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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Catseye and Sunbright are among the rune spells that make Yelmalio adherents highly formidable troll fighters, effectively negating the advantages trolls get attacking in darkness.
  2. I watched the most amazingly bonkers Indian epic on the flight back to Melbourne from the US today—Baahubali! It's so Gloranthan, so RuneQuest (and so HQ and 13G too)! And as this enthusiastic Guardian review says, "The final 45 minutes roam a vast battlefield that, with its human shields and Boadicea-style murder chariots, makes Helms Deep resemble a punch-up in a chip shop." Catch it if you can, you won't be disappointed!
  3. Hazia is in Sun County, and also gets a mention in a scenario by fellow Australian Mark Holsworth in an early issue of Tales of the Reaching Moon (#4). Hazia was a recurring plot element in the RuneQuest Club Campaign at our university RPG club in the mid-1980s too—the setting was a precursor to some of what ended up in Sun County. But where the Gloranthan term comes from, I can't recall. The Earthsea books is a possibility for sure though.
  4. I have been working on art direction for the soon-to-be-released 13th Age Glorantha (with Rob Heinsoo). It's been a pleasure working with talented artists the likes of Michelle Lockamy, Caleb Cleveland, Andrey Fetisov, Simon Bray, Kalin Kadiev and others. Some of that stuff has been shared here. I also did the art direction for Khan of Khans, working with Ian O'Toole, and Andrey Fetisov's cover art for the RQ Quickstart (also worked with Andrey on Call of Cthuhu The Coloring Book). However, Jeff is the key driver of art direction for all things Gloranthan though, and is overseeing art direction for the new RuneQuest line. It's going to look amazing. We think 13G, the Glorantha Sourcebook and the new RuneQuest line are really going to raise the bar when it comes to the quality of the art!
  5. New on the Miskatonic Repository at DriveThruRPG! Collections of forms, images, play aids and documents from Chaosium. These make awesome props in your own Call of Cthulhu games, PLUS you are welcome to use these to spice up your own submissions to the Miskatonic Repository! Forms in the Miskatonic Collection were created by Dean Engelhardt. Maps by Stephanie McAlea. More details here: https://www.chaosium.com/blog/new-on-the-miskatonic-repository-the-miskatonic-collection
  6. You have 3 days, 20 hours and 35 minutes to celebrate the New Year with a New Game!
  7. "Just when you think Horror on the Orient Express is done, along comes one last carriage, and a bloody one at that..." On the Orient Express Writers blog today: the strange birth of Reign of Terror, the 20th scenario for Horror on the Orient Express. https://orientexpresswriters.wordpress.com/2018/01/16/reign-of-terror/
  8. The REIGN OF TERROR Keeper Map of Paris by Olivier Sanfilippo is available now as a poster and art print at the Chaosium Redbubble store in sizes up to 33.1" x 23.3" (840 x 593mm). Beautiful cartography for your Call of Cthulhu campaign!
  9. There's 50% off the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition core rules bundle in DriveThruRPG's New Year New Game promotion.$39.95 gets you downloads of:- 7th Ed Keeper Rulebook- 7th Ed Investigator Handbook- Doors to Darkness- Cthulhu through the Ages- Deadlight- 7th Ed Quickstart Rules- Alone Against the FlamesThe promotion runs another 9 days.
  10. This is Victor Lesa's evocative and chilling cover art for REIGN OF TERROR, Chaosium's new Call of Cthulhu adventure supplement set in Revolutionary France. Developed by Call of Cthulhu mastermind Mark Morrison as a secret chapter in the story of Horror on the Orient Express, REIGN OF TERROR has been designed for play with or without reference to that campaign. If used with Horror on the Orient Express, it provides an exciting and action-packed “living handout” that brings new insights and illuminates the players into the full horror of one of the campaign’s dire villains. Now available in hardback (+PDF included) from Chaosium: http://bit.ly/2CMDClN
  11. Here's a scenario all about it: MAD PRAX—BEYOND SUN DOME http://rpgreview.net/mob/madpraxintro.htm And here's an article all about them: THE MEN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN http://rpgreview.net/mob/goldengun.htm
  12. "One of the oldest and most respected fantasy settings ever created for RPGs, Glorantha is the brainchild of legendary game writer and designer Greg Stafford. Crafted in 1975 for the board game White Bear and Red Moon, it became the heart of the first major challenger to D&D, RuneQuest. Now it’s back and represented in a system specifically crafted for it – HeroQuest Glorantha, making it a great choice for New Year, New Game Week." —Sean's Picks of the Week at EN World
  13. We've been featuring the six special Art Packs for the Miskatonic Repository, Chaosium's new community content program for creators to publish and distribute their own original Call of Cthulhu material. The last is the Ill Omens Art Pack. Marco Monte's 46 images each offer an inspiration for all manner of odd, calamitous, or dire situations for players to find themselves in. You are welcome to use these - and the images from our other six Art Packs - for FREE in your Miskatonic Repository creations.
