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Everything posted by Steve

  1. We're into the home stretch now and the funds are continuing to roll in. The Giant is now unlocked! Next up, Androgeous. In other news - The Sky Faction.
  2. Thanks both, I've added that to the original post.
  3. Sandy's Design Corner: The Storm Bullies - a description of the Storm faction.
  4. With just over 24 hours to go, Sandy's team has updated the graphics to show you everything you get in the core game - Gods War Complete.
  5. Rob Heinsoo talks about Growing up with The Gods War.
  6. With just over 48 hours to go, there are some Changes to Stretch Goals
  7. Currently we're at 505K. Next stretch goals are the Giant at 525K, then Androgeous at 545K.
  8. Details of the fabled Greater God pledge, including a full listing of all the resins involved.
  9. Both Leviathan and the plastic Mother of Monsters Spawn tokens have been unlocked!
  10. Five-player actual play video There's only around 72 hours left, folks. You really don't want to miss out ...
  11. Here are some more which I don't think have been included so far, along with some attempted answers: p. 35 - point 8 - spend on improving abilities, Runes and keywords, not buying new ones? p. 35/36/46 - Concerning distinguishing characteristic. If you choose it as a new ability, its score is 17. As a breakout ability, it adds +1 to the score of the linked keyword. But if this keyword has a score of 13 (like the basic score of the third rune), does it mean than the distinguishing characteristic increases to +4 to reach the minimum of 17 or doest it keeps its +1? Answer from David Scott via forum - Good question. Give the distinguishing characteristic +4. This happened recently in a game of mine: Death 13, unnerving stare +4. He soon realised that this could injure people. p. 63 (and 243) - the result table is very confusing (see HQ:CR rulebook for a much clearer table) p. 84 - last paragraph says that the winner never scores less than a Minor Victory, but the table allows for a Marginal Victory. p. 92 - The Battle of Auroch Hills example appears to lump together the resolution points received for each hero facing multiple opponents rather than keeping them (as per the rules on p.79) in separate tracks for each opponent. On p.92, David is concerned that with four points against Herrox he is nearly out of the contest. However, these points have been (mistakenly?) added together and in fact he has received one point from Guard 8 (p.90) and three from Guard 9 (p.90 and p.92). The example makes it look like adding together all the received resolution points is correct. p. 101 - In Defensive Responses it says "If the hero wins the exchange, he lodges 2 fewer Resolution Points against his opponent. If the hero loses the exchange, the number of Resolution Points lodged against his opponent decreases by 1." The second sentence should say "If the hero loses the exchange, the number of Resolution Points lodged by his opponent decreases by 1". p. 116 - Major Defeat mentioned in text, presumably at King's Banquet, so it should be a double arrow in the diagram. Should the earlier paragraph refer to major and complete being double arrows? p. 134 - How many times can my Praxian use a charm in one day? Answer from David Scott via forum - As long as you still have it and haven't released the spirit, as many as is practical subject to taboo. p. 136 - 2nd column, 2nd-to-last paragraph. What is the limit for raising charms for those not in a spirit society? Not clear in previous section, is it +1? p. 165 - Last paragraph: "All Humakti have the Specific ability of Sword Fighting at least at the same rating as their Death Rune. Although this ability is linked to their Death Rune rating, it is an independent ability, improved separately, and can be augmented by the Death Rune." That second rulebook sentence does appear to have two contradictory clauses. If Sword Fighting is linked to Death Rune (implying it automatically rises), how is it an "independent ability"? Does Sword Fighting rise automatically as Death rune is improved? p. 184 - About Lunar Grimoires: How exactly does the lunar cycle affect sorcerous spells ? The rules for Spells are pretty clear, they can always be used directly and they can never be Stretches. Now let's look at the lunar cycle: -Black/Dying: Augment only. But Spells can always be used directly. -Crescent Go/Come: Stretch penalty of -6. But Spells are never Stretches. -Full/Empty half: No effect. -Full Moon: Streches penalties are removed. But again a Spell can't be a Stretch. Answer from David Scott via forum - I'm guessing the lunar cycle override the normal sorcery rules, but the book does not make this very clear. So it would translate to: -Black/Dying: Spells can only be used for augments. -Crescent Go/Come: Spells can be used directly but with a -6 penalty. -Full/Empty half: No effect. Normal rules apply. -Full Moon: Spells can be stretched at no penalty.
  12. I don't think it's mentioned in any of the updates, but a small (though very welcome) additional stretch goal was unlocked at $475K - more dice. Now there are 16 dice in the base game and 16 in the battle dice add-on (both up from 12). You can never have too many dice, right?
  13. Sandy's Design Corner - Maximizing Early Power
  14. Want to see an actual Gods War game being played ? Here's play through #1
  15. Sandy's Design Corner: Gathering Early Heroquests
  16. News on the rules for Androgeous and Leviathan
  17. There's a vote for the next big model to be unlocked - Leviathan or Andeogeous? You Decide!
  18. We smashed it! Hit the $475K mark with 8 hours to spare! So the Pamalt sculpt is unlocked and the Moon faction is fully unlocked, meaning the Empires box is now complete. And there's still time to hit some more cool stretch goals.
  19. Great progress yesterday means that just $7.5K is needed by midnight (EST) tonight to unlock that massive (190mm tall) Pamalt sculpt and the full Moon faction.
  20. Big news from Sandy Petersen, just now: "1) I have written rules for using the Gods War Monsters as a new Cthulhu Wars feature. 2) I am in the process of rules for using the Gods War Elder Races in Cthulhu Wars. 3) I am ALSO writing rules for using the Gods War Greater Gods as Neutral GOOs in Cthulhu Wars. 4) and, of course, I am going to write up the Cthulhu Wars GOOs as Monsters for Gods War. To buy an expansion (like Monsters), all you need to do is back at the Minion level, then add on whatever money is appropriate. Tell your friends!"
  21. Heroquest for the Earth-King of Pamaltela
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