6. @ Bromo: Don't bother. Enjoy your game.
  7. Ich sehe, dass die Produktivität beim deutschen Mythras ungebrochen ist. Nur bei Andre ist augenscheinlich der Bart ab! 😉
  8. Cardinal DOOM inspecting the defense system of Latfrancia. Let the Musketeering Four come! MUHAHAHA!
  9. I actually down understand the arguing: Die Schwarze Sonne is a symbol imbedded in the Obergruppenführersaal of the Wewelsburg. It is certainly not the invention of Stephan Mögle-Stadel who used it for his book published in 1991. Yo don't believe me? Go to the Wewelsburg. You can stand on the Sonne. I did. There are even achaelogical finds in Verucchio in Italy from the 7th and 8th century before Christ and from the Alamans from the times of the Merowingians (6th century AD). So it is way older than Naziism.
  10. Der Rote Baron weiß Rat ... Enjoy. (WRRRRROOOOOOOMMM!) CC2-Character-sheet-2.1.pdf
  11. General Kong

    Dear C&W

    Yep, the fire is still burning quite brightly.
  12. The symbol which is a real one and that you can find in the Gruppenführersaal, a special hall in the Wewelsburg intended for meetings of Gruppenführer (SS-Generals) is called Schwarze Sonne; Die Schwarze Sonne if you want to use it with an article. Just because we like compounds words does not mean that you can just put everything together. 😉 Schwarzesonne isn't correct German. And Nachtwölfe it is - there is an umlaut in the plural form: der Nachtwolf - die Nachtwölfe. Just if you wonder: Yep, ich bin Deutscher.
  13. Very nice. We do almost the same here: We roast Papists on a Pyre for Hell! MUHAHAHA! 😈 Erm .. I mean: PRAISE THE LORD!
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