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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. The Crusade no longer exists. There is the Thunder Mountain Jump (Guide p721) when he clung to the side of a Giant Ram to bypass the defences of Dorastor (Dorastor: Land of Doom p103) He slew Diamondonus He destroyed an army of Purple Men at the Ground Land. He also saved Kwaratch Kang's life at Inti Pardo where the Great Crocodile Man lives (these last three from the Gude p721)
  2. p377 - the most surprising feature about the picture is that Alangellia was the last ruler in Ralios that I would have associated with Arkat. p384 - Irn is finally located. Was surprised to see it in Ralios when I had assumed from the mention of Elder Secrets that it was in Maniria. p385 - Tinaros has a pretty interesting religious setup. Argin Terror disdains all cults with equal disdain so that cults unwelcome in other cities have temples here. I wonder if that includes Chaotic cults?
  3. p374 - the text sorts out a major confusion about Arkat. Namely his death at the hands of Palangio was not the same event as his confrontation at Kartolin.
  4. The Metals of Acos, an essay in Elder Secrets Book of the Elder Secrets Boxed Set. Were it to be reprinted again, I daresay many of the extraneous details about Bertalor would be changed to fit in what is now know about him (for instance, he would be referred to as a King rather than a sorceror-prince etc)
  5. The Guide has a list of the Nine Great Gods on p373. They are: Matches up well with Bertalor's names. The same names appear in the Glorantha Sourcebook in the Xeotam Dialogue. Flamal is a minor God according to the Guide and Eurmal may be known as Yomat, the Friend of Men.
  6. That's nice but I intentionally didn't offer any evidence for such creatures but conjectured their existence as a simple gloranthan explanation for salt in glorantha. It works for me. It may work for others. I offered it solely in that spirit. I merely gave my opinion and can see no value in giving further detail merely to satisfy your tart demands, considering that you've already decried it as bollocks. The whole question has too little information to settle matters either way so it's not worth the bother of thrashing it out point-by-point or offering evidence which you won't accept.
  7. There you go again, using real world science in a place where it doesn't belong. Chalk comes from a different type of microscopic creature obviously.
  8. Salt is the bones of tiny sea creatures slain during the Gods War. It is analogous to metal being the bones of the earth. Magasta is important because his death magic helps the merfolk survive in the presence of death.
  9. Merely forming a triaty would have been Big News in the first two centuries after the Dawn as there sign of the Theyalans making new tribes. The only other example are the Yoke Clan which is settling Dorastor and the Skanthi. Yet three clans decide to break with the social order that Heort left us and form a brand new tribe? Where's these people coming from? The tribe is specified as Theyalan which means Heortlings. Otherwise they would have been noted as Esrolians or Ditalings or whatever. And there's a big leap between the lightbringer missionaries as described as a whole tribe being created to propogate the lightbringer way. I don't think they went west to spread the good news but were in it for less ideal motives (land, fame, fortune etc). This and what follows smacks far too much of social engineering to my eyes to be at all a plausible account for the formation for the formation of the Vathmai.
  10. I'm really not interested in parading one's knowledge of real world geology or chemistry. This is Glorantha. Simply stating that the heat is from vulcanism is boring. Simply stating that the salt is from mineral baths is also boring. The lack has three unusual features 1) heat 2) salt 3) dinosaurs. You should focus on mythic and supernatural explanations rather than RW scientific ones. Which would make velociraptors not dinosaurs in that they are neither big or hulking. Yet they have been in Glorantha as far back as Borderlands. I really don't buy your narrow definition considering that ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs are as recognizably saurian as pterodactyls. Modern scientific classifications have no place in glorantha considering that it's all about the look and feel. The Vanekauan sea doesn't fit as all that is said about it is that there are troll fleets. The Dereledon is not that far from the Shan Shan considering that the map on p74 has Suvaria well to the west of where it actually is.
  11. Except that Sir Ethilrist mentions the High Pools as a battle already fought while he was traversing the Mislari Mountains in a northwards direction (The actual text says to the Arrolian Properties but Greg was probably using an old map at the time)
  12. The amount of salt produced by mineral springs isn't enough to make what should be a freshwater lake into a saltwater one (two big lakes exist in the North Island here, both are modestly heated yet are freshewater). Moreover volcanic activity is a boring explanation. This is glorantha. What definition of dinosaurs are you using? Or it could be a remnant of the Dareledon Sea (Book of Heortling Mythology p75)
  13. The Esvulari are descended from the Ingareens of Jon Barat obviously (whether through the Gansafvuli or the Denavuli is interesting but not relevant to the matter at hand). What I find unusual about the Vathmai is that the tribe appears to have been created since the Dawn and are the only new Theyalan tribe known in that time. There is a big difference between the Esvulari (who are first mentioned 400 plus years after the Dawn) and the Vathmai who a described as a tribe just over 100 years afterwards. If the Vathmai were described as a clan or an Esrolian house *then* it wouldn't seem so strange. But they are described as a Theyalan tribe.
  14. p355 boxed text - Varstari is being courted by the Lunar Empire. This always seems a bit of a stretch to me. I think it more likely that the Red Earth Alliance is responsible. p358 - Handra is considerably well out in the bay of the Noshain that the first settlers must have been incredibly brave to dare the Closing to reach the site.
  15. P352 -The mysterious Vathmai appear again. They are described as Theyalan but are not one of the known Theyalan tribes. Moreover making new tribes doesn't appear to be the done thing around 115 ST P361 - I think the 100 Lakes near Swarz are the same as the High Pools first mentioned in the History of My Black Horse Troop.
  16. But that isn't why Bisos isn't worshipped today. He's worshipped because he intercedes for Idovanus (Entekosiad p75) . And also: Hence I see Bisos as being Storm Bull minus the anti-chaos fury plus the blessings of Idovanus. But there is the presence of the Bleak Land in nearby Charg that may change things and Uroxi tribes are mentioned.
  17. Your thesis that YarGan is Vadeli is solely your opinion. He's in the wrong age (Flood Era) to be a vampire.
  18. I'm sighing because it sounds to me as silly as Dolebury (which has now been taken out).
  19. The Atarks or the Extark (or variations thereof in the Entekosiad) or the Goakstart (Glorious ReAscent or Guide p671 that slew Vanarthurd. It seems to be a monstrous other that attacks enemies of the Women's Tribe (who are described several times as saying "I do not know what you are talking about). The Red King apparently fought it at some point and in doing so became Naveria's father.
  20. Big mountains can be visited by the Orlanthi every high holy day without a temple. Middle sized mountains can be visited every seasonal holy day without a temple. Small mountains can be visited every week without a temple, Within the Grey Zones, worship to Orlanth must be conducted within a temple.
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