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Everything posted by Steve

  1. You don't have to play RQG using the new 1625 timeframe. You can stick with the old timeframe if you prefer it, and use that when using the old supplements.
  2. That did change, yes. See http://www.chaosium.com/blog/rqgnew-runequest-edition-to-be-known-as-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha/
  3. Excellent! I didn't know that, thanks. Really looking forward to the sourcebook coming out, I had a very quick flick through of a draft at Dragonmeet last year and thought it looked fab.
  4. If you can get hold of it, the History of the Lunar Empire by Greg, from Heroes magazine (issues v1 no1, 2, 5 and 6), could be useful.
  5. Oh, and even though it might not be canon, there's The Widow's Tale (fiction) by Penelope Love, where one of the main characters is a Lunar and you get plenty of the story from his perspective.
  6. There's quite a lot of Lunar stuff in Tales of the Reaching Moon, isn't there? Perhaps someone who is more familiar with the best articles might be able to pick something out? There's the Lunar Coders in Strangers in Prax (RQ3) too.
  7. Over in the G+ Glorantha group, someone asked if Rapier were going to list up other models that they already produce that would be fine for Glorantha as-is. Rapier said that scorpion men "are it", and that "our ducks, while fun are really too big for Gloranthan ones and new properly sized ones are planned".
  8. Looks like Prince of Sartar is coming back soon. Patreon backers have just had a little update ...
  9. When I go to Backerkit at https://khan-of-khans-family-game.backerkit.com/ , it says "Surveys have not been sent yet. Stay tuned for an email invite".
  10. Still no email and nothing in spam, so contacting Chaosium Customer Service. I think that something went wrong with the mailing, due to the large number of people not receiving it (possibly a mass rejection as spam somewhere along the line).
  11. Thanks guys, I guessed that was the case but I just wanted to check. It's still a great read, I'm not complaining.
  12. In both my PDF and printed copies of History of the Heortling Peoples (second edition), bought in 2015, there are some sections where there appear to be some sort of layout/editing issues. I realise that these are unfinished works, but this seems a bit more than that. An example, page 38: "He was of good repute who bore himself well in the fyrd, worked hard in the fields, strong and well liked especially by the women. He as very holy in the rites, a very ram and cat of Orlanth power, but subject to nightmares. Darstan Fourtooth was convinced to bring Harmast before his chief. Once there the poet *name" And the paragraph ends there. On page 39: "“That must have been my uncle, then,” said Harmast. “Padrim, of the *x lineage.” “I guess so, because of course we never knew his name. He was a dead man, a Humakti, who took back all of his ancestors to fight against Palangio and kill him. Of *hero himself they say.” " Is this just "how it is"? Or did something go wrong in this version?
  13. No email and nothing in my spam folders either. Did anyone get the email from Backerkit?
  14. For which game system, HQ? (since you mentioned The Coming Storm)
  15. I take my hat off to (and bow down before them) any non-native English speaker who can understand what's going on there!
  16. Agreed. I'm sure it was just the hardback versions of the Glorantha Classics that Rick said they didn't plan to reprint, and that they would consider reprinting the softbacks.
  17. CoC is based on BRP, and we know that BRP grew out of RQ2. I don't recall people criticising CoC for being dated or clunky, so I really can't imagine anyone levelling the same accusations with any justification at the new RQG, particularly since clearly a *lot* of work has gone into it to update it (but not to "fix" what wasn't broken in the first place, as Jeff said).
  18. Just started reading it. Loving it.
  19. Aren't we lucky that shortly we'll be having not just one but two (then three, when 13th Age is out) active rule systems to use for Glorantha? It's understandable that not everyone likes the same system, and in fact it would be a bit weird if we all did like the same thing. But this gives us multiple ways to pull even more gamers into the wonderful world of Glorantha.
  20. The rules also don't say "there is already a body of acceptable weaponry, refer to it please", so does that mean the HQG rules are encouraging people to run around with lasers and rocket launchers?
  21. I do like the "Yes, but ..." in PbTA systems. So I think this could work well here too.
  22. Steve


    The higher roll breaking the tie favours those with a higher ability rating. So it would change things if you played it the other way around, yes. It does seem counterintuitive when you first read it, but if you think about how it works in practice, it seems "right".
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