  14. The Call of Cthulhu Metal Dice are now available to buy from the Q-Workshop web store
  15. The Weapons and Relics Art Pack features 46 FREE illustrations of hand-to-hand weapons, firearms, or Mythos artefacts which you are welcome to include in your Miskatonic Repository creations. The art is by Macro Monte.
  16. The Phantasmagorical Art Pack contains 46 illustrations, each an artistic revelation of phobias and madness by Rueben Dodd.
  17. The Curious Things Art Pack features 38 spot illustrations by Mara Braun, from innocuous personal belongings to sinister occult objects.
  18. The Rogues Gallery has 46 portraits, each a character players could encounter, sometimes in the most extraordinary of circumstances:https://www.chaosium.com/blog/free-miskatonic-repository-art-packs-rogues-gallery-art-pack/
  19. "The artwork is fantastic. Each card bursts with charm and irreverence, the cartoonish artwork not only drawing the players in but providing a foil to the sometimes harsh game play. It is a really endearing and imaginative interpretation of the world of Glorantha... If you are looking for a quick and easy game that offers both challenges and entertainment then Khan of Khans is an excellent choice." — The Campaigner
  20. TL/DR— ~our Facebook following has grown 1486% to 29,266 followers ~our Twitter following has grown 670% to 8767 ~our Google+ following has grown 624% to 3622 followers (In 2017, we also revived the Chaosium Instagram page (after MOB noticed his 13 y.o. son's Instagram page had more followers, and his son mainly posts photos of his soccer boots). Chaosium Instagram now has 1170 followers - hey, almost three times more than Leo's football boots!) https://www.chaosium.com/blog/chaosium-on-social-media-2017-connecting-with-the-tribe
  21. To help in your Call of Cthulhu creations for the Miskatonic Repository we've put together six special Art Packs - zip files of images which you are licensed to use for FREE. Phantasmagorical Art Pack Ill Omens Art Pack Weapons and Relics Art Pack Rogues Gallery Art Pack Curious Things Art Pack Mythos Monster Silhouettes Art Pack Here's some of Simon Bray's fantastic work from the Mythos Monster Silhouettes Art Pack:
  22. 2017 - Chaosium's Year in Review Posted by Michael O'Brien on January 01, 2018 By Rick Meints, President - Chaosium On this last day of the year we at Chaosium look back on the whole of 2017 with great pride. While we always have things we can improve, we also need to remind ourselves of how much we have accomplished—especially in terms of bringing out new books and games that surprise and delight our customers. In general, 2017 has been a year of growth for Chaosium. We produced more books and games than we did last year, and printed them in greater numbers, while never sacrificing quality. New members of the Chaosium team As our production output has cranked up, we've added new members to the Chaosium team. In 2017, our CFO Neil Robinson fully embraced the Chaos with a full-time role at Chaosium as our Chief Operating Officer. We also welcomed (from left to right) Susan O'Brien (line editor for board and card games), Ian Cooper (line editor for HeroQuest), James Lowder (executive editor for fiction), Lillian Cohen-Moore (director of marketing and media) and Lynne Hardy (Call of Cthulhu assistant editor - it's good to have a Lynn(e) back at Chaosium!) ENnies! As you can imagine, we were most gratified to receive ten ENnies this year at Gen Con, particularly because the awards spanned our art, writing, and production quality. Our full color hardcover standard was certainly a fan favorite, and we were delighted to receive the Silver ENnie for ‘Fan Favourite Publisher’, behind our friends at WotC. When accepting the Fan Favourite Award, Chaosium founder Greg Stafford said the awards were a tremendous honor and thanked the fans—whether they voted for Chaosium or not—"because it's the fans that make the industry thrive". On a personal note, Greg added he was also very happy the new Chaosium team is carrying on the great work and reputation for innovation and quality that the company was known for back to the golden age of gaming. We appreciate the efforts of all the creators (writers, artists, production staff) behind our ENnie success, and we thank everyone who voted for us. Call of Cthulhu For Call of Cthulhu we published The Two-Headed Serpent, The Grand Grimoire, and Down Darker Trails in print and hardback, and released Reign of Terror, Petersen's Abominations, and Alone Against the Dark in PDF (physical books will be released in Q1 2018). These span quite a range of topics and timeframes, from the French Revolution, to the Wild West, to Pulp era of the 1930's, and up to the modern day. With the publication of Reign of Terror we have at long last been able to bring to a close our Horror on the Orient Express Kickstarter, somewhat ironically within one month of the wonderful big box of scenarios that is the Horror on the Orient Express going out of print (at least for a little while). We are on the verge of completing the 7th Edition Call of Cthulhu Kickstarter as well. The final premium backer reward known as the "Temple Edition" remains to be sent out in January of 2018. Those premium books bound in real red leather goatskin will be a great start to the New Year. RuneQuest, HeroQuest, Glorantha We have also been busy with RuneQuest, HeroQuest and Glorantha, with more than a half-dozen titles