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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Jeff

    Two Sisters Area

    Yep! It straddles the ford. Old Top is at most 4 km away.
  2. As I said, the rules were there to provide additional resources and ideas for gamemasters. If one of the player characters became the wyter-speaker (perhaps for a Heroquest), and in order to fulfill part of their quest they needed to create a few magical items with the wyter, I'd likely allow it. Because that is their function - they are a pool of POW and magic that might make all the difference in a dangerous quest, but at the risk of weakening the community's magic. Their function is not mass produce magical items or any such thing, and I really didn't think I'd need even raise that point.
  3. The example of this is having the Wyter cast Shield 2 on 10 members of the community. That costs 4 points of POW and is the sort of thing that might be done as part of a heroquest or as the result of gaining community support.The wyter can only cast the spells it possesses - I don't believe many (any?) wyters can create enchantments as that isn't really their magic. Admittedly the short section on p 287 says "any spell the priest knows", and maybe I should have said "any common or special Rune spell the priest knows - excluding enchantments," but honestly, the wyter rules are there so that that the gamemaster can use them in their game as a special resource and not to play mental exercises with about how those rules could be theoretically minimaxed by NPCs. I am not sure what the problem here is.
  4. Jeff

    Two Sisters Area

    As an aside, Two Sisters is a small place - I imagine something like this: Much smaller than Runegate, let alone Clearwine.
  5. Jeff

    Two Sisters Area

    Two Sisters is on solid ground maybe a kilometre from the Upland Marsh itself. It is located on ford across the Creek. It is about 6 to 8 kilometres to Runegate, and some 15 kilometres or so to Tink.
  6. Pretty much all spot on. Lots of pork, lots of cured meat. Lots of salmon. There's beefalo as well (most cattle have some bison in them) and Praxian animals (which of course can be found in Dragon Pass). I suspect instead of haggis there is something equally controversial - Andouillette! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andouillette. Andouillette is also a great cultural divide between the north and the south of France - as Wikipedia correctly observes, "Although sometimes repellent to the uninitiated, this aspect of andouillette is prized by its devotees." (I am one of those devotees). If you want to preserve that divide, then Sartar eats andouilette, Esrolia does not.
  7. KIT DE LA MENEUSE One of the things I am so pleased with the new French edition of RuneQuest is the title of the Gamemaster Pack - "Kit de la Meneuse". In the English edition of the rules, we refer to the Gamemaster as "she" and the Players as "he". There's a couple of reasons we did that: 1. It is useful to have different pronouns for players and gamemasters - having both be "she" or "he" gets confusing quickly. 2. The decision to use one pronoun or another is totally arbitrary. So why not use both. About half the world are "she" and about half the world are "he" (which doesn't add up to 100% of course). Many gaming groups (including my own) has women and men - so why not use both? Anyways, that is in English. But French is a more strongly gendered language, and so translating Gamemaster Pack into French gave Studio Deadcrows the option: le Meneur (mass.) or la Meneuse (fem.) They chose LA MENEUSE which I WHOLEHEARTEDLY support! So thank you Studio Deadcrows!!!!!
  8. I doubt the either faction in the Nochet civil war drew down the Nochet city wyter at all until the siege of Nochet. And even then it was only to help repel a foreign military assault. And I suspect the city is now paying the price for that decision. Once you weaken a community's spirit it is awful hard to get the community back together to "re-POWer" it. One might even call that oxymoronic.
  9. When I ask players to create characters, I let them pick whatever characteristics that matter to their character concept, and then they often roll dice for stats they don't particularly care about conceptually.
  10. Although I have to say, the one ranch hand cowboy in the group proved very useful. Not his Rifle or Pistol skills, but Ride, Track, and Survival!
  11. As far as I am concerned, there is no reason to treat any human sex differently in terms of basic characteristics in the rules.
  12. In our last game - Credit Rating, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Occult, Library Use, and Law.
  13. I love it!!! You only forgot the mud-bugs (aka crayfish)!
  14. Remember the shrimp, crawfish, fish, spices, chilis, emmer grain (not barley), grapes (raisins), and the rest. Flat breads fried in lard, smoked lizard spiced hot enough to make you sweat and put on a stick, coucous made out of emmer grains, you name it. Nochet is the New Orleans of Glorantha.
  15. Look at the credits of RQ3 - it is "a Chaosium Game." More to the point, Chaosium owns RQ3. This is a fine enough place to talk about the MRQ books, unless Loz wants it moved to Mythras. But point of principle - Mongoose was the worst licensee Greg ever had and treated both the line and Greg badly enough that I don't want discussion of it in the RuneQuest or Glorantha threads. Anyone we have to come to the edge of litigation in the federal courts - twice - just to get past royalties paid isn't going to get a good hearing from me. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
  16. Not this year, but eventually I'd love to come back.
  17. Yes. Depends on the status of the spouse, just like with everyone else. Yes. Vinga is included as a subcult of Orlanth. She's always worshiped as part of the Orlanth cult.
  18. They capture victims and perform the ritual.
  19. The POW is usually provided through the Ecstatic Communion ritual.
  20. I believe this was moved here because the RuneQuest forum is the "RuneQuest forum for Chaosium's roleplaying game system, current and classic editions." Which does not include MRQ1/2 (or the draft "RQ4", Epic, or Pendragon Pass). Whereas the Legend forum is the Mongoose D100 discussion forum. If you want to talk about the things you liked about MRQ1/2, why it is a shame I don't have any interest in relying on MRQ materials, or the like - this is the right place to be.
  21. There is a MRQ1/2 thread in the Legend forum. Can we move this discussion there, please?
  22. In most cases outside of a kickstarter or other presold product, a rushed product is almost always worse than no product at all.
  23. Let's be perfectly frank here. The Mongoose material was plagued with low quality production, bad art, rushed writing (Mongoose's deadlines were absurd), and poor editing - and the collapse of their sales after the first book says a lot about how they handled the line. Greg and I stopped reading the books as in with few exceptions we were not even given the time to review them (despite any terms to the contrary). There are plenty of other publishers out there that have done more interesting and successful things with product lines to learn from.
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