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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. The official information on Bevara is quite scare for the simple reason that the current thinking no longer favours myriad subcults. If Bevara exists, she wouldn't be a seperate cult, a name of Ernalda when she provides a specifc runespell.
  2. The Well of Daliath is a Chaosium resource. The association of Tenspear with the Lonendi (also called the Londendi) is also shown on a map in Wyrms Foornotes p15 (about the Upland Marsh) but that's about it.
  3. Who can tell the difference? To give an example, there is a myth (Tales Sea Special) about Magasta about how he was once deposed by Wachaza and later returned to power. When did it take place? Mythically most likely the Storm Age. HeroQuesters can visit the events and confirm them for themselves. But... ...Wachaza was the war god of the God Learners and Magasta the chief god of their early foes the Waertagi. This deposition and return happened within history. Before the God Learners, was there ever a myth about Magasta being deposed by Wachaza? No. But after the God Learners, the myth is as real as all the other myths about Magasta and Wachaza. We can only distinguish it from the others because of our knowledge of history. But that is irrelevant to the mythic world.
  4. The problem with Rikard is that while Uther sounds too Pendragon, changing the name to a thinly disguised knockoff of one of the better known Kings of England is a leap in the wrong direction.
  5. In the Stafford Campaign (p78), the wife of the King is given as Igraine. However the King is given as Uther so it's clearly not canon. FWIW IMO Uther was a better name than Richard the Tiger-Hearted.
  6. Govemeranen has already been mentioned. Revealed Mythologies p103, p120 mentions a Maluraya which jibs with what Jeff said about Ehilm.
  7. In Elder Secrets, Scholar Wyrm was depicted as a Wyrm with glasses so I really doubt that it's a title of a human. Likewise quoting population figures means little as population figures of the Rubble do not have any Wyrms listed. The Wyrm could be based at the Jelenkev library although existing descriptions do not mention a Wyrm there.
  8. I don't consider somebody's apprentice to be an independent person worth converting anymore than I consider their familiar to be independent. I seriously doubt the existence of an hitherto unknown Arkati sorcerer in the Rubble. As for Maculus, he is a mixed sorceror/lunar magician as written and it's debatable what the balance would be in RQG.
  9. There's really only two sorcerers in RQ3 - Halcyon vor Enkorth and Arlaten. I wouldn't convert the first and the second has a couple of background issues.
  10. I'm not aware of Dragon's Eye or Tink being in Heortland.
  11. Don't think it's helpful to tell newcomers to look at out-of-print material. In any case the RQ3 spells referred to are pretty much the same spells given in the RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary p61.
  12. Considering they have had a dynasty of Counts known as the Pygmy Counts and have many friends with the Impalas, racist Sun County seems rather hard to sustain. Plus there's likely Teshnan and Kralori populations in Sun County from the days of Sheng Seleris. The PC worships Yelmalio or the PC worships Elmal? That would be of greater significance to Sun County than their skin colour. Lodril is a distant ancestor and I've not even heard of the Men-and-a-half having a temple to him. Their main god is Foundchild and if they wanted to go for the flames, they are far more likely to consider Oakfed.
  13. The dates of his itinerary are given in Cults of Prax.
  14. Could be Kralori. Godunya is known to have visited Dragon Pass in EWF times.
  15. IMO the nature of dwarven stats is dependent on a number of factors that range from a) the dwarves been tailored to the task that they are intended for and b) When the World Machine was broken, the Decamony desperately suspended Quality Control to make the needed quotas for dwarven production. Dwarves have a severe shortage of workers that has lasted for so long that none of them can remember the days of surplus. There's no rejection of inferior units because all dwarves produced are inferior to what they could have been. An Iron Dwarf with a SIZ of 2, a STR of 4 and INT of 8 will always have a place in any Dwarven Society as an Iron Dwarf even though he would be rejected as unfit in any human army (except for possibly the Mobiks).
  16. I do. Silver Dwarves can be sorcerors with the same antipathy towards magic as their colleagues. Firstly a couple of Data Points. "They say they made the Red Moon." Guide p84 Guide p297 has a map with two dwarven magical suppression zones. Silver Dwarves IMO do not see magic as a positive force but a negative one to be soaked up and neutralized or expended. Enchantments are good because they embed magic within matter. Tapping is bad in that it destroys matter to create magic. This also applies to sentients. With uninhibited access to magic, the inhabitants of the surface world are surly and violent. When equipped with a device that restricts their magic, like a slave collar, they become meek and compliant. I think all the Silver Dwarf spells are variations on the technqiues in RQ Glorantha Bestiary p61 and require the expenditure of POW to cast. This impels them to cast massive spells rather than little ones like the humans would consider.
  17. Depends on what you mean? Are you referring to his appearance in King of Sartar? In the Guide, he's the returned Red Emperor and his goals are quite explicit.
