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Everything posted by MOB

  1. ¡Bienvenidos a Prax! - Here are the game rules of Khans of Khans in Spanish! Many thanks to Xavier Llobet for the Spanish translation of the rules. Annotated Rulebook: Khan-of-Khans-SPANISH-Rulebook.pdf Text Only: Khan-of-Khans-SPANISH-Rules-Text.pdf
  2. Benvenuti a Prax! - Here are the game rules of Khans of Khans in Italian! Many thanks to Matteo Montanari for the Italian translation of the rules. Annotated Rulebook: Khan of Khans-ITALIAN-Rulebook.pdf Text Only: Khan of Khans-ITALIAN-Rules-Text.pdf
  3. Willkommen in Prax! - Here are the rules of Khans of Khans in German! Many thanks to Julia Rawcliffe for the German translation. Annotated Rulebook: Khan-of-Khans-GERMAN-Rulebook.pdf Text Only: Khan-of-Khans-GERMAN-Rules-Text.pdf
  4. Bienvenu à Prax ! - Here are the game rules of Khans of Khans in French! Many thanks to James Coquillat for the French translation. Annotated Rulebook: Khan-of-Khans-FRENCH-Rulebook.pdf Text Only: Khan-of-Khans-FRENCH-Rules-Text.pdf
  5. If you're coming to PAXUnplugged this weekend, there's an opportunity to play in two different RuneQuest convention scenarios, using the new RQG rules:- 'Stealing the Eye'- 'The Broken Tower' (from the RQG Quickstart) Sign up from 10:00 AM each day at the RPG area - first come, first reserved! More details here.
  6. If you're coming to PAXUnplugged this weekend, Chaosium has no less than NINE different Call Of Cthulhu convention scenarios to play! Classic Era: 'What's in the Cellar?', 'The Necropolis', 'The Dreaming Ward' & 'Weekend in the Woods'. Modern Era: 'Camp Sunny' & 'The Kids are Alright'. Gaslight Era: 'Those Within' Pulp: 'Midnight Masquerade' Old West: 'As the Leaf Withers on the Vine' (one of the winners of the 2017 Cult of Chaos scenario writing competition) Sign up from 10:00 AM each day at the RPG area - first come, first reserved! More details here.
  7. Down Darker Trails is now out in hardback: http://bit.ly/DDTrails
  8. I also have the (as-yet unpublished) future history of Sun County, "The Great Winter and The Time of Two Counts", extending the timeline from the appearance of The Cradle in 1621 through to 1627-8.
  9. We regret to announce the passing of Carl Ford, the editor and publisher of the seminal ‘80s fanzine DAGON. As Mike Mason writes, Carl was an inspiration to many. Just look through the issues of DAGON and you will find the names of many writers who would go on to make their mark in the gaming world. https://www.chaosium.com/blog/vale-carl-t-ford
  10. And Khan of Khans officially hits game stores today... https://www.chaosium.com/blog/khan-of-khans-the-horde-descends-on-game-stores/ If your local FLGS doesn't stock Khan of Khans, ask them to and we'll send a stampede their way!
  11. Back into Magasta's Pool, eventually... taking as much of the top layers of the lowlands of Genertela with it as it can...
  12. The River of Cradles valley is devastated by an earlier flood, in 1622 - though the waters come from the opposite direction: Flood follows Winter Several days after Count Solanthos was burned, a great inundation swept down the River of Cradles valley, flooding parts of Pavis County, the Rubble, and then beyond to Sun County; these were the waters that helped Invictus contain Daga at Highwater Gorge. Lhankor Mhy scholars later concurred with Hector the Wise that the ice and snow in the Rockwoods never had a chance to melt in the Great Winter, and the Zola Fel and its mountain streams and tributaries must have frozen over. This all changed when the Windstop suddenly ended, sending the entire spring melt downstream in a vast flood, wreaking destruction from Boathouse Ruins as far as the Great Bog. In Pavis, good progress had been made rebuilding the Lunar Bridge after the giant cradle had smashed through its central span. The construction work formed a chokepoint for the surging waters, but was eventually swept away. Floodwaters poured into the Rubble, quickly breaking the banks and inundating much of the northern side of the ruins. For a while, Badside outside the walls and Zebra Fort within became island refuges, and the rising waters forced many angry trolls out of their cellars and hidey-holes in the Troll Stronglands. The Great Corvée For several weeks, a great sheet of water spread far over the flatlands of Pavis County and the breadbasket of Sun County, causing further misery for the people. But when the floodwaters finally receded, they saw Zola Fel had left them with a gift: the fields were now covered in a thick layer of fertile silt. It was too late in the year for planting, so the hungry times continued, though the farmers all agreed that the next planting season offered incredible promise . In the meantime famine was kept at bay by the grateful elves, who shared the miraculous bounty from the Garden with the people of Pavis and the Sun Dome. Only in the distant Grantlands was there true starvation in the River of Cradles valley after that. When the waters abated, there was much to be done to take advantage of the precious soil deposited by the flood. Vega Goldbreath as Guardian led the efforts to repair the damage in the Lands of the Sun. Using an ancient tattered scroll from the temple archives depicting the fabled Gods Wall in distant Dara Happa, Vega evoked the story of the Ten Sons and Servants of Lodril. The entire population was mobilized into a Great Corvée, with even Light Sons and priests putting their hands to mattock and spade. Although initially scandalized to see the Light Lady taking on the role of Morkartos the Foreman, clad only in a kilt, in a remarkably short time the people cleared away tremendous quantities of debris, dug out irrigation channels and repaired the riverbanks. Meanwhile, Penta Goldbreath formed a Ty Kora Tek sisterhood with others sharing her affliction to help the many restless ghosts and vengeful wraiths from Great Winter find their solace. There'd be no precious silt left behind after the flood of 1652 though, quite the opposite.
