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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Look what's next to head into layout... Petersen's Abominations: Five Epic Tales of Modern Horror for Call of Cthulhu. Features "The Derelict" from last year's Free RPG Day (with all-new layout and art), and four more never-published-before scenarios from the devious mind of Sandy Petersen himself, creator of Call of Cthulhu, ably assisted by line editor and putative Mr Shiny, Mike Mason.
  2. Even if this isn't actually so, a lot of present day (1628) Kethaelans probably believe it.
  3. "Our game is not only a faithful adaptation of the Lovecraft universe, it is also the official adaptation of the pen-and-paper RPG by Chaosium... When developing our game, we emphasized giving players an experience as close as possible to that of the pen-and-paper RPG set in the Lovecraft universe" A recent interview Jean-Marc Gueney, lead designer of Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video Game. The revised release date is early 2018 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. https://www.neowin.net/news/interview-with-the-lead-designer-of-call-of-cthulhu-the-official-video-game
  4. MOB

    Cost of Iron

    Another source of iron is salvage from the twisted wreckage of Zistorite war machines, buried in the sands or submerged in the shallow waters of the God Forgot archipelago. Although potentially lucrative, retrieving this metal is a very dangerous enterprise, for a variety of reasons (giant cranes, swarming were-crabs, one-armed bandits, let alone the traps and surprises the Zistorites left behind). It is rumored that this metal, predating the cataclysmic end of the so-called "Iron Wars", has special properties, making it different to Iron sourced in the Third Age.
  5. Sounds like it was more a case of quality and incompleteness than copyright, though that may have reared its head in due course if things had proceeded. The full story (from Greg's perspective at least - Dave Hargrave having passed away in 1988) is here: https://www.acaeum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?cache=1&p=58553#p58553
  6. EN World is actively encouraging guest columnists! Although EN World might be best known for its DnD coverage they are actively trying to broaden their reach across the RPG sphere, and we are happy to support them in this worthy aim. They've covered RuneQuest quite a bit recently (frex, see here: http://bit.ly/2hHue9Z) and Glorantha often gets a mention (http://bit.ly/2ieWsNn). Chris Helton of EN World says, "the program is always looking for people who love #RPG games of all sorts and can communicate effectively", so if that's you why not have a go?
  7. EN World is actively encouraging guest columnists! Although EN World might be best known for its DnD coverage they are actively trying to broaden their reach across the RPG sphere, and we are happy to support them in this worthy aim. They've covered RuneQuest quite a bit recently (frex, see here: http://bit.ly/2hHue9Z) and Glorantha often gets a mention (http://bit.ly/2ieWsNn). Chris Helton of EN World says, "the program is always looking for people who love #RPG games of all sorts and can communicate effectively", so if that's you why not have a go? Details here: http://www.enworld.org/ensider/columnists.html
  8. EN World is actively encouraging guest columnists! Although EN World might be best known for its DnD coverage they are actively trying to broaden their reach across the RPG sphere, and we are happy to support them in this worthy aim. They've already published some pieces about Call of Cthulhu/Mythos (frex, see here: http://bit.ly/2idiGiJ). Chris Helton of EN World says, "the program is always looking for people who love #RPG games of all sorts and can communicate effectively", so if that's you why not have a go? Details here: http://www.enworld.org/ensider/columnists.html
  9. Jason Thompson is the artist who created those cool Dungeon Walkthrough Maps you might have seen. And he's now created one for the most iconic Call of Cthulhu adventure of them all, "The Haunting". It's part of this new Kickstarter comic anthology, Advanced Death Saves, celebrating tabletop gaming and the beloved characters who get killed off during play. Kickstarter runs for another 29 days and is off to a good start.
  10. Our friend, the gaming legend Frank Mentzer recently launched a Kickstarter for his Empyrea fantasy setting - this is an ambitious project opening up one of the classic RPG fantasy settings to many different game systems (including RuneQuest, Pathfinder, and plenty of others). Frank has assembled an illustrious team of guest authors and artists to work on this project, which has been 40 years in the making. We encourage you to take a look at this - and as always, if you like what you see, please support it!
  11. Just a day to go for "The Dare" Kickstarter from our friends at Sentinel Hill Press - back it while you can! It's shot through a swag of stretch goals already and is closing on the next one, which offers up Kevin Ross's original notes for the scenario: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/562089942/the-dare-a-call-of-cthulhu-1-shot-revised-for-7th
  12. Just under 20 hours to go for the licensed RuneQuest Quickstarter Miniatures Kickstarter, by our friends Infinity Engine. There are backer levels from cardboard stand-ups right through to fully-painted sets where you can customise the colors! And with all the original stretch goals blitzed through, Richard has unlocked plenty more with a Great Troll, a Dragonewt, a Rubble Runner, a Morokanth, a Rock Dwarf, a Jack-o-Bear, a Broo and a Duck with crossbow on offer. Check it out while you can! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/infinity-engine/runequest-quickstarter-miniatures
  13. Metacreator also has a free scenario to download—'Bleak October' is set around the events of the Wall Street Crash in 1929. The free downloads Include the PDF files for the scenario and encounters, as well as the Metacreator files for NPCs.You can check it out at Metacreator's "Free Stuff" page:http://alteregosoftware.com/freestuff.php
  14. Metacreator is Alter Ego Software's RPG character generator, and it now supports Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed, enabling you to rapidly create investigators! Game system rules and adjustments are built in with hundreds of data items ready to use from the Call of Cthulhu Keeper Rulebook and Investigator Handbook. All data is fully customizable, with character sheet, spell book, encounter group, and HTML stat block outputs. Demo the system template, purchase Metacreator, and learn more here: http://alteregosoftware.com/Cthulhu7th.php
  15. Great review of Reign of Terror here: "Morrison’s love for this work shines through, and a reader easily recognizes the care and painstaking attention he and his team spent on this project… (There are) times when the players — the actual players — will want to run screaming from the room. It’s scary and it’s creepy and it’s gross and it will definitely give your more impressionable players nightmares. Just like it ought to." https://reckoningofthedead.com/2017/09/30/chaosiums-latest-reign-of-terror/
  16. Great review of Reign of Terror here: "Morrison’s love for this work shines through, and a reader easily recognizes the care and painstaking attention he and his team spent on this project… (There are) times when the players — the actual players — will want to run screaming from the room. It’s scary and it’s creepy and it’s gross and it will definitely give your more impressionable players nightmares. Just like it ought to." https://reckoningofthedead.com/2017/09/30/chaosiums-latest-reign-of-terror/
  17. Stranger Things Season 2 Monster Was Inspired By H.P. Lovecraft (Of course, it was obvious in season one the kids were actually in a Call of Cthulhu scenario, despite the 80's retro-D&D vibe...)
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