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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. I think the scheme will follow the that outlined in the Sourcebook. After Storm and Earth would come Moon, Darkness and Chaos thus providing enough for most campaigns. Fire and Water would be in the third wave.
  2. There is a branch of Arkati who believe the answer is Yes.
  3. They get access to rune spells for being an initiate. The sacrifice of additional powe was to fuel Magasta's Pool, I'd thought.
  4. I think the Trolls can roam up to the forest borders but once they go in, they become pincushions. The trolls try and reduce the size of the forest by herding trollkin in their direction and the elves try and increase the size of their woods. Hampering troll attempts to raze Redwood once and for all, is that only the Gash Tribe has any desire to take over the forest. I think the trolls, the elves all worship the river and tributaries when it runs through their lands. I don't think either has boats - that speaks of a technological sophistication that isn't known for the region - the troll galleys are in Jrustela and the United Foresters may have started in Fronela.
  5. Methinks that's Aranea you are remembering.
  6. There are the immortal Brithini who have been alive since before the Gods War. The oldest of them is Zzabur who considers himself human. There also the Agitori of Pamaltela.
  7. As far as I see it, an Orlanthi Thunderous worshipping Heler would normally get access to his special rune magics (Rain, Flood etc) but not any magics of his associate deities - that is nothing from the river gods, the grain goddesses and so on. If he were to show up at the River Temple or Grain Temple, he would get the magic that the god or goddess provides *Orlanth* rather than Heler. To benefit from Heler's associates, an Orlanthi would have to develop an identity as a Helering, like sacrifice a point of POW to join the Helering cult. So in Orlanthi lands, Heler would not have a separate cult but his dedicated worshippers can be found attached to the temples to Orlanth, taking on the roles of Heler in the rituals. A similar situation exists for Barntar.
  8. Heler comes from a different family of Gods than Magasta. Heler and Triolina are the offspring of Sramak and Daliath (Body and Mind) while Magasta is the son of Daliath and Framanthe (Mind and Spirit). So Heler's non-association with Magasta and other Manthie isn't due to his isolation from the sea.
  9. I think part of the turbulence is that people are assuming there's no cost to having a shrine to Heler or Barntar. But I don't think that follows. A minor temple to Orlanth isn't normally going to have shrines to Barntar and Heler, it would more likely have a shrine to one or the other. So a minor riverine temple to Orlanth would have access to Helering rune spells while a minor hillside temple might have Barntaring spells.
  10. They also shared the same temple in New Pavis. IMO Irrippi and Buserian Sages can worship at the Lhankor Mhy Temples and get rune points replenished. They just can't sacrifice for rune magics that are alien to Lhankor Mhy (such as IO's Madness) or for rune magic from LM's associated cults.
  11. Nearest I can think of is Sandy suggesting that Dragonewts only get experience gain rolls when they die.
  12. They could also use the Illusion Rune from Thalurzni Mikaday (borrowing from Zhaungzi's parable of the Butterfly Dream). They use a rune spell (like Argan Argar's Become Other) to spend time as a Dragonewt or a Human (if a 'newt) and use the resulting transformation to acquire mystical awareness and achieve illumination.
  13. I would have preferred a statement like the above about having the Dragonewt Rune means some inhuman features rather than a tediously abstract exegesis about the treatment of runes between RQG and HQG.
  14. Would this count as a sign of not being human?
  15. Except there are plenty of stone weapons in the world which are not ablative. For example the Mere.
  16. If a human worshipping Aldrya means that he acquires the plant rune in RQG then I see no problem with a draconist like Orlaront having the Dragonewt Rune.
  17. Thinks metal weapons routinely going through armour is believable but stone weapons doing the same isn't? If the weapon actually went through armour as you think the rules suggest, then why doesn't the armour lose AP as a result of being penetrated? Perhaps the AP actually reflects the coverage as well as the thiickness?
  18. If you are going to use "RQ context" to say that a broadsword can penetrate bronze plate then surely the same argument can be made for stone weapons?
  19. Covert spirit possession. The spirit resides in you and every now and then casts a spirit magic spell which makes life difficult for you. You are working on an intricate lock and suddenly you are befuddled. Someone jostles your drink and the spirit casts fanaticism. You whip out your sword only to find it has been dullbladed. You have difficulty lighting fires. You can't run very fast.
  20. An example of a supposedly brittle stone weapon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mere_(weapon)
  21. However metal weapons do not normally penetrate solid metal armour, so..?
  22. Guide to Glorantha and Glorantha Sourcebook have most of the necessary information. Martaler of Gemborg was their first representative but was replaced by Iron Diamond Voice from Greatway after Martaler had a fight with the Only Old One for unknown reasons. IDV kept his position when the Council moved to Dorastor. However shortly afterwards Nida declared sanctions against Greatway (probably for Openhandism with the Second Council) which soon became a declaration of heresy when Greatway refused to capitulate. Only Gemborg is described as refusing to obey Nida at this time so the Jord and Imther Dwarves would have isolated themselves (Dwarf Mine under Isidilian is not mentioned which suggests its position is ambivalent). There's an obscure schism in Greatway at an unspecified date (presumably after the Sunstop). All we are told in the previous paragraph is that the "uppity eves took to leaning upon the rights of the dwarfs more and more". Angarko Diamond Voice quarrelled with Iron Diamond Voice and soon replaced him on the Broken Council, whereupon the Elves assassinated Angarko. I assume that Angarko was opposed to more concessions to the Elves and was murdered for his refusal but we don't have the Elvish side of the story. Greatway reduced its co-operation with the Broken Council after that "only inferior dwarf leaders came forward to help after that" and the only strong support among the Mostali for the Broken Council were those who lived in Dorastor. Nida sent a small band of volunteers to Dragon Pass to convert the dwarfs there back to the Decamony. They agreed and the Dragon Pass dwarfs sent troops to Dorastor to prove themselves whereupon most died and the survivors were bitter about this seemingly betrayal. This seems like Greatway but for the small point that it's in the Elder Wilds. There's possible explanations for this but describing them would be too long.
  23. Look at p377 of RuneQuest:Glorantha.
  24. If chaotic cults can have shamans, then why can't urban communities?
  25. There are Shamans just about everywhere in glorantha - even in Malkioni lands. They can live right in the cities as they mediate with the spirit world, not the wilds.
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