  18. I myself that a complicated position - some Seshnegi priesthoods are compatible with Rightness and others aren't. The two most important ones that aren't are Daka Fal (known IMO to the Seshnegi as Old Man Malkion) and Humakt. Old Man Malkion's priests are Shamans and Shamanic Gifts and Geases would clash with Rightness and Caste Magic. The Priests of Old Man Malkion are aware of this, claim to be Righteous nevertheless and blame the incompatibility on Zzabur being vindictive. Their gifts and geases have a significantly Malkioni air to give their claims some plausibility despite clear wizard proof. They are loved by the non-Wizards for despite their Noble status, they willingly go out to minister to both the rich and the poor. They are generally unmolested by the Wizards because they are of noble rank - a Wizard will probably not lose Rightness for attacking a Shaman of Old Man Malkion but he will face the wrath of the Nobles for daring to attack one of them and also the commoners for attacking a popular religious figure. Commoner shamans of Old Man Malkion only have the support of the commoners and are considered criminals by the authorities. Humakti have gifts and geases and also sever themselves from society before rejoining. IMO a Seshnegi that joins Humakt has no Rightness and is considered legally dead. They participate in Seshnegi society by swearing allegiance to a Noble. Maybe if that Noble dies, they are supposed to die alongside him. A humakti that has no Noble master or one that has sworn himself to a non-Noble master is considered a criminal. Such Humakti are not killed on sight (other warriors generally have better things to do unless they are much better) but there is stil a huge sense of social unease around them. Again, the gifts and geases of Seshnegi Humakti might have a Malkioni air. Ehilm (Yelmalio) also has gifts and geases. Are his worshippers non-Righteous? I think instead of having gifts and geases, Seshnegi worshippers would have a bonus on their Rightness and Caste Magic. But the penalties for breaking Rightness is much harder for them than for other Malkioni.
  19. It's intentional. Dwarves don't like magic, viewing the material world of Glorantha as the highest form of reality. The spirit world, the middle air, the world of the Gods being increasingly magical are viewed as inferior realms worthy only of condemnation. Dwarves prefer to use gunpowder, iron and alchemy than mess about with Boon of Kargan Tor or Bladesharp. Even the magic they have to use is taken as a sign that the Gods War is not over yet. That doesn't preclude dwarves from using sorcery in your campaign or even dwarves using magic in canonical glorantha. Many dwarves have taken to experimenting with magic (individualists! *spit*) and so could have any assortment of spells. I'm pretty sure if Rockheart Veinseeker (Griffin Mountain) were rewritten for RQG, the writers would keep the fancy rune spells that he has and explain if off as a minor variation of Openhandism (using non-dwarvish magics to worship Mostal) that has so far escaped Nida's attention.
  20. Think you have read the history wrong. The Serpent Kings died out and one of their successors was Annilla who was sacrificing people in secret. That lead to the sealing of the temple by the True Hrestol Way. But that's one historical event and far from Nobles abandoned the worship of Seshna Likita ever afterwards. The Seshnelan Kings list itself describes the event as the worship of Seshna was "constrained to repress its more savage portions". Saval himself was crowned using the rituals of the Serpent Kings and the temple itself was open in Second Age Seshnela (Guide p412) So I really do not see why Nobles leading the Earth cults should be so "historically problematic". If you didn't like the idea, then note I just said it was my thinking, not a statement of truth, and move on. There's no need to waste time with appeals to authority of a fan publication. So why does King Guilmarn wear the Serpent Crown (Guide p412-413) then if the Serpent Kings were so bad? And it's pretty hard to look at the Frieze in https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/moondesign-com/jeffs-old-blogs/seshnela-art-direction/ and reconcile it with your apparent thinking that the Talars worship the Invisible God and nobody else. It's not a title that exists anymore in Glorantha.
  21. Ecclesiarch? Who's that? And why are Nobles leading Earth cults "historically problematic"? What's a pagan god? As I've pointed out before, the word isn't used at all in the Guide except for a single legacy text.
  22. Just to put my thinking out on how cults work in Seshnela. Instead of cults being confined to single castes (ie only the Farmers worship Farming Gods), I view the Nobles as providing the Religious Leadership of the Seshnegi cults. They provide the Priests and determine who gets initiated (their supporters obviously). Lower caste Malkioni who worship the Gods without a Noble Priest are rebels, guilty of caste crime with consequent loss of Rightness (except they are Hrestoli which makes them even more wicked). Since the demise of the God Learners, the Wizards do not get involved in the worship of the Gods. They are still haunted by what happened when their predecessors did. Where they are involved is in two places - a) determination of which Gods are right and proper to worship and b) amplifying any blessings the Priests may cast. A Priestess of Seshna Likita casts Bless Crops. Because she is a Noble, she's not likely to be as common as her counterparts in Dragon Pass and the Holy Country or even as powerful. But her magic is ultimately more effective because the Wizards see the magic as a beneficial blessing from the Gods (whom they regard as forces of nature) which they amply and boost as part of their duties. Thus in Seshnela, the Nobles and Wizards work in syngery for the benefit of all (weighted in their own favour but for all).
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