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Everything posted by AndreJarosch

  1. Watching the video i am awaiting the jumpscare of a Trollkin or Rock Lizard appearing around the corner any second.
  2. Hurra! Ihr habt und nicht enttäuscht: Kein Tag ohne mindestens einen neuen Unterstützer! Das letzte Zusatzziel wurde erreicht! Das Crowfunding hat noch 5 Tage vor sich. Genug Zeit für unsere Unterstützer darüber nachzudenken, nicht doch noch aufzustocken... noch ein Abenteuerheft gefällig? Viel Dank bis hierhin... Wir freuen uns darauf am Sonntag um Mitternacht die Korken knallen zu lassen und unser erfolgreiches Projekt zu begießen!
  3. Nur noch eine Woche! 7 Tage! Wir haben noch EIN weiteres Zusatzziel, welches wir hoffen bis zum Ende des Crowdfundings zu erreichen. "Sichtschirm-Tabellen" im Buch! Lest dazu unseren neuesten Blogeintrag auf der Crowdfundingseite: https://www.startnext.com/m-space/blog/beitrag/quotsichtschirm-tabellenquot-im-buch-p97427.html
  4. Just to let anybody know: I don´t try to nitpic here. I would like to know the event Thriceborn becomes Fourborn, because i would love to let my PCs participate in the adventure/situation/event that causes his death (and ressurection).
  5. In "King of Sartar" we get THREE Tricksters named Elusu from Argrath: Elusu the little shit, Elusu the Polite, and Elusu Sitsbackwards I assume it was all the same Trickster, just the "titles" changed over time.
  6. We all know Asborn Thriceborn (Stats in the Adventure book of "GM Screen Pack", etc.) In "King of Sartar" (in "Events of My Life" on page 212 in purple paperback edition, page 181 hardcover edition): >>> 1624 Asborn Thriceborn in town. (Orlanth freed.) 1625 Orlaront raises a dragon, King Blackmoor is destoyed, Clay/Harmony/Earth. I follow Asborn Fourborn. We burn the plantations. <<< What is your idea when and how Asborn gets killed and ressurrected again in 1625?
  7. Page 41: Even More Exotic Beasts Box Listed are hippogriffs AND pegasi As far as we know from The Pegasus Plateau: Pegasus = Hippogriff
  8. Quote from the new book: "Rules for Enchanted Metals ll metals in Glorantha, save for bronze, can be enchanted,..." I don´t read this as an Orlanthi all.
  9. Found it! Doesn´t work that way... "If an enchanted item is broken, it may be fixed with the Repair spell (RuneQuest, page 264), or re-crafted. In either case the enchantment is lost, and the item must be reenchanted."
  10. Bronze can not be enchanted. But what happens if you take enchanted copper and enchanted tin to make bronze out of it?
  11. Page 11 Gloranthan Metals The list on the left column has mercury. The table on the right column has quicksilver. In general throuout the whole chapter sometimes is used the first or the other term. That might be confusing (especially for non native english speakers). I know that the two terms are interchangable, but IMHO it should used consistant in the book.
  12. Page 75 There is a picture of Chakrams, but in the text or list they are called "Ring, Throwing".
  13. page 14: Gloranthan Cults with the Enchant (metal) Spell "Gorgorma: Enchant Iron" The word Enchant shouldn´t be bold. --> Gorgorma: Enchant Iron
  14. Page 13 The Metals of Arcos Ehilms Metal All other non-Dragon Pass deities are explained "Zrethus (old Seshnegi term for Dayzatar)", but this is not. --> Ehilm (old Seshnegi term for Yelm) Picture: Hu-Metal Shouldn´t that be bronze colored? I also find the runes on the pictured metals disturbing, since they don´t match with the associations bewteen gods/elements and their metals.
  15. I am always happy to help, but belive me: I am only VERY selfish: I want that book in printed form. I support you, so that I can get what I want.
  16. That is exactly how i do my JC purchases. I WANT printed books, but i buy the PDFs because a) i might not have a chance to get them in print if they are not selling 251 PDF copies. So it is PDF or nothing. b) by buying the PDF i help to reach the 251 sold PDFs faster, so that i can get my printed book! I have to pay more this way, as if i had waited until the PoD was available, but most of the PoD titles until now were worth that extra money, so i will continue to handle it this way.
  17. Today was the release of the "RuneQuest Starter Set Free Handouts Pack". Unfortunately the Pregen Folios are not updated, and still contain flaws that we reported here. For instance: How to Play Harmst still says: "Your high Fertility and Earth Runes makes you worldly and pleasure-seeking. Your high Beast Rune puts you in touch with your base instincts." He has Fertility 50, Earth 0, Beast 50 Nathems Shadowcat is still stronger and bigger than a cow!
  18. Nur noch € 4,00 bis das (bisher) letzte Zusatzziel fällt! Nur wenige der Unterstützer des Grundregelbuches haben sich bisher das Add-On Abenteuer dazu geholt... Abenteuerheft für € 7,95 gefällig? 😉
  19. A path to the Ocean: IMHO They Invaded and occupied Sartar, but to get to the ocean they had to conquer Esrolia to the south-east or Heortland to the south. Both regions were part of Belintars Holy Country, and this would be a much more costly campaign to go there then march through densly populated Prax to the River of Cradles, and travelling down the river to the river delta to reach the Ocean. At least they thought that at that time...
  20. It would work for the six homelands that are presented in the rulebook.
  21. The gloranthan (heortling) calendar has six seasons (5 seasons named after one of the elements, + sacred time). It would be easy to give a character a +10% on his Elemental Rune for the season he was born (Sacred Time = Moon). The gloranthan (heortling) calendar has eight weeks (all named after the four power rune sets). It would be easy to give a character a +10% to his Power Rune for the week he was born. The gloranthan (heortling) week has seven days, of which 5 are also associated with an element, the last two Wildday and Godsday are not. Again: It would be easy to give a character a +10% on his Elemental Rune for the day he was born (Wildday = Moon, because in Dragon Pass area Wildday is Full Moon; Godsday = any OTHER Non-Elemental Rune the player or gamemaster chooses to be given +10%). This would give a character a head start in one direction, but not sooo overwhelming much that he still can choose a totally different path. EDIT: Forgot the weeks
  22. Im heutigen Blog-Eintrag präsentieren wir, um euch den Mund wässrig zu machen, die ersten fünf Seiten des Kapitels "Kybernetik".
  23. I haven´t doubed that it is possible to do so in Glorantha. Your mother will remember that "You were born two days before the High Holy Day of Orlanth in 1602." for instance, but is the birthday of a child important enough to be remembered and annualy celebrated?
  24. We have a Gloranthan calendar with a lot of religious holy days and hight holy days. But birthdays a thing in Glorantha? While digging in old ducuments doing genealogy in real life i discovered that a lot of people doesn´t seem to have known the birthday of they parents or partners in the 17 and 18 hundreds. "about 75 years" is given in the church book when they died and had to be buried. But that persons spouse and children were very much alive at that time. But they doesn´t seem to have known the exact birthday of their partner/parent. Do Gloranthans know the date they were born? Do they celebrate their birthdays with their familiy? Or is initiation day more important? Are there good omens whe you were born on specific days, or bad omens when you were born at another? Will it make a difference if for instance a girl is born on Ernaldas Holy Day, or on Ty Kora Teks Hold Day? What does a glorantha birhday party look like?
  25. I know that some of the Judges Guild books was available in their 1979/1980 glory at Drivethru, but can´t find them anymore. I would love to see them updated to RQG ruleswise AND at the same time updated to fit into canon 1625/1627 Glorantha.
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