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Everything posted by AndreJarosch

  1. That i overlooked the mention of Vinga in the Dorastor book is less disturbing to me, than the fact that i forgot KoS!
  2. Aaarg... I went through all of the gaming books (RQ, HW, HQ) in my mind... forgot to check the "fiction" book.
  3. As fas as i know the first mention of Vinga (female aspect/subcult of Orlanth) and Nandan (male aspect/subcult of Ernalda) was in "Storm Tribe" for the HeroWars RPG, published in 2001.
  4. As far as i remember there are no chaotic snakemen in canon Glorantha. But YOUR GLORANTHA WILL VARY. A location infested with Snake Broos? A valley in which (Dragonewt like) chaotic Snakemen exist? Maybe they a jungle snake(men)s and live in the jungle of Teshnos or in Pamaltela? P.S.: For stats i would recommend to use the Call of Cthulhu stats for Serpernt People.
  5. Getting Illuminated by her?
  6. Yes! Screw with her plans! Make it harder for her to archive her goals! Slow the progress she makes down! That isthe way to interact with Jar-eel. It is a baaaaad idea to try to fight her face to face.
  7. The best outcome of a PC confronting Jar-eel is not defeating her, but coming alive out of that situation.
  8. From 1981 the BRP booklet (16 pages) was included in various of Chaosiums boxed RPG sets, but never included rules of SAN. The first time SAN was included in the BRP rules was with the publication of preview edition of the Big Golden Book "BRP Zero" edition in December 2007.
  9. New JC adventure up! Velhara´s Mirror (follow up to "The Ruins of Bonn Kanach") https://tinyurl.com/2p969y5m
  10. If you NEED stats for Jar-eel: Use Elric of Melnibonés stats from Stormbringer 5th edition (with full armour, Stormbringer, drugs, spells, favours of the Chaos Gods, etc.), and let him fight with four weapons in four arms.
  11. We have TWO sets of Stats for her: 1. The White Bear & Red Moon / Dragon Pass stats 2. The Arduin Grimoire stats (D&D like) which were included in "Wyrms Footprint"
  12. Jeff calles it "Dragon Pass Atlas". Jason has called it the "Dragon Pass Gazzetteer" (a break out book of the Sartar Set) Jeff calls it "Boldhome Guide". As far as i understood previous announcement this will be part of the Sartar Set, as the "Jonstown Guide" was part of the Starter Set.
  13. Call of Cthulhu first Edition, first printing 1981.
  14. I am sorry to say that, but EDGE belongs to the Asmodee Group, and they aren´t a fellew publisher of the hobby industry, but just a money making machine. If their calulations say, that it doesn´t make enough money they will not publish it.
  15. Can you tell me the spanish title of that product, please? And when it was publishede (month/year).
  16. Was anything else than the core rulebook published by EDGE for RQG?
  17. Yes, that is absolutely correct. Watching the movie the character is so skilled that i thought he HAS TO be more than a mere Initiale. But you are right: If i stick with Initiate things are getting easier. It wasn´t my intention to use this as a starting point for a campaign ("starting PC"). It would be good as a set up for a one shot (multiple session, one bid adventure/small campaign) involving experienced PC´s.
  18. I watched in a a movie theater like this (Telugu with english sub titles), and we in germany are not used to subtitles et all (almost EVERYTHING that you can watch here is dubbed in german). I found it not difficult: The english occupators speak english (and are subtitles in english as well!). And genereally there isn´t soooo much text to follow, it´s easy to follow the subtitles.
  19. The movie my question was based upon is "RRR". Available on Netflix now (Telegu with english subitles). Maybe you will understand what i am looking for if you have seen it. 🙂
  20. A lot of the individuals called witches in Dragon Pass seem to be Yinkin worshippers. Anywhere else an individual is called a witch a spirit worshipping (powerful spirit magic user) seems to be applied. Are these two distinct groups which are both called witches, without having much in common?
  21. What is the gloranthan definition of a witch? I am aware of 4 individuals that are called witches: - Earth Witch - Jakaleel the Witch - Onelisin "Cat Witch" - Cragspider the Fire Witch What do they have in common - besides the fact that they are identified as female - to call them witches? A priest is a priest (= leader of divine worship), a shaman is a shaman (= leader of spirit worship), a sorcerer is a sorcerer (= professional user of manipulation of cosmic energy). Is witch = female weird magic user?
  22. IMHO there is no corect answer. It is possible that Yelmalio, Elmal and Kargzant (among others) are seperate entities, but have very simmilar cults in Glorantha, which are presented in RQG as the Yelmalio Cult (which lists the other names of the entity in other culteres as Elmal, Kargzant, etc.). It it also possible that there is ONE entity on the gods plane that is being worshipped by different cultures under different names. As god of cold light/surface light/light in the darkness etc. it isn´t important for this god if his worshippers get all the other aspects he is worshipped for are in line with each other. I look at it as an entity that likes to be alive by being worshipped/getting magic points etc. If the hill barbarians worship this entity as the light in the hills, thane of Orlanth, then he accepts the worship of these hill barbarians. If the rider people of the plains worship him as the god of horse archery he will not neglect their worship. If the phanlanx fighters of the Sun Dome temples worship him as a god of soldiers and phalanxes he will not refuse their worship. "If they worship me and give me magic/pow points, i am whatever they want that i am."
  23. Are these errata already included/fixed in the PoD version?
  24. CHARAKTER-NACHBAU-WETTBEWERB Wie wäre es, wenn jeder der ein M-SPACE zu Hause hat versucht EINEN Charakter (Humanoid, Roboter, oder Alien) einer beliebigen SciFi-Franchises (Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, The Expanse, The Orville, Dune, Aliens, Starship Troopers, Predator, Perry Rhodan, Firefly, etc.) mit M-SPACE umzusetzen. Die Ergebnisse bitte HIER posten. Ich werde diese sammeln und ein PDF daraus machen (natürlich privat, da wir als Verlag Probleme mit den Rechteinhaber bekommen könnten), welches über Social-Media-Kanäle allen kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Zeigt mir eure C-3POs, Datas, Ivanovas, Sardaukar, Space Marines, den Predator, Gucky, etc.! Unter allen mitmachenden wird ein Teilnehmer ausgelost, der das nächste M-SPACE-Produkt (welches auch immer das werden wird) gewinnt!
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