  13. Khan of Khans is now in general release - Wa-Ha! It can be ordered direct from Chaosium.com - we have stocks in our US, UK and Australian warehouses. It is also available in distribution to game stores, and orders have started coming in. The on sale "street date" is November 13 - if your local FLGS doesn't have Khan of Khans, ask them to stock it!
  14. FYI, demand for Horror on the Orient Express has been much, much higher than we anticipated: every copy we had left in our US warehouse has been bought up in just over two days. We have temporarily suspended sales of HotOE on our website until we reconfigure the product page to indicate we only have copies left in the UK. But based on how quickly the US copies sold, it's probable we'll sell out before long once back up again. (Note, we also have nine copies in the consignment going to Pax Unplugged for sale at our booth there next weekend).
  15. Hey, the people of Pavis know just what's needed to ride out a massive flood...
  16. One thing to note about the preview files on Backerkit: the decision to share it with Glorantha Source Backers made it look like they are getting a copy of a GSB layout file, but that's not correct. Both the 4.6 megabyte files added to BackerKit now are the Chapter 3 layout from 13th Age in Glorantha. If you're a backer for both, you'll get the file twice.
  17. This thread is to catch any typos or errors spotted in the Chapter 3 Preview of the 13th Age Glorantha book, recently sent to all backers of the Kickstarter . Please note them here, quoting the page number, the error, and the suggested correction. Cheers, MOB
  18. Not in the least. Reign of Terror is being printed and shipped right now.
  19. TL/DR: We are down to our last stocks of Horror on the Orient Express. We have limited copies available in our UK warehouse, and even fewer in our US warehouse. None left in Australia (cleaned out at PAX Aus). We will eventually do a new edition, but if you're after the current campaign in the box, we suggest you don't delay! More details at the link: https://www.chaosium.com/blog/horror-on-the-orient-express-the-journey-is-about-end/ MOB - Chaosium
  20. I have the same memories! The paper covers inside only heightened the sense we were being gouged. Paper covers and boxes of character sheets aside, that was the fundamental flaw of RQ3 - there was nothing new to actually play, if you wanted to continue playing in Glorantha, following on from the wonderful adventures in Borderlands, Griffin Mountain etc. It took eight years before the first all-new scenario material to come out (Sun County), new stuff to actually play. Such a mistake will not be made with the new edition, RQG.
  21. Sun Spots is the latest in a line of recent successfully delivered Kickstarters by new Chaosium licensees! It's a project that was originally commissioned by the late, great Keith "Doc" Herber (The Fungi from Yuggoth, Arkham Unveiled etc), and now ably brought to life by our friends at Weird8. https://www.chaosium.com/blog/sunspots-a-new-licensed-call-of-cthulhu-release-keith-doc-herber-would-have-been-proud-of/
  22. As I said over on the other thread, something like Belintar's Building Wall could also be effective at keeping out the rising waters. Maybe the secrets of doing its magic again are hidden in the City of Wonders? (This would put an alternative interpretation of one of the prophecies of the Enervi Sybils in the Cave of Serpents at Sacred Ezel, that one day "the dykes of Esrolia will save the Holy Country".)
  23. A high price coupled with sub-par production values: the shoddy stapled paper covers of the core books. And then the next two boxed releases were both character sheet pads in boxes, again at a premium price. Followed by the unexciting, non-Gloranthan Monster Coliseum. After being treated to such amazing RQ2 product as Griffin Mountain, Borderlands, Big Rubble and Pavis, let alone Cults of Prax and Cults of Terror, it was an inauspicious start...
  24. There was a Sixth Edition produced in Portuguese, published in Brazil by Editora Terra Incognita.
  25. Ah, but that's clearly how their hunting magic works - everyone who releases at the same time shares in the magical effect. It'll be raining geese in a second or two...
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