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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. Ambushes are not dishonorable. Breaches of hospitality etc. are. A Humakti may be forbidden by his god to be part of an ambush but that's his problem rather than a general view that ambushes are dishonorable.
  2. There are numerous Sun Dome temples in the Lunar Provinces. Elmal is not very strong there precisely because of these temples. Further north in the Heartlands proper, the people are Pelorians, not Orlanthi. There Anitius is recognized as part of Yelm.
  3. He made a reaction to my first post. Unless you have anything meaningful to say (instead of needlessly prolonging this tedious misunderstanding), I'm done here.
  4. SC said the dates conflicted, was corrected on this and acknowledged the correction. JRE is persisting with the conflicting dates despite the correct dates being pointed out at least twice in this thread. You shouldn't be making creative explanations for something that didn't exist in the first place.
  5. What contradictory evidence is there? Leika and Jostharl lived a century apart!
  6. KoS p180 has Jostharl ruling from 1525 to 1535 ST. Leika herself is mentioned in the same document with the years 1625 to 1638 ST.
  7. Rather than make special rules about High Shamanic Ideal, I'd say that Pamalt has a regular RQ style cult (Tales #11 is the fullest bar the prosopedia) with the following caveats: The Pamalting are expected to know as much spirit magic as possible. Rather than sacrifice for Rune Magic at a temple, the Pamalting learns them from Spirit Cults instead. In other places, such as the northern coast, Pamalt might have a more conventional cult with organized temples The Necklace is IMO pretty much the same as the Storm Tribe or Orlanth's Ring, the relationship of the Gods of Pamaltela to Pamalt and vice versa.
  8. Ice demon stats are found in the Somking Ruins and Other Stories p181-182
  9. The people serving the sorcerors (Princes, Fighters and Commoners) would worship any city god. Whether it is the guy who founded the city (normally a non-sorceror as building stuff is a worldly distraction) or a demon summoned and bound by the leading sorcerer of the city is another matter. City Gods in Seshnela are usuaully Noble Ancestors. I think the Loskalmi would rely on the bound gods or spirits that are fed by the commoners. The Loskalmi who are worshipped for being saints/ascended masters have achieved more important stuff than founding a mere city (case in point - Siglat). The Arkati have normal city gods.
  10. Coz he's always on the move and difficult to get hold of.
  11. The Dwarves say Yes. Everybody else says No.
  12. Some Arkati (specifically followers of Arkat the Devil) do use Chaos.
  13. He's more of a draconist than a Nysaloran illuminate, having been converted IMO through the agency of the sinster Daystar. As such he would hang around with dragonewts rather than chaos.
  14. The Entekosiad potrays Etyries as a near contemporary of Valare Addi suggesting she was active in 1220 ST. If she came from South Peloria, Esrolia would have been barred by the Inhuman Occupation.
  15. The God Learners rarely invented names from whole cloth - the names in their in their monomyth were taken from elsewhere. So merely because Hykim appears in the monomyth does not preclude it from appearing earlier. I don't think there is a Hykimi pantheon/tradition any more. The Serpent Beast brotherhood who might have had common myths backed the wrong side in the Gbaji Wars and ended up destroyed. The Fiwan are either too far south or under the protection of the Elf Empire. That only leaves the Hsunchen in the Shan Shan.
  16. There is Fiwan, a Pamaltelan term. Hykmi.
  17. A base for the pirates within the Mirrorsea would be the County of the Isles off the coast of Heortland (Guide p251)
  18. In the Fortunate Succession, there's some elf reforestation going on in those regions in the late Dawn Age and early Imperial Age. Why it collapses is unstated with any number of reasons being possible.
  19. Probably the trolls of Oral-Ta which is closer to the Wall than Southpoint.
  20. Since Snodal was one of the Syndics, it seems to me that the Syndics were leaders of the settled Fronela. Which would make the other leaders come from Arrolia, Alem, Jonatela etc. Hence I'm inclined to see the Syndic as being that of a real world equivalent - an equivalent of a mayor or councillor. But all this depends on whether Greg was influenced by Anarchism...
  21. According to Trollpak p31, Xem and his fellows is from the Kingdom of Seshnela having been found there by Jonat Bigbear. How Trolls got to Seshnela (ie not Guhan) is a big question that is probably unanswerable since the Luatha destroyed all the evidence.
  22. I had understood based on the original text in Different Wolds that the Third Eye Blue Empire was in mythical times (ie in the Storm Age) and that the casting down of their Empire was the eruption of Nida. They did aid Daxdarius (fortunate succession p82, entekosiad p85) but no mention of iron then. EDIT: The relevant text from different worlds is: So the TEB were the first to work iron after the example of their founder. Since the TEB were active in the Storm Age, their Empire and overthrow would have been around then. The parenthetical so they say would be untenable for an Imperial Age Empire because other people would have noticed.
  23. On the subject of EWF sorcery (assuming the Rough Guide is set in the heyday of Pavis). set in RQ terms. I think people could only cast Dragon magic if they had been draconized first (basically spoekn to a dragon and aquired draconic wisdom etc). For most humans learning dragon magic would be the same as learning rune spells (even to the extent that they cast the Dragon Magic as a normal rune spell and not at SR 1 as the inscrutable Dragonewts do) Alternative ways of learning Dragon Magic (ie as a shamanic gifts or through sorcery) are more exotic. I think there is no essential difference between the EWF cantrips and spirit magic. The EWF cantrips were created primarily to acquire draconic wisdom (in order to learn the *real* Dragon Magic) *but* people kept using these cantrips for mundane purposes. For example Scaled Skin would just be the spirit magic protection spell which has the visible effect of covering the skin in faint scales. The more EWF cantrips you cast, the better your chance of becoming draconically wise but the odds would be on the level of doubling a chance of winning a lottery ticket. If you think EWF cantrips should be more powerful than spirit magics, then a way to model it might be to stipulate that casting an EWF cantrip in the presense of a dragon (even one that is sleeping) would be amplified by one magic point. People can use Dragon Magic, Rune Magic and Spirit Magic at the same time. A good example is Obduran who established the cult of Orlanth Dragonfriend.
  24. Rockhart is from Greatway. His worship of Mostal could be explained as a conscious imitation of non-mostali ways to recreate the original (now lost) worship of Mostal. Nida probably has a file on him labelling him an apostate and Greatway refuses to take any action against him to annoy Nida.
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