added to our catalog. Of particular note was the RuneQuest Quickstart we produced for Free RPG Day in June. It provided several thousand recipients a taste of what's to come with the new edition of RuneQuest, due out in 2018. Our participation in Free RPG Day also allows us to support your friendly local game stores. Speaking of FLGSs, we also continued to help sign up more retail sites for the Bits-and-Mortar program, providing you with free PDFs of our books when you purchase them in a game store. Our HeroQuest line saw the release of the two-part "Red Cow" campaign, with the The Coming Storm is available in hardback and PDF, and The Eleven Lights in PDF (hardback due in early 2018). While the 4 additional titles (Cults of Prax, Cults of Terror, Plunder and Rune Masters) we added to our RQ Classics line were well-received, we know we still have more overdue titles to go before we can wrap up the RQ Classic Kickstarter in 2018. Lastly, we greatly enjoyed the debut of Khan of Khans, our Gloranthan card game designed by German board games legend Reiner Knizia. It was a favourite at the demo table at every convention we attended this year, and the first of several more board and card games we have in the works. New submissions guidelines for all lines As part of our website redesign, we launched new submissions guidelines this year. We're keen to open the door to mythic adventure to writers, designers, and artists, and these are the blueprints for the process: we have guidelines for RPGs, fiction, board and card games and art. We also announced the return of our house magazine for Glorantha, Wyrms Footnotes, with the aim of regularly publishing articles, maps, short scenarios, background, fiction and more, exploring Greg Stafford’s World of Glorantha. New Licensing policies We also launched new licensing policies, offering individuals, small publishers and commercial partners the opportunity to share their creations or to partner with us. This year, we've seen a plethora of wonderful releases produced by our licensees. One in particular to single out is Stygian Fox Publishing's The Things We Leave Behind, which won a gold ENnie in the Best Electronic Book category for their licensed Call of Cthulhu release The Things We Leave Behind. And we applaud and thank our French language licensee Éditions Sans Détour, whose wonderful artwork graces the S. Petersen Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors, winner of two ENnies. The Miskatonic Repository Another way we're supporting and valuing the contributions of the wider Chaosium Tribe is through the Miskatonic Repository, which went live in December. The repository is an official online collection of user-made content for Call of Cthulhu, hosted on DriveThruRPG (very similar to the DM's Guild). To help creators get their material up fast we've made special free Art Packsavailable, and there are easy-to-use templates. We're excited about this initiative, and there are already some excellent products in the repository, with many more on the way! Conventions This past year saw us greatly expand our presence at conventions, both in the USA and around the world. After more than a decade's absence, Chaosium returned to Origins in Columbus, OH, and we also greatly enjoyed the first PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia, PA —we'll be back at both in 2018. When you add those to our regular attendance at UK Games Expo (Birmingham, UK), HP Lovecraft Film Festival & CthulhuCon (Portland, OR), Eternal Con(Bacharach, Germany), Gen Con (Indianapolis, IN), Necronomicon (Providence, RI), The Kraken (Berlin, Germany), Spiel (Essen, Germany), Dragonmeet (London, UK) and PAXAus (Melbourne, Australia), and having one or two or some of us at conventions including GeekGirl Con (Seattle, WA), OrcaCon (Bellevue, WA), NordCon (Hamburg, Germany), Gamehole Con Madison, WI), Concrete Cow(Milton Keynes, UK), D6 Con (Rugby, UK), GrogMeet (Manchester, UK), Gamestorm (Portland, OR), and AetherCon (on line), we sometimes feel we're always on the road. Regardless, we love running demos, chatting with our fans, getting your feedback, and playing games with you all. We have lots more convention appearances lined up for 2018. Podcasts While face-to-face chats are wonderful, we also greatly enjoyed chatting about what's up at Chaosium on a number of podcasts, including (but not limited to) the Good Friends of Jackson Elias, the Miskatonic University Podcast, Legends of Tabletop, and the Grognard Files, among others. Seeing Chaosium on line—watching, listening and experiencing our games being talked about and played—is another area we're working on building up in 2018. We look forward to sharing our mythic stories in 2018 On behalf of all of us at Chaosium—Greg, Sandy, Dustin, Nick, Mike, Rick, Jeff, Neil, MOB, Raja, Todd, Jason, Susan, Ian, James, Lillian and Lynne, thank you for helping make 2017 such a wonderful year. We look forward to sharing our mythic stories, and to many more wonderful conventions, games, and products in 2018.
  23. Great news: Rob Heinsoo has reported to backers that Chris Huth has finished with initial layout of all chapters. In fact he has also finished the first round of draft corrections! Rob is now going over things and preparing the second round. Then we're working to finish the appendices. The sample spreads below both feature art from Michelle Lockamy:
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